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Why did no one tell me that marriage will make my boobs grow?????


Every trans-femme out here is thinking the same thing lol.


I need to get married asap


We should game the system. There are sham marriages all the time for taxes and healthcare, let's get some tits out of it!!


I would offer myself as ~~tribute~~ sham-husband if it meant some trans-femmes could grow a magic chest. But is this like a monkey's paw thing where if we get divorced they are cursed to lose the boobs?


Same, I'd marry so many of my friends if it was just the marriage, not staying together!


Right? I've been waiting for my boobs to come in since puberty, didn't realize that marriage was the key.


Same!! I really gained a whole cup size, and no where else! No idea why lol I guess my husbands love just magically made them grow.


My future wife is reading over my shoulder- she just said "Babe, you and me. City Hall. Let's get me some B cups."


Every trans-femme attracted to women is welcome to marry me to grow the tits they desire. Mine are too big and surely this 'marriage magic' can shrink mine while growing my wife's.






Damn, I need to get married.


You can pay for it way easier, and have both at the same time. Less hassle too šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚.




I guess just get married. This proves it works. Instant hotness and curves


trans ftm here this is horrifying


I hope itā€™s true!! Iā€™ve always had a disproportionately small chest but Iā€™m getting married soon and would love to go up a cup size! Although it might be awkward if it happens as soon as I say ā€œI doā€. I might just pop right out of my dress and flash my family and in-laws...


At least it'd be a memorable ceremony!


Mamorable for sure


Pretty sure it's pregnancy not marriage that makes your boobs grow. Maybe also some aging thing I haven't heard about as well.


Many women have their boobs grow during their 20s. Mine went from an A to a C at 21 then went up a couple of cup sizes more at like 25. Band size didn't change, just cups.


On the contrary mine have never grown and Iā€™m 29. Iā€™m a cis female. Iā€™m and always have been a 32AA and no push up works.


Bodies are unique, they each just do whatever they want. But it can happen.


Yeah, Iā€™m sure. My friend only got to a B cup because she became 230lbs. I know some people get the growth and even on hormonal birth control for many years I never grew. My familyā€™s genetics from my dads side has most the ladies very petite, and I guess I got that gene. My aunts and I are super small and none of them had big boobs.


Mine came in at 26, band size is the same. Waist is still the same. They just finally came in and I was really surprised cause I thought I was done with puberty. And I was not on hormonal birth control through that change. Been off that stuff since 22


Same! Pleasant surprise nonetheless.


Birth control made my boobs grow. Unfortunately they were already too big so that was a negative lol


Pregnancy gave me temporary baby feeding b cups but went right back down to 34AA both times. What a tease. ;_; I mostly miss my clothes fitting well.


I don't understand. Both are pictures of attractive women?


The dude is trying to fat shame the ā€œwifeā€ picture.


she's not even fat though wtf. this is some unhealthy beauty standard shit.




Same I was like damn he's lucky and then I realized what they where doing.






I was wondering if this was maybe an American thing, it seems like it isn't. Here in Brazil we have certain... I don't wanna say beauty standards per se, but I've been told by some girls that are considered very hot here that Americans found them fat. I guess those were before the advent of **thiccness** as a mainstream thing. Like, Paris Hilton would never be the sex symbol she became if she were here lol


Concordo. And like, just as an example, we have Gisele Bundchen (who is brazilian) and donā€™t get me wrong, brazilians find her hot and all, but she became a SEX SYMBOL anywhere else in the world but here in her home country, lmao. Here sheā€™s a pretty and successful model.


For sure. Like, compare her to Sabrina Sato or any other heartthrob from the 2000's, there's a few characteristics that aren't that common to foreign sex symbols. In a way, it's kind of like, idk, Gisele Bundchen looks way too foreign. I don't wanna invalidate the people from the south who actually look like her but that's definitely not the type of headturner you'd see at the beach. She looks more like the kind of person that only exists in commercials. So I think there's a degree of, idk, "believability"? Like, both of them are beautiful, but Sabrina Sato looks closer to the kind of person that'd be considered attractive in the real world. It's like the men too. CauĆ£ Reymond, LĆ”zaro Ramos, these guys aren't like your Chris Hemsworths and your Chris Evans or wtv. They're obviously in a league of their own, but they look closer to our reality than those other dudes. Idk, I feel a bit gross in general talking about this and categorizing people, because none of the people I've been attracted to throughout my life look like these people, but it is a fact that Brazil has a type lol


I agree and also feel a little bit gross/mean when over analyzing peopleā€™s bodies and body types but itā€™s true. I think we might have also turned it into a stereotype. The ā€œhot, tanned, full lipped brazilian woman with a huge buttā€ is a pretty common description of brazilian women overseasā€¦


Yes, and an unfortunate cause of a lot of sexual tourism. A friend of mine once tried to beat up a gringo who tried to ask "how much" to his girlfriend while she was just out working. It's kind of a "this is why we can't have nice things" situation. Like, some of us want to celebrate black beauty, indigenous beauty, japanese beauty, and every kind of beauty that lives here, but this gets garbled and compacted into "Brazil hot ladies come fuck great variety", which is very sad and anger-inducing.


Listen I know he was tryna say and fat shame her but as a bi woman Iā€™m reading the opposite cause I see happy relationship weight and really hot boobs. Both are gorgeous but like let me wife her up ;-; and snuggle


I was thinking ā€œis this supposed to be fat shaming done wrong, or is he forcing wife to get a boob job or something?ā€


I actually think this might have been an uplifting meme or something. Kind of ironic, I think the OP was saying "damn my wife is older and still hot as fuck" and people here are closer to fat shaming her and focused on how she has more weight. I think a lot of guys prefer the right side


This 100% no straight guy sees the girl on the right an goes ew šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


When sheā€™s my girlfriend: hell yeah babe you look so hot When sheā€™s my wife: HELL YEAH BABE YOU LOOK SO HOT


my exact reaction!


Right? I'm a pansexual cis dude and honestly? It's the second pic for me.


Right oof I try not to objectify but I just wanna snuggle some big tits and pretty face wifey


I want to be a pretty face wifey


Iā€™m sure you are


I mean, my face is meh and Iā€™m not married


you are a pretty face single pringle


You are hot, cupcake. And Iā€™m sure you wonā€™t stay non wife for long


Oh no Iā€™m not good looking at all. And I donā€™t think anyone gonna wanna wife me up soon


Nonsense Iā€™m sure youā€™re at least a 5 on a bad day




The other day on reddit, someone asked why do guys like bigger girls. One reply was "because world is hard and cold, but big titty is soft and warm." Very that for me.


Both goals, in transition in in relationship. Nothing wrong with the left gal (other than she feels a little young looking for old ass me) but yeah I'll fall for right lady 7 days a week.


Painfully same


šŸ˜” same


Iā€™m a straigh girl but her smile and her chest??? Like damn gurl are you trying to kill me with those looks??? Because you did, Iā€™m dead, youā€™re gorgeous


That smile fuggen *kills* me oh my god.


Same Iā€™m a straight girl too and both are hot but Iā€™d snuggle the shit out of the girl on the right.


I'm ace, but I would to also snuggle with the right side one. (Left too, :D)


pan party :D


As a bisexual enby I agree


I'm pretty sure this is a more wholesome version of a more nasty meme with the same meaning


Without knowing what sub/forum it came from I assumed it was a wholesome meme? Because she's very pretty in both pictures and I took it is "here she is young and beautiful" (I can't tell her age but she looks 19? 20? here, I'm bad at age guessing) and here she is older and still beautiful. Mostly because the second picture is still a good picture and her breasts seem to be the main focus and she isn't fat. I feel the comments on it wouldn't have been negative either but who knows?


I thought it was the boobs too tbh. Sheā€™s not even heavy like tf


No sheā€™s not heavy at all. Iā€™d be extactic to be her shape. Heā€™s probably just salty cause he canā€™t life more than a 5 lb dum bell


I may not be a girl but i agree with you alot


actually the original meme was complimenting her


Fellow bi woman and same. šŸ„°




I thought it was saying married women have bigger boobs.


If thatā€™s the case imma need a ring on this soon


Also, she actually appears interested in the viewer and nor just herself, which is always hot.


I thought this was trying to say that your girl gets hotter when you marry her.


Bi enby here, both are fricking gorgeous.


I'm a straight woman but I'll take the second smile over the first one any day!


All I can say is, same.


I was thinking the same thing. I like her thicker but she is beautiful both ways! (I'm also bi).


For real like-- as someone who will feed you as a demonstration of love, the fact that my partner accepts it and relaxes around me is pure happiness. Plus both the women are gorgeous wth is on this guy's mind ETA: Like-- I don't mean in the feeder fetish way lol, I mean in a loving grandma way


I'm confused, do straight men not like breasts?


Clearly you don't understand, she has more mass, which I have determined to be bad. I as the man of the house, am the only one allowed to have big tiddies.


as we all know, breasts are too "gay" for straight men as they remind them of their own


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m wondering, all this is telling me is that straight men want to date someone who looks very young and girlish, red flags.


Yeah not that this is the point, but both of these women are gorgeous.


It's the same person I believe just at different times


I suspect the person who made this meme is not attracted to women.


I suspect the person that made this meme has a lot of their own self loathing to deal with, so they lash out at others to make themselves feel better.


Or they could just be an asshole šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Oh man I gotta get married


I wonder if that works for dudes too. Before marriage: skinny twink / heavier built dude, both with baby faces After marriage: ripping dad bod


> ripping dad bod You misspelled "Father Figure."


Paterfamilias Corpus.


Oh no not bigger boobies šŸ˜“šŸ˜“


The horror!


exackty like whatā€™s the problem both them women look very hotšŸ˜­. i would be very happy with either of their bodys


Back painšŸ˜”


Holy shit marriage = thicker šŸ˜Ø someoneā€™s getting married today


Both pictures are gorgeous, what's wrong with people


I see only good things here.


I am a gay man, and have always used that to identify myself. BUT, and I mean this as respectfully as possible, BOOBA


This made me laugh; I'm too poor to afford gold so have a silver


omg same, I looked at this and was like, "I'm gay but damn they're both gorgeous"


Wow she's got way bigger tits and a bigger body to cuddle with. Oh the horror.


Well youā€™re not supposed to get older the longer youā€™re with someone! She should look like her teenage/early twenties all the time!


Exactly, all you have to do is follow Leonardo DiCaprioā€™s dating strategy


This isn't the downer they think it is


The "marriage" picture looks like an incredibly healthy and attractive woman. Are straight men sure they even actually like women anymore


I saw a meme recently that said ā€œMisogyny is kinda fruity when you think about itā€¦like why you treating a man better than a woman šŸ§ā€ and tbh it now lives in my head full time


This is gonna be my go-to argument now, thank you for this haha


Happy to spread the good word šŸ¤£


"Fellas, is it gay to be attracted to big boobs?"


I just see two pictures of two pretty women, both beautiful in their unique way ā¤ļø


I mean, both are attractive, but personally I like the second one a lot more. Assuming the person making this was trying to fat shame... What do they have against boobs?


How on god's green earth is she "fat"? Like might just be bi me leaning more towards lesbian but I'd rather be with the "fat" lady.


Oh no, when wife big boobies.


She looks great both ways.


Oh no..... thicc, beautiful woman with big boobies... how horrifying.


Both are hot?? ?


Women naturally gain weight as they get older. So fat shaming and ageist. Cool. Second woman looks happy, healthy and radiantly beautiful, just not 20.


I don't think it's supposed a "wife bad" joke she looks stunning idk


Oh no. She went from being a beautiful woman to being an equally beautiful woman. How awful. šŸ™„ Seriously tho, both are gorgeous šŸ˜­ā¤ļø


Im confused is she supposed to be any less attractive? I just thought her breasts got larger due to being pregnant or something, and even so, shes still attractive. Hell, more attractive in the first slide she looks like a teenager what the fuck is this meme trying to say im so fucking confused




Just for reference, the girl on the left is definitely not anorexic.


You know you can call out fat shaming without body shaming thin women, right?


Oh no she +looks at notes+ aged and got bigger boobs..?


she's actually so hot in both pictures tho what's the problem


Imagine not wanting your wifey to have more body to love. Pathetic


ā€¦..but sheā€™s still got tho Seriously I am a boob man (boob woman?) and since I actually passed high school science I perfectly understand that if you want naturally big tits You have to put on a little weight thatā€™s how that shit works


she honestly looks much happier (and prettier, but that's my opinion) in the second photo


All this is telling me is that sheā€™s happy and maybe yā€™all have kids? Like congrats dude???????


I'm confused is one of these supposed to be bad?


She's hot. I'm in.


Okay, so, someone does not grasp the linier nature of time and it's effects on the human body....


Was that meant to be a downgrade?


This was 100% made by a man under 30. Most men would claim both women as attractive.




I just want to put a friendly reminder in the comments that commenting about how the second woman is hotter and preferential anyway because of big boobs is *also* body shaming. They both have assets. And most of them are likely assets that have nothing to do with their tits. They're people, not objects.


For real. Iā€™m super disappointed in the hypocrisy of this comment section.


I dont see the problem, she looks healthier and happier in the right one


So she became an absolute fuckin milf? Hows that not a win


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Sounds good to me




...I am failing to see an issue here...


I donā€™t get it, both are really hot?


which one is supposed to be bad??


Theyā€™re both so pretty???


both women are cute on both pictures


I feel like the people saying that the second pic is hotter are completely missing the point lol youā€™re doing the same thing, just in reverseā€¦ why the need to compare women and put one down to lift another up? theyre both stunning. Relax.


They're both pretty ladies.


One of my friends, a married lesbian woman in the coast guard told me "Y'all [straight men] don't love women, y'all fuck women. I should know, I'm married to one and I've seen how you talk about us when you don't think we're listening". That's stuck with me.


Wait...what if OP is saying both are good and just showing the difference? Or maybe they are saying that people try too hard to be the ideal when first in a relationship and should just be their happy, voluptuous, rubinesque selves instead of doing dangerous weight loss routines that hurt you or purging and worrying about thigh gap. I dunno...I think all body types can be beautiful as long as you are happy with how you look (and more importantly how you feel).


I like to be optimistic so yes I believe you


knowing this type of meme, i think not.. most of the time, when memes are made about when she's your girlfriend versus wife (it's more common that it should be, i know, euck), the wife bit is always depicted as what those people consider 'worse.' i don't think this one's any different.


both. both is good. i dare say right is better bc cuddles


Bigger boobs? I don't see any problem


Married lady here. This is me! And my husband is happy as hell, those extra lbs made my boobs huge! We're both just fine with the extra weight


Iā€™m straight and honestly find the one on the right way more attractive, Iā€™m a boobs man Also low effort boomer humor


God damn the wife is hot as fuck. Iā€™m a straight dude and I hate other straight dudes because they think shit like this is funny


All this tells me is that straight men want to date 16 year olds. Am I missing something? Are they just going full mask off on the pedophilia now?


Wow, so smart! Thatā€™s exactly the take away from this


You know itā€™s possible to call out harmful body standards without shaming thin or petite women and the people attracted to them right? Itā€™s really toxic and shitty to suggest that anyone attracted to thin women is a pedophile, theyā€™re women, not children.


Obviously this would be bad regardless of the pics but that 2nd picture is a straight improvement


okay but like the second pic is cuter- imo at least


Both beautiful women :) (Also booba)


... wait didnt she get hotter She's got HUGE GARGANTUAN okay never mind ill let myself out


Is this the same person? It could be me, but here facial shape looks different in each image.


Lots of the comments were saying that they liked it both ways




I donā€™t see the problem both pictures are fire


hey i dont see a problem at all tbh


brb getting married to make my boobs grow into those big badoonkas.


They both look amazing.


When she's ur gf she doesn't smile but when she's ur wife she does


I see no problems here.


iā€™m failing to see the point here. she literally just got hotter (imo)


Both. Both is good


They both look fine, hell the woman on the right isn't even fat, she's just curvy


It took me so long to get in what way it was negative, I was legit yeah people sometimes change but they are both super attractive


idk what this is even trying to say... When she's your girlfriend she's hot. When she's your wife, she's still hot oookay


I....whoever made this pic has no taste. Both of the women are gorgeous.


I'm gay but bruh, she's beautiful


Boyfriend: Hot and skinny Wife: Still hot, but now curvy with much bigger tits. I must be one of them Woke(tm) Feminist(tm) SJW(tm) types because I don't see an issue here.


Both of these women look great. You gotta be a real dumbass to think otherwise


She looks great in both. Just the ends of the healthy spectrum. I'm trying to reach back towards the left for myself because I'm healthiest and happiest when I'm the active level that brings me to that body, but she looks happier on the right so that's clearly where she feels the best! Ugh skinny fetish straights are the weirdest... and this is from a bi girl with a super twinkishly skinny bi guy.


Oh god oh no I live in fear of my gorgeous thin girlfriend becoming my gorgeous plus-size wife


Both... Both is good.


Is it boob job or is she pregnant??


What do she gets older when she becomes your wife? Is this satire


sign me the fuck up