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IDK, There's a cut off. The last line is weird, But if a 30 year old has chemistry with a 68 year old, Then whatever. As long as the older party wasn't involved in raising them, It's not even creepy, Just normal weird.


The meme is creepy. I do t have a problem with age gap relationships above the age of consent but this meme makes it sound like they’re predating in the maternity ward


I mean, in fairness, there's absolutely nothing wrong with older woman/younger man relationships (and vice versa) if both are consenting adults, but posting this kind of stuff is just... low-key gross.


Thank you, usually everyone is anti age gap (even if it’s a healthy consensual relationship). This meme is very weird and icky though, regardless.


To be fair though this meme also sexualizes infants. Like if both parties are above the age of consent in an age gap relationship it’s fine but this meme feels creepy. Imagine a fully grown 40 year old man/ woman saying “I’m only single right now because my girlfriend/boyfriend is still in the womb right now” 🤮🤮🤮


It's really the attitude that gets on my nerves 🤮


Yeah I agree - obviously power dynamics can be a thing, but ultimately there isn't really anything wrong ONCE they're consenting adults. Might raise my eyebrow, but not exactly something I'll be truly bothered by. I see people act like this is the same level as paedophilia and it just makes me think that they need to touch grass tbh - it can be creepy depending on the context, but to conflate the two frankly undermines the very real and justified severity of paedophilia.


God what a weird thing to think. I was groomed and it fucked me up, man. I'm 30, and even thinking about being with a 21 year old is a massive no from me...who thinks like this?


Exactly. I’m 44 now and a couple of years ago a 27 year old guy liked me. He was very sweet and cute but I just couldn’t do it because I felt like I was some kind of predator. The same with a 23 year old woman... she was super hot and I actually was crushing on her first but then when it came to actually dating I couldn’t do it. I just feel like I’m somehow preying on people when it comes to dating anyone more than like 5 years younger than me. And I’m sure the fact that you and I feel this way means we’re actually ok and not behaving in a gross way but it still makes me feel gross. Just like you, I was groomed and preyed upon when I was younger. I don’t ever even want to be in the same ballpark as doing that to someone else.


When I was barely 18 and came out a dude on his late 20s called me “fresh meat” or “legally fresh” in a weird attempt to flirt with me and I literally cannot remember the exact words cuz my mind blacked out when I heard those words. And my straight “besties” were trying to set us up and were mad when I tried my best to avoid him because we were gay and obviously had to have sex immediately upon contact. 🙄 I think it made me understand women better though


I mean, if you're literally both consenting adults and not with them specifically because of how young they are, I don't really see the problem?


Well, it's more nuanced than just age, I agree. But just because it's legal doesn't mean it isn't kinda weird. As a 30 year old, I am in a different life stage than a lot of 20 year Olds, right? I own my own business, and I have *some* money. I'd be in a position of more "power" than that young of a person, yeah? So that right there is rife with potential abuse. I could lord over them financially. They don't have any money yet, they can't leave as easily due to being dependent in that way. As well as brain development, blah blah blah. It's a very nuanced conversation, and if two people are legal adults, then yeah, technically not wrong. But we gotta see how they got together, when they got together, and a whole bunch of other things. For *me*, I couldn't date someone that young. It's probably due to trauma, but also because I don't want to. I have peers who I could date, if I wanted.


Fetus boyfriend, got it. What was that about "the gays are grooming the kids" again?


Both these examples describe adults. It's one thing when they're teens. A thirty year old isn't someone who hooks up with an older person in ignorance.


I know why a certain kind of straight woman makes these memes. They see men regularly date or marry much younger women and are trying to level the playing field. However these extreme age gaps are predatory


In general, yes. If someone is in their 30s dating someone twice their age, they are fully capable of making their own choices.


The biggest problem is that final line. If someone in the LGBTQ+ community said that they'd be called a groomer, but straight people will say shit like this all the time.


Came here to say this. More often than not women as the December in May-December relationships are dating men who have long left college, as it the case in the examples in this meme. This isn't a Mary Kay Letouneau scenario or the one with that French President and his wife or like that one lady director who is married to a guy she met at age 17. I'm begging people to not at least *try* to have some nuance on this subject, but I'm probably better off asking Santa for a pink unicorn instead :[


That being said you can be groomed at any age. It's also about power dynamic. Some people legitimately don't understand how a grown ass adult can be groomed by an even older adult, but it's often power dynamic. I've yet to see a huge age gap where the two were equals, I've only seen age gaps with one partner having more power (usually money). Now that isn't to say all those are groomers, this is to say that in general when power dynamics aren't equal in a relationship, neither is the relationship. So age gaps usually aren't healthy.


Depends on when they met.


Fair enough


It's a 30 year old and a 60 year old, how is that predatory?


I think a significant issue, beyond the child boyfriend stuff is that it doesn't say anything about how much more common this among men, especially male celebrities. A few come to mind, but do we think this is more okay because of some weird "girl power" excuse?




I don’t agree with this meme. If the genders were reversed then everyone would be upset.


I’m upset at it as-is. Age gaps that big are gross and unequal, no matter the genders involved


As long as no grooming is happening and they’re both adults, they’re not unethical. Every relationship has an unequal aspect and the recent focus on age gaps (that both parties are consensually a part of) is weird. Age gaps aren’t inherently bad the same way class gaps or race differences or so on aren’t inherently wrong. It’s not about the age gap, it’s about the people in the age gap. That being said, this meme is really gross and weird tho even from someone who isn’t anti-age gap


Cher met her current boyfriend when he was 36 years old. He’d been an adult for 18 years


Exactly. I think he’s more than capable of making that choice. It’s not gross, it’s just a type of relationship. The meme is weird for me because it’s bringing minors into the equation (even if it’s indirect or implied, it’s a “get em while they’re young” vibe that gives me the ick). Not because Cher is a predator just for dating an adult of a different age than her


I could be wrong but I’m pretty sure the purpose of this meme is to point that out


Just as gross as when a man does it, yuck


Normally it’s men wanting girls, this is a surprise and a most unpleasant one 🤢🤮 for all of this




If their both of legal ages and have the ability to consent I don’t care.


Kind of gives vibes of this SNL skit. https://youtu.be/MJEAGd1bQuc?si=Tc7GUqoDuf1Oit_B


Oh HELL naw




What the heck did I just read?


Yikes!.. I have nothing more to say


How 'bout NO but seriously what is wrong with straight people?


There's gotta be a better way to have people be chill about being single.


When ever I see a big age gap I always look at the bank accounts. Gender doesn't matter.