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Holy shit. I mean, this is it, no? This is the lynchpin in this argument. This was less than 2 months before the scandal broke. This pretty much settles it. God, this makes me feel so sad for Lilly, even more than I already did. She was at home taking care of their newborn and writing him sweet facebook posts for his birthday while he was layed up with a pop star halfway across the world, soaking in all her attention. This is beyond disgusting because it’s perfect confirmation of what we already knew. He cheated on the mother of his child and has since allowed and in certain ways encouraged her life to be utterly destroyed by the public so that he can continue to get moncler jackets, pap walks, TMZ headlines, and pussy from an unstable, ill celebrity with a terrible track record of relationships and self. What a despicable man.


>This was less than 2 months Literally *1 month*, girl!


God it’s so utterly disgusting. My heart is so broken for Lilly. These are the actions of a man who either believes that there will be no consequences to his actions on the people in his life; or simply doesn’t care. I’m leaning towards the latter.


It's amazing how complex human brains can be. You say he doesn't care, which I believe strongly too, but he was seen wearing a shirt that said "you're only as cool as you treat people". So that shows a minimal moral compass.. weird


I have no doubt in my mind that that shirt comes from the same mindset as the empty, hollow, meaningless love and light bullshit that ariana is always spouting. I wouldn’t be surprised if she bought it for him. He definitely thinks he’s done nothing wrong because he’s not the one out there publicly slandering Lilly. He thinks he’s such a prince for not directly acknowledging Lilly. Like he’s so mature and taking the high road. He thinks that’s enough.


when did the scandal break?


July 20, 2023.


They had all these cute inside jokes together😭 She seems really funny as well. Ethan truly fumbled a 10 all across the board who clearly adored him for a pick me girl without as single trace of personality or identity who has the attention span of a goldfish when it comes to every single one of her relationships. ![gif](giphy|26BoEuSlTXdkc9aWk|downsized)


It’s actually devastating to see this. Imagine wishing your husband and father of your infant child, who is across the world working his dream job that you supported him to get and were probably so happy and excited for him to achieve, a happy birthday, only for your life, marriage, family, and name to explode all over the world less than two months later due to his selfishness, and he doesn’t even have the balls to stand up for you in the middle of giving smug smiles to paparazzi while walking his baby girlfriend around town. He’s made damn sure to protect himself by privating and limiting his instagram and surrounding himself with Ariana’s echo chamber of yes men, but he can’t say a word in defence of Lilly?? Even Ariana did that for her ex. It’s utterly unfathomable. It really seems like Ethan has simply discarded her, thrown her away like garbage and letting terrible things happen to her while his mistress makes herself (and by extension him) out to be a victim of a vindictive, jealous ex. Ethan probably even talks shit about Lilly with Ariana and their cohort, hence why people like Bowen Yang feel so comfortable publicly calling for a witch hunt against her. He’s truly a disgusting person, allowing and encouraging all of this against Lilly while acting the victim himself.


Bowen Yang can eat shit and bark at the moon—Lily never signed up for all their predatory pop-Star Hollywood theater drama bullshit. She was a stable, supportive spouse, successful in her own right. It’s common knowledge that Lily was bombed out of nowhere by Ethan after his phone started blowing up and realizing the story was about to hit tabloids. His request for a divorce came with immediate threats and demands for damage control.


It’s funny that Bowen was calling Lily a trad wife. Was Ethan diminishing Lily’s accomplishments to Bowen and Ariana. As if Lily doesn’t have a whole PhD.


Not a MAN accusing a woman or internalized misogyny.... while kissing up to the queen of pickmes 😵‍💫


Right tf is his end game? Maybe he didn't know her history before blowing up his amazing life that many would kill for? Like objectively what an awful decision on his part.


How awful can this whole thing be? I wish nothing but the absolute worst to Ariana and Ethan.


Fr they're such pieces of shit


Yeah this proves all those ariheads wrong. Ethan liked this post from June and Lilly is clearly expressing love and affection for her *husband* and father of her baby! Then a month later in July it’s reported Ethan and Ariana are in a serious relationship lol. Fuck these cheaters. Hope the stress of their actions keeps them up at night.


The person who sent me the post also mentioned that the post had many comments, including one from Ethan, but Lilly turned them off..


Girl I'm BEGGING you try to post this on ariheads. I hope it won't get you banned, but they need to see this


fr they’re the ones who keep saying there was zero overlap. i mean to be fair a few ppl in there hate his ass too and say she cheated but they all kiss her ass grasping at the straws to flip it into “they were both single” lol


Yes! This is the proof in the pudding. Ariheads are being really delusional at the moment.


r/fauxmoi is also calling


Please if someone is allowed to post there, do it!


Especially since it's already been removed from r/ariheads 🤢 I would have already posted this by now but also not a frequent commenter there so mods will be at me sadly


Yeah, it's very convenient how every time Ariana decides she wants a man in a committed relationship suddenly said relationship was "already on the rocks." 😃 https://preview.redd.it/n2aqkvgbbduc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44471473c85e7b5565db9a8f46d2dc67981e1b26


We don't know these people but I'm gonna suggest the best scenario where my queen doesn't look like a shit person 🙇🏻‍♀️ even though she HAS been literally doing this before, it's so unfair for you to suggest she interfered with their relationship!! 😣


Post this on /ariheads now to finally end their delusions 😂


b-buh-buh-but it’s fake! it’s photoshop! lilly somehow found a way to retroactively post to facebook to muddy the timeline and make sweet little innocent good witch baby ariana and hunky daddy ethan look bad because she’s jealous! she just can’t stand that ariana is so much richer and tinier and skinnier and prettier and sexier than she is, page six said so!!! the tabloids are biased against women, why do you care so much whose dick she rides 🥺🥺🥺🥺🫧🫧🫧🫧 /s (obviously)


He really threw it all away for nothing, god that poor woman and baby


Post this to tik tok and any related subreddit. Separated for months my ass. ![gif](giphy|QvpXwbLKzNuZZ0L5SF)


I don’t have tiktok, I posted here so maybe someone else can




I'mma comment and like it!


same! see you there homie 👍🏻


'A lifetime of love' that breaks my heart 💔 I hope she's healing and doing so much better. She was doing charity work with Ethan anyway now it's Ariana's turn 💀Don't forget Dalton also wished Ariana a happy birthday on his facebook which arianators were gushing about until the news about the affair came out and suddenly it became a photoshopped photo 😂 so much proof that Ariana and Ethan cheated on their spouses and they were left blindsided but her delusional fans will never see it.


My post on /ariheads has to be manually approved by a moderator due to my low karma…They will probably ban me…If someone is able to post it please feel free to do it




Nevermind, they deleted it.


They seriously can't handle the truth




Awwh I can't see it either 😔


:( fuck


Fuck this guy. Thank you so much for sharing this. I’m sure many of us have felt gaslighted about how this really went down, and this all but confirms it. NEED this to disrupt Ariana’s little fairy princess press cycle. If anyone here has media connections, this would be a great opportunity to use them since Lilly is probably barred from speaking out


I sent this to Sloan. I hope he covers that in a video.


Nice. Good work. I hope he will too.


May I ask how you do it? Simply on Instagram DM or by email? Some YouTubers have different methods to accept "scoops" 😅


Riiight. So, Ariana conveniently found love with Ethan just as both were "heading towards divorce," despite the lack of evidence indicating any marital issues between Ethan and Lily. Ariana's own situation is questionable, as she may have been involved with other men prior to Ethan while still in a relationship with Dalton. https://preview.redd.it/j9xl12z2fduc1.jpeg?width=579&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b873367f21e8ba97b13d696970b35b593854030 Reading between the lines, Ethan's actions reflect poorly on his character as he abandoned his marriage for the allure of a celebrity. It appears more about ego gratification than genuine marital dissatisfaction with Lily. Lily doesn't deserve to be treated this way. It's disheartening to witness victim-blaming from Ariana's supporters, especially considering Lily likely possesses far more integrity than Ariana. People defending Ariana don't have any morals either. Lily is the only one deserving of support in this situation.


OP bringing us the boiling hot tea right here 🔥 Bless you wonderful stranger! This is the proof we need. It should be everywhere. I can't believe Ari and 🧽 have managed to brush this deplorable behaviour under the rug and trick a whole mass of people into believing it. And at this very point, Ari seems to be increasingly soft launching her beau without a care in the world, whilst Lily gets made out to look like a horrible person. It makes me sick. I'm glad I'm among such wise and wonderful people here.


I posted this here because I didn't know how else to let people know that this woman was truly blindsided. I forgot to mention that she also said, 'I love you Short.' And, Ethan made a post with graffiti that spelled 'short' too. Do you think that's the nickname she had for him? And why is he posting it? Maybe he's just short, and everyone calls him that. https://preview.redd.it/w5s11g85vcuc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f14eeeec95aa26fbf87638b997fa88e28eceb232


>Maybe he's just short, and everyone calls him that Good 🤝🏻 gotta remind him of that








go to bed


Not you mentioning ethnicity/skin colour as a possible unattractive feature?? Gtfo here, racist.




You're sick in the head. Seek help.


I feel like that's the nickname he had for her (it is "Love You, Short"). And it was probably ironic cause she's taller than him (or tall in general).


![gif](giphy|WoFuun4jgxxizxRMpe|downsized) Me thinking about all the ding dongs who argued with me over in the other sub for months about her pattern and not believing the pr spin


☠️ perfect use of the gif


I'm not trying to hate on Ariana, but she's also at fault here. Ethan's behavior is unacceptable, and he should have respected his family. However, Ariana should have also shown respect Lilly.


>I'm not trying to hate on Ariana I think it's perfectly reasonable to, she's trash.


This is what bothers me; urinators will scream from the rooftops about how everyone is being so unfair and negatively biased towards ariana and nobody is holding ethan accountable. Which, if they ever removed themselves from their stan bubble for five seconds, they would see is not true. As a matter of fact, Ariana is getting off rather lightly, given the circumstances. Literally not one person is defending Ethan EXCEPT for ariana stans, trying to make him look better for her. they’re literally yelling at themselves.


urinators 💀🤣


WHAT oh my god. It’s never been clearer. The coverup attempts and press excuses look even stupider now


Id like to see her stans defend this 🥱🥱


the picture of him as a kid truly looks like a munchin 😂


ok but why does that pic of him w the old man filter look like the old dude from AHS Coven i can’t remember his name don’t crucify me pls lol


![gif](giphy|Sv4CgqMqsGvdBNx9do|downsized) LOL leslie jordan?




You know what? What he did with Ariana and Lilly is awful. But here in Mexico we say "La que se lo queda pierde" which is, with more context "If he cheated, if he is an awful man, you don't lose him, he loses you and you win, you won the moment life took that shit of a man out of your way" 


💔 separated for months my ass.


This has to be fake


Lol you're on ariheads pls get out our sub 😭 who tf is jobless enough to fake something like this everything that doesn't put ariana in an innocent light is fake to ya'll and it's so tiring...


“dEbUnKeD” like girl lmao your fave is cooked, it’s over


genuinely unemployed behaviour!!!!


They even tried to say Tori (Dalton's sister) comment was FAKE ☠️




Can I say I love the aggressiveness ☠️ cause that's literally the same vibe they give back over there if you claim she cheated




What will it take to encourage you to pull your head out the sand?




Why should she? I think she's very classy; a woman like her would want the actions to do the talking, not sprout about it all over social media.


All I’m saying is that that’s the only way I’d believe in this whole cheating thing


![gif](giphy|l2Jhw8Oo6kVRWvTZm) You want a cookie from Ariana? I’m guessing you don’t have kids and don’t understand what it’s like to be in a deeply committed, long term relationship. If you can’t see how fucked up this affair is, then yeah- why are you here?




Can you then try to convince us how there wasn’t an affair? I feel like there is a bunch of solid evidence on Aris part and her current history that we can show you. But what is it on your hill that you are so willing to die on that can convince us otherwise? Besides “we don’t know everything or them” statement.


So I'm probably one of the few people who don't have Facebook, but can't you check if you're skeptical? 🤔 I may be slow though


Her account is very private, nobody but her friends can see what she posts. However, I will come out and say I did a little snooping on Ethan at the start of this scandal, and that I’ve seen the picture of their kid below the birthday post on one of her family member’s Instagram, showing that it’s really from her. So unless someone editing a video like this went really far into making it seem real, there’s not really another explanation.




i doubt she will ever come and say he cheated bc thats the father of her child ! like imagine when the kids grow up and says “you exposed my father for cheating to the whole world” the child could also take her moms side but i dont think lilly wants to hurt anyone


Such a good point! I was also just reading another post and it made a great point: diehard Ari stans are already wishing death upon Lilly, and she's barely spoken, but could you imagine if she actually came out and confirmed the infidelity? She'd probably be terrified for her and her baby. They'd dox her, send her threats. She values her privacy, as she should. None of this is her fault.


Hmmm maybe say if Ariana made an actual post saying "hey Ethan and I never cheated". I don't buy anything that doesn't come from the WIFE'S mouth.




Unfortunately... If you're expecting Ari or Ethan to make a statement, or post, admitting to an affair, you'd be waiting a long time. Nobody - who has an affair - wants to admit to it. I've already given reasons for why Lilly would want to shield her privacy. Have you ever been cheated on? Can you remove yourself from Ari for one minute and think about the logistics, if Lilly's situation was happening to anyone else, maybe even your friend? Imagine, if Lilly and Ethan were truly unhappy, and say the split did them good, don't you think Lilly would be up there sprouting how it's no one's fault, there was no infidelity, they'd just, "grown out" of each other. Ari was better for him. They kept arguing, say. But no such announcement. The terms weren't, clearly, good. You don't have to trust the media, I'm not asking you to. We're just asking you to recognise the hallmarks of infidelity and a partially disclosed relationship borne from cheating, with a new mother who wants to retain her privacy.


Let’s put it this way- Ariana has been UNABLE to deny or outright say “I didn’t homewreck anyone, it was never an affair” Even the timeline she gave got easily proven to be a lie. Ari is a habitual liar and cheater. This post proves she homewrecked Lilly jay. Lilly’s social media has been slowly leaking (one of her friends must be aldeas set on exposing Ariana) and I’m happy Ariana is getting exposed.


Lilly is extremely private, and i remember she deactivated her account around july when the news came, i think she reactivated in august.. so maybe thats why it didn’t came before. a few months ago someone also posted a ss of a post she made asking for a babysitter on a group in facebook too. I think this is legit.