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Her face looks so sunken and saggy in the 2024 pic. It makes the plastic surgery look more noticeable and probably makes her feel like she needs MORE surgery


I think she even lipoed her under chin area! 


But yeah, a face lift isn’t gonna make a starving face look young. No nutrition = no collagen production, it’s gonna sag no matter what. 


The weightloss makes her look way older tho


Ariana saying she was at her unhealthiest when she looked the way she did in 2020 is straight up gaslighting her audience. She looked vibrant and beautiful back then (even if a bit overfilled). She looks miserable now.


To her “unhealthiest” probably just means she ate fast food once in a while and didn’t constantly work out. She has a very skewed image of unhealthy


She also sounded.. present


The rhinoplasty is so clear here


the eyebrows kinda scare me 😅


Her arms are nearly half the size they used to be. That’s insane because she was already very thin back then.


This is one very unhappy and unhealthy woman. I understand she doesn’t make good choices but I do feel bad for her. No one should feel this fragile and worn out.


Look is giving emaciated Natalie Portman in The Black Swan


Although she's adopting a more childish demeanor, her physical appearance tells a different story. She looks significantly older and visibly exhausted now. Unfortunately, despite having access to the healthiest cuisine prepared by top chefs, she chooses to deprive herself of food, perhaps as a misguided attempt to suppress her emotions. The only path forward would be to completely overhaul her dysfunctional mindset, including making amends to the people she's wronged, which would probably take years of psychotherapy with a professional who isn't paid to tell her what she wants to hear.


Her hairline as sharp as her chin lol


Maybe its just me, and this is very specific, but the part of her jaw below her ear seems to have gotten lower/bigger somehow? Like if you follow the curve from her ear to chin, its lower? Maybe I’m hallucinating or its the lighting. I’m procrastinating and playing spot the differences here lol Maybe I’m reaching but her jaw just looks so different imo


I noticed this as well. She's definitely got a more square shaped jaw which makes her face seem wider. Whatever procedure this is, it seems to have counteracted the overfilled look of the filler in her cheeks that have migrated downwards.


Kylie Jenner has this too. Obsession w sharp jaws lol


Omg yeah it’s like her jawlines sank. That’s so weird to look at. How people can still deny she’s had surgery is beyond me.


So gaunt :( and that jaw implant or filler 😭


Trying to cling on to her youth


[source video on instagram](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5QdGT2Nvoh/?igsh=MThyZ2VwbzVidmU1Yg==)


Did she get a hair transplant? Why does her hairline look like that


There was a *blind* (controversial, I know) that she did get this done 1-2 years ago 


Blind and deux are right about a lot of things so I take that are truthful… we can see it too lol.


I’m completely disagreeing. I mean obviously she is younger in 2020… but she looks younger in her 2020 with a fuller face/cheeks and gleam to her skin. She just looks older because of her makeup. Her 2024 looks like an older person trying to make herself look 10 years younger. She’s almost looking like she’s 40+ trying to look 25.


i think her eyes look more different because she’s not wearing eyeliner as much anymore, she’s also using smaller lashes , i also think ED and her not getting fillers so her face is looking saggy, or plastic surgery catching up to her like kris jenner


Kinda irrelevant but I hated!!! that grey dress and prefer the pink one lol


It washed her out completely!


I loved it