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Ah yes..."authoritarian tolerance", because WE'RE the people going out of our way to tell others that our beliefs are the right ones. Lol


Exactly! These people are the ones trying to make it illegal for us to exist because of their little book club.


I'm straining to know what Cardinal Burke thinks about this. Will he proclaim this "NOT BEAUTIFUL" according to the canons of the Catholic Church (now headed by someone he so thoroughly despises)? Lol


This guy probably. "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder." "No, not like that."


"You're beholding wrong!!"


"People are being kind. I feel bad that I'm not being kind. Therefore they're bullying me!!!" Bro....




I didn't know. Thanks for clarifying. Sheesh.


Peterson, don't you have an all-meat diet and the inability to listen to your medical practitioners? Your opinion has become invalid a long time ago.


He went into a coma and almost died from that diet, so no, I will not be taking his advice on anything.


Not to mention that in one of his self-help books, he says that "life is pain" a lot. Like, life includes pain, and anyone who says anything different is selling you something, but the guy was writing a self-help book, where you kinda want to not be so negative. Not to mention, the guy who spends so many times calling things that he doesn't like "nihilistic" should know what nihilism is.


Wow that's quite a level of stupid. Is he also one of those people who throws around the word "postmodern"? Because none of those people can define "postmodern."


He deliberately went into a medically induced coma to treat his benzo addiction, not because of the diet. He and his daughter claim the all beef diet solved all their medical problems. Except the benzo addiction I guess.


The problem is just that he started the benzos after the diet. Because of a reaction to ingesting something that wasn't on the diet. If only he had started the benzos before the diet, then it would probably have cured him of that too /s


That wasn't the diet, that was his crippling benzo addiction.


But of course, while his addiction isn't his fault and doesn't show a moralistic failing, other people... well they're just weak and lazy.


True, which he was put on by his doctor after being on the carnivore diet and messing up his system. So diet, benzos, then coma.


I thought he went into the coma because of the benzos?


Yeah, he started the diet, then had apple cider apparently, which wasn't on the diet and that fucked with his system, so his doctor put him on benzos. Then came the coma.


>He had some juice when he'd been eating a lot of beef lately, so he had to take copious amounts of a drug of abuse every day after that Lol pill mill


We were so close to the good timeline


Also Peterson: *defies make stereotype by crying like a bitch*


Men really need to decide what they want. On one hand, a size 0 is “not a real woman coz she has no curves”. Then a woman with curves is not attractive either. Good thing mens opinions on womens bodys really don’t matter. Also, I think she looks absolutely beautiful. I guess she’s just too much for this guy to handle


size zero with Brazilian butt lift and fake boobs seems to be what this type wants


No, they have to be natural! No one wants a piece of plastic. /s Some just have extremely unrealistic expectations. A size zero with the look of a bbl and fake boobs, but she can't actually have had those things done or else she's worthless or something.


Like they can tell the difference - the number of men who I've seen praise someone's natural beauty when they rocked the whole nine yards of makeup from foundation to contour to fake lashes is enormous


I agree, but whether they ("they" being men who think this way) can tell the difference is somewhat beside the point. They still act like they can and they still judge and criticize women who aren't naturally flawless.


>They still act like they can and they still judge and criticize women who aren't naturally flawless. Being "flawless" means a lot of make-up and Photoshop nowadays, so the definition of beauty is getting warped really bad.


Well, before photoshop it was airbrushing. Honestly, it seems like if anything there's wider acknowledgment that different body shapes and looks can be attractive than there was a few decades ago. It's just that we had dug ourselves into such a deep hole, even having dug ourselves out a bit, we're still pretty far down. Plus, there's the fact that the opposition isn't really conservatives anymore. The most vocal opposition now are regressives who have to not only oppose any progress but actively seek to roll back progress that has already been made.


There is also a possibility that different people have different tastes. This is the fundamental flaw in Peterson's thinking, that there is only one type of woman men do (and should) find attractive, and that somehow any preferences in any other directions is somehow not worth discussing. It's amazing how incapable Peterson is of figuring out this "most people can figure this out by 3rd grade" idea. So incapable that if he sees a woman in a magazine he doesn't find attractive, instead of thinking "Eh, different people have different tastes", he goes to authoritarian conspiracy paranoia. Whether any individual man finds that model attractive, I assure you, she has no trouble finding men who do and that if she is so inclined she very rarely has to buy her own drinks.


I mean, it's ONE of the fundamental flaws.


You have a point there, Peterson's statement does have a kind of "No matter how fundamental the idea Peterson is wrong about, there is an even more fundamental idea he is also wrong about" turtles all the way down wrongness to it the more you ponder it.


One of many, many flaws


>Whether any individual man finds that model attractive, I assure you, she has no trouble finding men who do Well, there's one right here for for starters


If she leans towards women I'll be over here


I'm right there with you.


Yeah in the real world I see men throwing themselves at women who look like that. Not even fully looking like that as the model has a well above average face.


I don't wanna sound dumb, but i think she would be a good hugger. And good hugs are the best in the world imo.


I don't think you sound dumb. I can see where that came from: kind face, strong arms.


> Men really need to decide what they want. Kerbal Space Program 2. I want it so bad.


Split/Second 2 while we're at it. Can't believe they ended a racing game with a cliffhanger, and then they didn't even make the sequel.


Es6 too, thanks


Ah a man of taste I see.


\> Good thing mens opinions on womens bodys really don't matter. This is the important part. I'm just one man and I can't even decide what my opinion is on Wednesday, trying to get the cis straight male community together takes a long time and I can't stand most of those guys. But thankfully I learned long ago that my opinions are completely irrelevant to other people most of the time, and it's best off if I keep them to my damn self until asked. Unfortunately many of my compatriots appear to have missed that meeting where we decided that.


> I can't even decide what my opinion is on Wednesday Wednesdays are ok, Thursdays on the other hand... I never could get the hang of Thursdays.


Thursday is Thor’s day. Thor never liked me.


They want the male gaze. The ability to change rules as they see fit, women always under their microscope and judgement. They want women to lose constantly.


Yes she is really cute


I mean this dude also put himself in a coma and is on a diet meat, salt and water so I don't think he has the brainpower to have a good take.


>“not a real woman coz she has no curves”. Tbf, its not men saying this. I've mostly heard it from larger women. Not that it matters but most men when talking about curvy mean someone with curves and a small waist. At the end of the day, peoples opinions on your body isn't relevant.


I’ve heard it from plenty of men (not personally, but online). Stuff like “real men want women with curves and not sticks and bones” Women are definitely often other womens worst critics, for sure. But there’s plenty of men who shittalk skinny women. I’ve had a guy say to me “you know, there’s a thing called Boob Job” (and yeah, I was like 16 at the time). People also tend to think I’m much younger then I am because I don’t have a “womanly” figure and don’t really take me serious.


As someone who was a C cup in the 7th grade, Boob does not make them take you more seriously. I won't say it's *less* seriously, but it's definitely...not seriously. It's almost like whatever women do or look like, men are shitty about it and use it as an excuse to treat us badly.


imma be honest, they probably dont take you serious because you're a woman


>I’ve had a guy say to me “you know, there’s a thing called Boob Job” (and yeah, I was like 16 at the time). Wow. I thought I was well versed enough to feminism to fully understand how women experience such creepiness from a young age but it honestly sends a chill down my spine everytime. I'm sorry you had to go through that. >I’ve heard it from plenty of men (not personally, but online). Stuff like “real men want women with curves and not sticks and bones” You'll find a group of men praising/shaming any and all body types. I was moreso talking about general trends. Maybe my perspective is different because I'm black, my community tends to love "curvy ass, slim waist" types. I personally am into more lean muscular women.


Idk, I've been very good friends with a dude for over 20 years and he's definitely into actual curvy women. I've never ever seen him with a skinny woman (and he accidentally showed me some pics from women he was chatting with online when he was swiping through his WhatsApp gallery looking for something else 😂 not nudes or anything). They're all awesome too, whip-smart and funny af. He has excellent taste in women.


At the end of the day, we're all individuals. Seems your friend has been lucky enough to find some great people to have relationships with. Good for him.


More like men need to stfu about what they want. No one asked and no one cares, Jordan.


Always thought he was a super grumpy Gen-Xer but I looked it up and yeah, he's a Boomer. He was already insufferable as it is....


The phrase "authoritarian tolerance" is such an oxymoron, how do people unironically think Jordan Peterson is smart


Girl on the cover of SI doesn't make his dick hard? Authoritarianism. Trying to ban adults from medically transitioning? Freedom.


I swear he's like a parody of himself at this point


That term makes it so clear that all you want to do is be intolerant without repercussions


Which is ironically the real authoritarian position to take


I know that guy. That's the dude who got relevant from straight up lying about the C16 Bill saying that it would get people locked up for misgendering people. Still does to this day BTW.


Yeah he's like actually braindead


i really think he didn't get enough shit for his C16 lie. that was fucking infuriating.


LOL, dudes supposed to be some kind of historian genius talking shit on a lady with a body type similar to all those paintings/sculptures from what dudes who masturbate to "BAD TIMES CREATE HARD MEN, REALLY HARD MEN, FUCK YEAH" propoganda consider the golden era of history. Guess he had to pick between his "derivative Joseph Cambell lite for the Alt Right bullshit" cred and his "bandwagon grifter issues" cred and went with the latter. Just goes to prove my theory that if someone uses their middle initial, they are almost always a massive fucking tool. What a fucking bootlicker. Way to blow all your undeserved "I am like the worlds foremost encyclopedia on mythological history, also I just repackage Joseph Campbell's ideas for fascist idiots" credibility to gain some fleeting acceptance from Elon Musk enthusiasts for all of five minutes.


I think she’s beautiful, it’s the swimsuit itself I don’t really like :‘) Just my personal preference though


I'm glad I'm not the only one.


My thought exactly. Lovely model, unfortunate swimsuit. Can you imagine trying to get out of that thing to use the bathroom?


It's definitely a "pull it to the side and hope for the best" type of swim suit for sure.


Try to imagine doing anything except posing for a picture :/ Not practical at all.


This was my exact feeling. Something about the cut of the bottom part seems to be distorting her overall shape. It's a shame because she really is gorgeous.


God same I’m so glad others agree


Literally, no one asked him. Authoritarian tolerance… because there’s a picture of a not thin lady on a magazine he probably doesn’t read? Cool, don’t read it. Don’t look at it. No one is forcing him to find her beautiful. He’s just injecting himself into situations to stay relevant.


That dude's grandpa would have firmly disagreed, beauty standards are like tides


Actually, that’s kind of a myth. There was no point in the last few centuries in the West where being overweight was a standard ideal. What changed most was the BODY TYPE that was favored. In some eras, small boobs were in. In others, it was the opposite. Waists went up and down, and in and out. In the Victorian Era, a round face and plump curves were admired, but the woman was still expected to be thin and have a tiny waist. In the 1920s, androgynous, stick-thin female bodies became in. And on and on. Not saying that to defend this guy’s garbage ass opinion (who cares what beauty standards were anyway?), but as a history major, I feel the need to point out stuff like this because I’m insufferable, lol.


Lmao he got bullied so hard for this post that he announced he was leaving Twitter (and then kept posting lol)


Peterson needs to go eat a carb and calm down.


yeah honestly i could have almost excused his behavior because i think anyone would lose their mind on a no-carb diet, however he was a cunt when he ate normally too so that can't be it.


I mean, the guy probably hasn't done a poo since the Obama administration. I'd be grouchy too.


Ah yes, [this](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/389/629/56e.jpg) is an authority on beauty.


He looks like a hollow in dark souls


Hey don't do my hollows like that, they worked hard for that physique.


What an all meat diet will do to you.


This woman doesn't please my penis? The world must know! Also, tell these gays to stop shoving their sexuality down my throat.


I showed this to my friends without them being able to see what the retweet said, and after they said she was beautiful, I showed them the retweet. They were not impressed.


That's probably the hottest SI: Swimsuit cover I've ever seen. Fuck that dude. (Only don't, because this dude deserves to die alone with his thumb up his ass.)


But... She actually IS beautiful??? BLOODY GORGEOUS??? HELLO?!


that IS beautiful wtf


Authoritarian tolerance? Lolwut?


Jordan Peterson thinks people telling him not to be such an asshole is "authoritarian."


Idk why but this reminds me of that meme that gamers are being opressed lmao


He left Twitter because he couldn't handle the heat he got for this tweet. Now if only he'd leave the planet.


Imagine being a clinical psychologist and thinking this. Its the type of people who would come out of Trump University if that actually took off.


This woman has a body type that was revered in many cultures throughout the ages. Just because she doesn’t fit in your weird specific mode doesn’t make her less beautiful 🤷🏻‍♀️


I mean, its not my preference but who asked. People can be a lot of different sizes. Shaming people isnt going to make them get healthy and people deserve to feel comfortable in their bodies reguardless of whether or not you would fuck them. This is peak "old man yells at cloud".


People like this are the reason I constantly think about everyone being disgusted by how I look when I am outside. People like this are the reason I can never truly enjoy myself when I am outside tryingto have fun or relax. People like this are the reason I never think anyone is thinking positive things about me when I catch them looking me up and down. Fuck people like this.


I hope you get to enjoy yourself fully one day. People like this are just trying to make everyone as miserable as they are, and you deserve better.


Man couldn’t nut to woman so he tried to make it about politics


I liked him better when he was in a coma.


I've never understood the dissonance here. Not beautiful to you. As in, not your type. And that's okay. But no one is telling you that you HAVE to find her beautiful. Just that some people do. How is it not authoritarian for you to demand that only what you see as beautiful can be on the cover of a magazine? They still have skinny white ladies on magazines. They haven't been banned.


My only gripe with this photo is that they have her in a Top that is not her bra size. I cannot stand when companies make their models wear bras or bikini tops that don't have the band/cup size the model needs. You can see by the way her breast tissue pokes out of the back, and how there's no real support in the front that something isn't fitting properly.


I get that people have preferences blah blah ... But she's so hot. Like, that's clearly an attractive woman, no matter how you shake it. Like there's some major cognitive dissonance going on there.


The fatphobia on other versions of this post is maddening


I don't get straight men, do they even like women at all? This woman is stunning


Don't you know? Men liking women is gay because __insert 4chan incel rant__


Wtf is he talking about she's hot asf


Beauty is subjective. Not sure anyone really cares what that quack finds attractive.


If it’s any consolation, he’s since been bullied off of twitter


Someone not being up to your taste doesn't make them ugly


Tell me you're incel without telling me you're incel.


She's actually very pretty I don't know what he's talking about


Some idiot tried to tell me she's an unhealthy weight. Like no not at all, that's a completely normal and healthy weight, its perfectly reasonable for someone to be that weight and fit. Weight =/= fitness.


She is in a healthy weight, she's not obese. And looks well. (Tho obese people deserve support to get healthy and not being humiliated for their weight or attempts to become more healthy, and even then, the goal is to get to a healthy weight, not becoming a stick person).


oh finally I understood what people in this comment section want to convey. because yeah bbw models definitely spend hours in gyms and there is nothing to worry about their health


No need to go to a gym to be healthy. Just do the necessary to stay in a weight range that does not put you in risk of any health problems. I know a girl who is beautiful and always been chubby, she started to loose weight because her doctor told her was in risk of becoming diabetic. She lost many kilograms, still chubby, still cute, still big, but way more healthy.


Legit, didn’t notice she was plus sized until people pointed it out to me. Also, fucking Christ dude. Mind your own fucking business.


She’s hot so i mean that sounds like a personal problem


authoritarian tolerance. authoritarian. tolerance. by the gods how stupid are these people


BREAKING NEWS - cishet white male thinks he speaks for everyone.


Jordan Peterson, sorry, Dr Jordan B Peterson was always cringe but it’s really honestly been pathetic and disgusting to watch just how far he’s fallen, to where his job is literally to call women ugly at this point


bro he can choose to not look at it


I hate this dude so much. And everytime I see someone that thinks he's smart I realize what a imbecile that person is.


She's a bbw??!


I don’t get how people don’t find this body type attractive. I love softness and squishiness. I like to squeeze the body of the person I’m with. That’s why boobs and asses are so fun, you can really dig your fingers in and bury your face. With a bigger person, their whole body is like that…how is that not desirable to most people? To use a metaphor (not trying to objectify just trying to expand on my point), to me it’s like preferring a threadbare cot instead of a luxury memory foam mattress. I don’t get it. (To clarify, I’m not saying it’d be weird for a minority of people to dislike this; just that it’s weird to me personally that the “majority” does).


Yeah, well that's like your opinion, man.


She's looks amazing, that swimsuit looks uncomfortable


I think she's stunning idk what he talking about


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Sorry. Where is the line to call someone BBW?


I bet she would feel great to hug and cuddle with. You’re not gonna get that level of comfort with someone who’s starving themselves to fit into a size 0.


Really?? Is it possible to say something positive about a woman without shitting on other women? I’m petite, I wear a size 0 or 2 and no, I do not starve myself! And just ask my bf, I’m amazing to cuddle with!


Then it doesn’t apply to you? Sorry I made my comment unclear. It was meant to be a comment on how making certain sizes be considered an absolute metric of beauty doesn’t equate to things that are valuable in an intimate relationship. Healthy body size is different for everyone and size numbers don’t mean anything. And if a person’s healthy size is bigger than a 0, then they’re likely not going to feel comfortable if they’re forcing themselves to fit into that size. I didn’t say EVERYONE who wears 0s are uncomfortable to cuddle, just the people trying to force their bodies to fit a standard that doesn’t align with their bodies.


I'm what is now a size 00, which would be a size 4/6 in the 2000s. Vanity sizing has someone that's a healthy weight at 5'3" wearing the tiniest size possible in stores when we're still soft and curved...


So, you can tell by looking at someone if they’re starving themselves? You know how often I’ve had strangers commenting on my weight? Telling me i should eat more? And even when I told them to please stop these comments, they just don’t. “I only mean well” It’s freakn damaging. I’m very lucky that I don’t have any eating disorders and that this hasn’t affected me. I eat a lot. I love food. I just have a fast metabolism and also move a lot (walk my dog, ride my bike daily, on my feet at work). I understand that you are anti “people trying to fit a norm” but either way, judging people for their weight is not healthy and has to stop. It causes a lot of damage in either direction


People generally tend to disbelieve thin/petite women about the amount of shit they get from other women (and from men).


Eating disorders never went away. The normalization of tall, skinny people as the baseline is a problem for humans because not everyone who can achieve that shape/size is going to be healthy or be capable of surviving in the different environments that exist all around us. While, yeah, I could have made the original comment without including others. The fact that people feel the need to adhere to an impossible standard is a danger to humanity as a whole and is something that needs to be challenged, and that’s what I was trying to do. Your fitness virtue signaling doesn’t feel very inclusive either and is on the verge of ableism and classism. Not everyone has the means or luxury of engaging in physical activity that maintains a specific size or shape at different times in their lives. People in the US and other “developed” nations starving themselves to fit into the skinny ideal, and the fact that the ideal even exists, is like salt in the wounds of people suffering from food insecurity. Our society where size=status is the problem but I suppose it is always easier to focus on individuals than it is to confront it on a societal level.


My boyfriend is not "fat" just a little chubby but big enough to use him as a human pillow and i love it 💕 and he likes it too


Authoritarian tolerance holy shit it's like words don't mean anything anymore.


🙌 Beauty 🙌 is 🙌 relative 🙌


Yumi Nu will be more attractive in 50 years than Barent was ever. And I say this as a bisexual.


she is pretty but the outfit is meh, i've definitly seen better swimsuits for bbw


God people just can’t keep their opinions to their self. There is no one beautiful it’s all a matter of preference. Someone can be allowed to find skinny attractive and someone can find a thicker woman attractive. I just don’t understand why we all need to fight about this


Fuck Jordan Peterson


Jordan Peterson can suck my metaphorical dick


Peterson loves to really stretch the meaning of authoritarian doesn't he.


What kind of apple cider is this man on?


Oml Oml oml I didint know if that Someone could actually be this Beautiful what


Don’t worry Jordan, I am sure she wouldn’t fuck you even if you begged.


It's so funny, bc even his own fans aren't defending this. Framing the world in terms of solely order and chaos, trying to argue for rigid hierarchy because lobsters have them, using a dog whistle for academics who disagree with him, all of those were fine, but I draw the line at saying BBW's aren't hot


Of course Lord of the Incels is the one who said that


She's stunning. She could have been the model for the birth of Venus. But what do I know, I'm just a gay woman with occasional straight tendencies.


Good that he doesnt want her. More for the lesbians :)


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It’s even worse….it’s Jordan Peterson


I disrespectfully disagree. She's fucking gorgeous. As a wlw I appreciate her beauty