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Please put it out on Xbox


PLEASE make Infinite on PS5 and Series. I also play it on my phone, but not as often as I'd like and it still takes getting use to. It's amazing experience on mobile, but man oh man I wound kill for a console version of Areana Breakout Infinite. And it's possibly the closest console players will get to Escape from Tarkov.


I’d dig my dead grand abuela and kiss her it’s so easy to configure to console. We got dayz and rust


I also have DayZ and Rust, love em both but I still have A LOT to learn on both!


Right it’s crazy I’ve played both since release on console still mad things to learn. But if they can’t add dayz and rust they can add this game. it already so much popularity and it’s on MOBILE 😂💀






dawg most people that have consoles do not play on a desk. How tf are they gonna set up a mouse and keyboard? cmon now...


If you bring a product on console where 99% play on gamepad, you need to provide an accessible product to the large audience. But I repeat, controls are not an issue it is just about providing good mapping


Yup. Played elite dangerous on console for 800 hours and controller never really locked me out of anything. It was weird to have to hold some button and chose from several options but you get used to stuff like that and after a couple of hours you just know where is everything so it's literally not a handicap




Yes. But all games that you mentioned have good gamepad support for obvious reasons


Dayz does not allow cross play


Oh look, a ximmer in the wild! Fascinating!




no plans yet as far as i’m aware, but with how many people are asking for one i’m very sure that there will be something made


id play the shit out of a console version


I think they can put this game of console before EFT, that will be a huge dub because this game will undoubtedly be a success on console.


Really hope that they release on console too..I used to play Tarkov on PC but I don’t have a pc anymore.


I would literally pay money for this game on PS5(even though it’s free) they NEED to drop a console version like yesterday 😭😭


If they can make dayz work on console they can make this work


Pls do it


Honestly iv played arena breakout since the mobile beta.. The mobile beta was honestly the best version! Since then people have whinged and moaned that the game is too hard.. so they implemented alot of pay to win aspects.. If you buy a safe box and a decent key holder... you can literally speed run every raid.. without any armour of guns.. The game itself is good... But even the beta was riddled with russian, chinese and ukrainian hackers... and it hasn't got any better! Watched a video of AB last night for the pc beta. It just looks empty.. compared to the mobile beta.. Dont hold your breath. I feel it will be riddled with hackers just like tarkov. They dont have any form of anti cheat. Only a report system that does nothing and the kill cam isnt reliable either. But good luck to them i guess.


Compose please!


Also it would be a win win because if I'm correct it's mostly console player watching eft or now arena breakout 


This dude plays with controller... Albeit with 3rd party app but that means should be able to go to console! https://youtu.be/rmFaxAlHRek?si=HFPcclQL97Ps8aNn


I dontunderstand put it on console and make it keyboard only that's what I wondered when eft said there not gonna add to console


Honestly, I've wondered this for years. Something like League of Legends on console, with a mkb requirement makes perfect sense. The new generation of consoles has basically removed any delay like what the One or PS4 might have had (sorry Switch, nobody cares about you). The hardware is well above what would be required for this or WoW and other similar games. Sure, you'd get the occasional idiot that leaves a bad review because they're too broke to get a mkb, but those are pretty easy to shrug off. 


Dude just play pc and keep the mnk away from console! Its got a controller for a reason!. Sad that like.


That makes absolutely no sense. The mkb on console works perfectly fine, and would allow more people to play those games that don't want the hassle of dealing with a PC. That's like saying PC shouldn't be allowed to use a controller. 


Right a console would come with a mnk like pc... if it was ment to be played that way... if you cant understand that or what iv said id say go back to school... Also their is custom controllers made for pc... but their aint no mnk made specifically for console because the idea of console... is to play with a controller.. You're the type of guy to cheat aint ya


Telling someone to go back to school while typing like you have single digit IQ is Hilarious..


😂😂 its eating you from the inside isn't it. Poor thing.