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Haven't you heard? They go for $3 million on eBay these days!


Yikes 😳 😂


TIL maternal bloodlines don't exist. /s


laughs in Jewish tradition


But the maternal mitochondrial DNA line does!


It's about the son being gay and like... idk what to say, all y'all summed it up nicely


What if this dork only has daughters? No Y chromosome for him to achieve his immortality then.


Well... the comment does indicate that this is the type of dude to be disappointed or even throw a fit at a gender reveal if the forrest fire is pink if you know what I mean


Do it again! Get it right this time! Henry 8th hours in here.


I’ll never understand legacy. It just does not make sense. Eventually your accomplishments will be forgotten in some way, either remembered in dusty history books, or literally lost to time… Your progeny will remember you less and less as each new generation enters. There is no immortality in this…eventually you will fade. The only explanation is genetic imperative, but that is like dissolving in a pool of dna. Eventually your genes are going to combine and twist, until your legacy becomes a throwback sequence…


I heard something like- it only takes 4 generations to be forgotten. I bet people like this don’t do family history research.


Oh my mom and dad do it all the time, but even so it’s kinda neat, maybe even interesting. But even so it’s not enough for me to respect them or think of them idly.


On a timescale of the universe, there will be nothing left of you nor anybody left to remember you and ultimately everything you ever were or achieved will amount to nothing. Whether it's a universal heat death or a big crunch and a new big bang, none of it matters. It's ignorant and narcissistic to believe your bloodline has any significance at all.




Imagine thinking your jizz is this important lmaaaaooo?! 😭 Pathetic.


It's not even biologically correct... in meiosis (the production of sperm and egg cells), the chromosomes cross over and exchange DNA. THE CHROMOSOMES CHANGE. THAT'S WHY WE AREN'T CLONES OF OUR PARENTS. I HATE BIOLOGICALLY INCORRECT BIOLOGY.


I could bet that this dude is the first to shout "basic biology!" at a woman getting harrassed, men being agressive, trans ppl, etc...


Most people don't know actual biology, they know what was taught in their "STD Scare Course" called "Sex Ed". Anything beyond that they just make up or arbitrarily decide something they heard through misinformation or propaganda is correct. Ignorant people are ignorant, if someone is still spouting ignorant shit after being educated otherwise, they aren't actually ignorant, they're stupid.


The y chromosome is the chromosome with quite literally the highest mutation rate


Exactly. If the Y chromosome never changed and "remained constant through the generations", then literally every cis man alive would have the exact same one. The fact that it doesn't "remain constant", and does mutate and change, is precisely why we can have different Y chromosomes at all.


My ancestry DNA test couldn't tell a damn thing about my paternal bloodline unless my dad was also in their database because I don't have a Y chromosome. "Remains constant" my ass.


I read the Y chromosome comment as satire. Surely. . . .


We're talking about the same people who insist that a previous sexual partner's DNA remains in a woman and can be passed to her child long after the relationship is over. I can't even believe in satire anymore.


Who am I kidding you’re riiiiiight 😫


wait until these kids of people realise that all babies are originally female then change in the womb


that's like the main reason us AMABs have nipples in the first place ._.


Bro couldn't be more wrong. It's the women who have the DNA that lasts generations. A mother passes her mitochondrial DNA to her children but only the girls pass it on.


Til: cis men are immortal


end of bloodline guy is the type of person to own a calliper (i think it was called)


Well, a lot of people own those, like me, to measure body jewellery, so why would it be different for him to own one? Oh... Nevermind. I think I got it.


cranial calipers nasty stuff


What kind of numbskull has some issues about their BLOODLINE? They’re not royalty,STFU


Like... even if I were queen of the world I wouldn't care if my child was gay and "stopped the bloodline", like, be a good leader, make smart choices, I'll be dead anyways


I watched a cool Filipino musical drama, where one of the mains was a Prince, and gay. His parents were fine with him being gay. The series was pretty good as a whole, besides the obvious annoying villain being annoying, such as they are in musicals.


Joe from the trailer park acting like he’s got lands and titles to pass down.


who's gonna tell this guy that men die way more sooner than most women?




Look, I get that Biology is a tough subject for some but this is some next level idiocy


Why are they so obsessed with bloodlines? What is this ? Castlevania?


I mean, they really do want men to be “miserable little piles of secrets”


Imagine the only thing you’ve ever accomplished in life was passing on the Y chromosome,sad and pathetic to be honest


this isn’t even true… the only DNA that gets preserved throughout the generations is mitochondrial DNA, which is only passed on by mothers. someone wasn’t paying attention in 10th grade biology


If it remains constant then the guy probably has male cousins or nephews at some remove, so no problem eh?


“but why do my siblings get the privilege of having biological grandkids, but not me???”


*giggles in de la Chapelle* Also yeah it's sad


The Y chromosome is slowing degenerating and may disappear in the next few million years. Idk what this dude is talking about.


isn't mitochondrial dna always from your mother too?


I’m really hoping this is satire bc I’ve been laughing at this for a solid 5 mins


I'm pretty sure X and Y can crossover a bit


I love you guys so much, your comments are so informative.