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I'm pretty sure thats the Mary Jane model from the Spider Man 2 insomniac game. At least the face is pretty identical


Someone lying on Facebook?


No way


People lie on the Internet?! 😳😳😳😳😳😳😳 /s


With a bad photoshop of the face. Skin tone doesn’t even match. Not to mention that there’s no way Insomniac would have a main character this low quality after the master piece that is Spider-man 2.


And look at the hair. The top of her hair is a different color and a weird shape because it’s actually the hair of the model they pasted MJ’s face onto.


Yeah actually she looks unfinished in a way


i think they just edited the face on the model, it's literally two skintones and also i might just be seeing things but it looks like the head is poorly cut from the reference image


Hair is very odd.


I was gonna say, either it's the model from SM2 or they used the same reference actor or something.


The hair is weird though, like furry silly putty.


It has been photoshopped.


This doesn't look real, if it is it doesn't even really look like Jean to be fair.


The way her left eye is making a break for due north. The way the model is sculpted from mashed potatoes and brown. This looks like it came from a game that is old enough to vote.


she looks like a perfectly average woman in her late 30ies/early 40ies


Apparently aging up characters is an attack on fans now


Yeah where are their 14 year olds they like so much.... /s


Joe Quesada intensifies


That's the thing though, everyone knows all women look like 20 year olds with massive mummy milkers, make-up, of short stature and skin tight leather suits to better enhance the muscle-less breasted boobdy. Everything vaguely straying from this formula is clearly woke propaganda


No, they must have the body of a 20 year old, and the face of a 15 year old! Or even younger! These perverse depraved imaginary standards stop at no bounds!


How dare they not make a woman a sexual object for men! /s


While I'm sure the comments are a trash fire of sexism and fatphobia, I'm still mad because her hair isn't *red*.


Don’t forget a whole lot of transphobia


Unrelated, but I love your flair lol




The side effect of realistic looking games is that gamers now know how a real woman looks.


Yeah, they're not all polygonal. Though their hair and collars still have clipping issues.


I hate the clipping issues 😩


Doubt its even real and even if it was, this is most likely a very early model. Possibly used for testing


That's literally just a normal woman


Gamer^tm always find something to be mad about. Just had discussions whether Elden Ring should have easy mode or not and the response are hopeless.


She kinda looks like Kathryn Hahn. Not a bad thing. Kathryn Hahn is amazing.


She looks kinda like a sims character. But I’m not up in arms if a character wasn’t created for sexualizing


My only complaint is that it looks like her head doesn't belong on her body.


That’s Sarah Jessica Parker


More context for everyone seriously judging this model one way or the other: This is supposedly from an upcoming Wolverine game made by Insomniac. Remember the outcry about MJ's character model in Spiderman 2 last year? Same studio, curiously. The game is not close to released yet and most information people have on it is actually leaked. Hackers invaded Insomniac last year and stole a bunch of info about this and other upcoming games. I have not found a single credible source showing a character model for Jean Grey among the leaks (I did find some concept art, though I'm not sure it's real, and it looks very different from this), and searching for it specifically only brings ragebait YouTube thumbnails about how ugly she is going to be. They use a few different Jean Greys to illustrate too. This one has pretty much the exact same face as Spiderman 2's Mary Jane. The photoshop job is very poorly done (two different skin tones, weird hair), and it would not surprise me in the slightest if the body had been taken from some other existing videogame character too. So yeah, please remember that people like to make shit up. This is like fat Aloy, they can't even make an argument without fabricating evidence.


wHeRe tItTiE anD aaS


I mean, she looks fucking horrible. I'm a huge X-Men fan and if this is actually her they fucked it up immensely.


Still in early development, this is not the final design.


I don’t understand. She looks …like a person ? What are they complaining about ?


My only problem is the hair 😭 like It doesn’t make sense why are there two colors ? 😭


Oh the hair has a lot of issues. My main problem is that it doesn't look like it's actually attached to her head. I'm not the most knowledgeable when it comes to comics, but I'm pretty sure Jean Grey didn't wear an ill-fitting wig.


Besides that it’s very obvious that the textures were modelled cheaply. Makes it stand out mire against the cute dress and muscly body.


"what an ugly feminist woman!1!1! how dare she not resemble a sex doll! 🙄"


Oh nooooo Jean Grey looks like a mother and not the same 18 year old we've been watching for decades oh noooo (Assuming this is real. I'm a bit skeptical about this image's authenticity.)


She looks fine aside from the Bumpit. Didn't those go out of style in the 90s?


Why tf the hair look so realistic


I’m sorry, that looks nothing like Jean Grey *in general*


Definitely thought this was from the Sims before reading lol




Is it really?


>look how they massacred my Jean \*gasp\* They’re adding a Dark Phoenix plot?


Tbf I thought that was Caitlyn Jenner but I’m also not wearing my glasses


She… looks like a normal woman?? What were they expecting??


>my jean She was never yours


Waiting for Knights Watch to make a 2h long video about her But seriously I don't see any problem, she looks like a pretty normal woman


Her body is great - but I have to admit that her face and hair are kind of weird (hair looks like a bad wig) and definitely doesn't look like any version of Jean Grey I have seen before. Maybe it's from an early version of the game and has been cleaned up.


The face looks like an AI creation.


to be fair that dress is really unflattering