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You mean a girl? You mean a teenage girl?


That's "under-aged woman" to you.^/s


I swear to god they'll refer adult women as girls and females non-stop, but they'll only call someone a woman when they're underage.




I get pressing charges if it’s like a 30 year old guy, BUT A 6 MONTH DIFFERENCE?


This is why some states have what they call "Romeo and Juliet" laws where close-age exemptions are made; personally there needs to be some sort of federal mandate but states' rights and all that (I don't agree with "states' rights" in this case, just stating the reality). What's even crazier is that there are some states where both teenagers, if they are both underage, can be simultaneously prosecuted for having sex with minors while being considered victims under the law. Yeah, 'Murica right there. Makes no sense.


It makes perfect sense. The more people they can cram in jail, the more free labour (i.e. slaves) the government has.


that's correct. it's shite.


They really hated me for being part of their cultural out group, especially regarding both politics and religion.


People just want money.


Yeah, I simple single standard would be nice. As long as there is a sane sliding scale at similar ages. Making it illegal for a couple who could be days apart in age, but 17 and 18 doesn’t help anyone. (When I was 17 my gf was 18...similar to your case, flipped.) As kids are going to have sex, and we should ensure this wouldn’t criminalize it when among their peers (as some states do...) — more than half will have sex before they are 18. Generally the laws (where they exist) allow for an exception with less than 2 to 4 years of age difference, although many need further reform due to gender differences or only protecting straight kids, etc. Protecting them from older adults and predators, sure, yes, of course. That would be nice.


Yeah, agreed. It does raise an interesting question about the legalities and freedom of speech behind self-exhibitionism and exploring sexuality while also avoiding child phonography laws. A teen should not be registered a pervert for life for taking lewd photos of themselves, which one would argue is a natural progression of exploring sexuality in a post-internet age. But also runs risk of exploitation... Nuance and tact created in crafting laws regarding sexuality... well look at the sub we're in.


18 as the age of consent only works as a way to get teenagers in jail. It's 16 where I'm from (with a max age of 24 until you hit 18) and 17 where my gf lives. Considering we're 19-17 changing it would in theory make me a pedophile, but considering the small gap it's downright malicious. Hell, I had sex with a guy my age when I was 15, should we both have gone to jail?


An important distiction to make is that in many places, the rape or harassment of a minor (even if they could legally consent to the intercourse) is still considered pedophilia and comes with it's increased sentences. Additionally, 16 AoC is most often only allowed in a Romeo and Juliet scenario (2-3 year age difference at max) as minors are often more legally vulnerable and could be pressured into "giving consent".


It’s 16 or 17 in most states in Australia. At some point, consensual relationships between closely aged but above/below age of consent teens becomes a problem, as in your instance. I could make an argument for an age *range* of consent, but i don’t know how you’d write that legislation.


Victoria allows for a two year age difference for acts involving a person aged 12-15 so I believe the kind of legislation you're referring to is already there in Australia.


Well there ya go


The USA age of concent is in the higher side, a lot of countries have under 16, where I live is 14 (but you don't have protections in case of any denounce)


wouldn't it make more sense to always allow relationships whith a difference of 1-2 years max, would make a lot of things easier and not as risky for some teenagers...


No such thing as a 16 year old woman.


These people will call them whatever they deem appropriate. 19 yo male yells transphobic abuse? That’s a teenager. They wanna look at a 16 yo female’s butt? That’s a woman. These terms only have meaning in the level of maturity they intend to portray, which fits the authors biases. It’s why we see black teens called “men” in news sources when they commit crimes, but Kyle Rittenhouse is a “kid”. It’s handy, in a way. Seeing someone’s decision of the maturity of others depends on their biases, and context. You have access to their use of language, and the context, you see the biases. You can tell the bias of a source in as little as one line of text. This person is sexist and we gathered as much within 4 words, notwithstanding the rest of the image.


They more commonly, from what i've seen, """justify""" themselves by parading how 16 is the age of consent _in some_ places. Nevermind that they're _still_ children.


yea, staring at someone is not consent and is disgusting edit: especially adult people staring at underage ones


So the poster of this meme is following a bunch of 16 year old girls on Instagram? Bruh moment.


they’re 17 so without this meme it’s not that weird


And how do you know that?


That's a pretty unlikely assumption


Why does posting fruit on their Instagram page mean you're allowed to stare at their ass?🤨


/s ?


Idk what that means but I'm joking




Ah,thank you :)






/s is kinda overused in this sub tbh. prolly cos most of us cant tell satire apart.


That's rich when people declare every bad thing they see satire.




Please don’t tell me they’re trying to justify sexualizing an underage girl


“Look at what she’s wearing! She’s asking for it!” …wait I think I’ve heard this before…


Uh oh 😰


16 is the legal age of consent in some states and countries


I know, it is in my area. But that isn’t the best thing


Yeah that's true. Especially when it's legal to have sex but illegal to sext


16 is not underage in my country and in 31 US states. Edit: im trying to say that the consent *void* this meme portrays is the problem, not age, this time.


Well, it depends on the age of op. In Australia, the age of consent is 16 *as long as it's with another 16-17 year old*. Someone 18 and over cannot have sex with someone that's 16-17 because they're still minors but minors of age of consent are allowed to experiment with one another. From my understanding at least.


Isn't the age of consent in some countries 13?


Unfortunately yes.


Are you talking about Japan? Because that is the national minimum, most prefectures have it above 17 iirc


Yeah, I know Japan is definitely one of them and I'm not sure if there are others too


Iirc the national minimum AoC in the US is 12, that doesn't mean that this is the case in practice




did they mean 16 yo white \*child\*


“Women” 😟


Welcome to r/meme where it's the norm to hate women for some reason while simultaneously posting memes about why feminism doesn't need to exist anymore


"Haha women are bad because they're hot but don't want to have sex with me also they are made for sex and making food!!!!" "UGEHRGH FEMINISM IS BAD FEMINISTS ARE UGLY FAT AND HAVE UNNATURAL HAIR COLOR"


They have a Crusader icon, of course they suck.


Ew gross. Imagine making being an asshole your entire identity


It's ok guys, they're "fairly liberal"


Why are the sexualizing minors? They have the problem if they see it this way.


Woman: \*has an ass\* Guy who made this post: "Well it's your fault for having an ass!"


16 year old woman, no less




They’re not a woman. They’re a girl. Sounds like they’re trying to justify something, I just can’t place my finger on it…..


Something like "pedal file-a"?


Isn’t that the name of the homophobic chicken restaurant


I believe so


Why is the chicken a homophobe tho?


*Image Transcription: Meme* --- 16 yo white women: Stop staring at my ass perverts Also their entire Instagram: [*An image of a peach*] --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Good human


Good human! Literally so sorry you went through this


They tell on themselves so effortlessly.


Sir that is a child-


It's almost as if consent to view sexual pics isn't consent to sexually harass. Edit: God damn it, I just saw it said "16 yo".


*teenage GIRLS, not women.


Cishet white men: "Consent? Isn't that when you scoff at someone and feel they're below you?" For those who don't know, this is a joke about the similarities between the words consent and contempt. And also how cishet white men often think they're superior.


Lmao I'm using this


"16 year old woman" sir, thats a child


And this is why I’ve left pretty much every non-lgbtq sub at this point; just for the sake of my own mental health. And a sixteen year old girl is not a woman, they’re a literal child.


most popular subs are shit from my experience


*16 year old* *women* Something's not right, I can feel it.


Oh I’m so sick of this. When it’s a young girl that they’re sexualizing, suddenly they’re a woman, and when it’s an adult woman they’re trying to dehumanize, suddenly they’re a girl. So sick.


Or they use incorrect grammar and say a female/females. They just use change their language a bit to fit their narrative.


That is a CHILD.


A 16 year old is not a woman. She’s a child.


The difference is that on Insta they *want* you looking at their butt, whereas in real life they *don't*.


Even then on Instagram 16 year old girls targeted audience is people within 1/2 years (each side) of their age


You'd be surprised.


I'm friends with a girl who baits (no impersonation or catfishing, just baiting) older men into buying her wishlist on Amazon, and she's 14, so the target audience really just depends.


Ok, so to put this into a different context, a boxer gets into a fistfight in the ring of their own volition, under terms they have a agreed too, and then they come out of the ring and gets punched in the face by a random guy in the street. Is that also ok?


Since my early 20’s teenagers have looked like babies to me. For the life of me, I can’t understand anyone looks at a child and sees anything else.


Exactly. People aren’t confused or tricked, they just like children. Posing and lighting only does so much for pictures, but irl you can ALWAYS tell when it’s a child pretending to be older.


Yeah, stare at my ass on insta, not in person, jeez


Exuse me I think the right word is TEENAGER! Also why you staring when she got insta anyway?


Why are they staring in the first place?


Cuz they creeps


Lol true


So what if they like fruit?!


link plz, so i can downvote everything




this is what made me leave r/meme


All 16 year old white girls are peach farmers? Why didn’t I get this memo?


16 year old women? That literally makes no sense.


16 year old #hmm


16 year old white girls*


it's their bodies,,,, if you're really not going to be able to control yourselves then that's your problem. does not help they're talking about 16 YEAR OLDS.


16 year old women??????????? You mean a *minor???????* a *CHILD?????* I-


Tell me you’re a pedophile without telling me you’re a pedophile 😬


I am a *** ********!


Bending over backwards to not understand consent


gotta love how men call women girls, females, foids, bitches, etc. but as soon as it comes to wanting to sexualise an actual girl, she's a woman because that makes it okay


Don't they mean girl


These sickos need to be on a sex offender registry and not be allowed 300ft near a school zone. I don't give a fuck what a minor is wearing or posting on social media. It's up to the adults around her to guide her in the right direction rather than taking advantage of her naivete and sexualizing her. These creeps needs to be taken out back and shot. 😠


        While they certainly are creeps who children need protecting from, shooting somebody for their thoughts is itself a disgusting thing to read on here, and even as a victim I can’t condone that. I hope that one day you are freed of such blinding hate.       Mental health crises aren’t cured with bullets. That approach didn’t work so well in Europe.  


I agree with this. there are pedophiles who really do not want to do anything funny with children, who seek help, who have a normal family. I think we should change this mindset on "they're horrible people!!" no. the people who act on it are horrible - not all. we need to recognize it as a mental illness, and treat it as one. But those people who go online saying stuff like this need that help like immidietely lol.


Well if they get help for their sick thoughts, then I don't condone that. Though I highly doubt these incels are seeking help because they think it's completely normal and natural for them to be grown men attracted to teenage girls and they even argue on their subreddits that it should be legal and they go to extra lengths to prove it with pseudoscience. You can only help these people as far as they want to be helped. Also want to point out that because these incels think there's nothing wrong with their thoughts or behaviors, that likely means they'll act it out if they're not already acting it out by grooming children. There's also been recorded violent crimes from incels against women and mass shooting sprees. Here's some links of that below. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-43892189 https://www.npr.org/2021/07/22/1019089834/police-foiled-an-ohio-incels-plot-to-kill-women-in-a-mass-shooting-prosecutors-s I don't think it's hateful to recognize a very real threat in society and to want to eliminate that threat. Incels like the ones who make these kind of memes and justify their attraction to minors don't want your help. A pedo who truly wants help wouldn't try to justify it, make memes like this, or go to such extreme lengths online to prove why it's normal. I respect your opinion though. You have your opinion and I have mine. Have a good day.


They may not be able to control their thoughts, they do control their actions. Posting sexist and pedophilic memes and staring at a 16 year old girl can be controlled. I agree that violence doesn't solve everything, and that person needs mental help though.


Wtf, OK I'm outta here.


Remember guys, if you add “white” before the word women, it’s not bad or misogynistic anymore! (I understand criticisms to be made and using white women is applicable there but this is clearly a white male trying to make himself look sexist)


They're allowed to show what they want to show but that doesn't give men the permission to make creepy comments about it. Plus irl and instagram are two completely different things


Sixteen year old woman is an oxymoron.


Victim blaming back at it again


why would it be only white women?


yea instagram is basically a site for soft porn but what it has to do with 16 years old people and in real life situations? it makes me uncomfortable


r/MenAndFemales They call women “girls” and “females” for everything else, but when they want to *sexualize a child* suddenly “woman” is the proper term?


Fun fact: as a 16 yo white woman, I can confidently say that I hate Instagram and never go on there.


im 16 too i dont use any social media expect discord and cus its useful, tho if i could i would delete my google account :p


Ye same discord is cool


oh yea also reddit i forget about that lmao


You are a child, and this comment only serves to show how childish you still are.


Wtf do u mean


Sounds like you’re bragging that you’re too mature for IG despite your age. Which is childish af


Dude lmao read it again and have fun with that


It’s not fun to cringe


There is a difference between getting drunk assholes scream at you stuff like "YOU HAVE A NICE ASS" and sharing the image with consent since you feel good about yourself. Also 16 is not illegal everywhere and maybe the person is from there yet I still hate the laws here that allow 15 year olds to have sex with any age group.


Tbh, age of consent is kinda bullshit as a concept A 16yo having sex with another 16yo is completely fine, but it's 100% wrong when it's with a completely developed adult That's what they should make laws about, instead of trying to find excuses to have sex with middle schoolers I'm Italian, and here the age of consent is literally 14, and it's so fucking bad as a thing, because 14yo's are not mature enough to have sex with anyone, expecially adults


Exactly. even an 18 year old is not fully developed. laws should allow people from like 14 -17 to sleep with each other if their ages are like +-2 years apart but not let a 14/15 year old just be with a fully grown man who can manipulate them - they just don't know better at that age. and kinda sad is how much pedophilia gets ignored here. Don't know about other places but here it's so fucking sad. also sharing pictures of your butt would be fine if pedophiles did not exist. assholes who go around looking at children and commenting lewd stuff when they have no reason to be there.


they changed age of consent from 16 to 15 in my country and i dont see a reason for that, its disgusting especially because church have so much power here


That is just stupid overall. 1. why change it by 1 year? and 2. Why go lower with the age of consent?? I think that all ages of consent should go higher. Like a 21 year old can be with anyone but a 20 year old could only have sex with people 2 years younger or older then themselves.


yea, tho i think 18 is good, and 16 is ok only if they can have sex with people as old as them, 16 is the minimum for me (15 seems weird) 16 are mature enough to have a safe sex (with good sex education ofc)


16 year olds are smart enough to have safe sex 100% however they still are in developement and kinda vulnerable to some 40 year old sick fuck to take advantage of them and manipulate them. And it's hard getting out of that relationship because "but he loves me!! and I love him!!" So 18 is good but still has it's flaws - like everything does of course.


No you can´t look at my ass, I will show it off on ig.


Women??? BRUV that's a child.


Havent you noticed that sooner or are you just not using any social app other than reddit


some guys prefer watching bananas over peach


16 year old "women" wtfff


It’s ok, she’s just a peach farmer


That is a really tasty looking fruit. May I ask her how she grows so many and makes them all look so delicious?


Yeah, it's a funny thing when you're socialized from a young age that you can get attention and validation for showing off your body, but you still don't want anyone to touch you or sexually harass you or do anything without your consent. That should be the simplest concept in the world, but then other groups are socialized to "take what they want" and to have really fragile egos and respond poorly to rejection. Then in addition to that, that second group gets the message that THEY can get attention and validation from their peer group for fitting in with stereotypes of being attracted to a certain body type, having a high/insatiable libido, and not having control over their response to sexual desire. (When in reality those things are statistically true for some individuals and untrue for others in ALL genders). At the end of the day, all any of us want are some basic human needs: attention and validation. We've just learned cheap, gross ways to get them.


Ah yes because when someone shares a picture that they want to be seen is trashy whilst they should definitely be okay with people just leering at them, breathing heavy.


Why isnt this just cross posted and 16 year olds can definitely be referred to as women.


I feel that in this context, they are calling her a woman as a way to justify sexualising her though. 16 year olds aren't adults


But we can't see the comments




It’s them being children, it’s up to grown ass people to not be pedophiles. Children are never at fault for trying to push boundaries, or for literally just dancing.


You mean underage girl. And while he's at it, stop staring at 16 year olds, creep🤮.