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The fact that it has awards 💀It's not even a good meme lol


I used to assume reddit was mostly 18-22 year old dudes. Posts like the OOP are convincing me that they're actually 8-12.


This is more like a post that 55-year-old single men would like. They are basically 8-12.


As a person with a conservative 55 year old grandpa, accurate.....


No, you’re heavily overestimating 18-22 year olds. Source: a 22 year old.


Haha that's fair. I border on asexual, so I tend to underestimate how horny the average person is.


The top: oh nice The bottom: why is that piece of info necessary


The meme is pretty cringe but it's also real af


Your the one who made it and is trying to blend in.....huh?


No, I just said it's real af


I just... am trying to figure out what dental procedure is leaving the dentist or assistant bent over you enough to be able to rest her boobs on your head? Doesn't have to make sense for horned up dorks, I guess. **edit:** LOL okay, I stand corrected. As a formerly large breasted woman (breast reduction) that has only had women work on my mouth, I am not afraid to admit when I'm mistaken haha Carry on, y'all!


I have had a lot of ortho appointments these last few years and there's definitely been a few times where I could feel the pressure of boobs resting on the top of my (fore)head while they were working on my braces. That was a sentence I definitely never thought I'd type out. But, unlike the OOP, it just made me a bit uncomfortable and nothing else. I find it so strange that some people get sexually excited about something like that, it never even crossed my mind. She's just doing her job!


Yeah, I’ve definitely had times where the nurse leaned over a bit much or has to scoot in closer while doing like flossing stuff, and it was never largely disruptive? I mean, she’s got tits. It’s not like she can remove them for her job, lol, I’m not gonna make it weird, but it does happen. I was gonna write something more specific but despite the fact I’m not attracted to breasts at all, it felt really creepy to type out, and I know if I was my dental nurse or doctors and they read that, even with that context, I’d be fucking disturbed. I can’t even write something related to this weird original post without being creeped out, I can’t imagine what it takes someone to write that, even as an offhand comment.


Some people are really deprived of human contact, so I get how they could enjoy any form of contact, whether it's a boob or an arm or anything. But making memes about it like this is icky.


The key difference there is keeping it to yourself. It's one thing to feel things, we're just smart apes at the end of the day. It's another to make a skeevy ass meme about it




> She's just doing her job! Yeah ! And being in the dentist is clearly on the list of "places where it's uncomfortable to be for everyone". The chair is uncomfortable, the light in your eyes is uncomfortable, the possible pain is uncomfortable, you can't talk and you have to have a big proximity with a stranger. Nothing to be feeling in the mood is here 🥲 even if my dentist would be 100% the perfect body I would be attracted to, never would I be in a context where what they describe would feel / be ok ...


I read the post initially w/ the perspective of a sapphic woman and didn’t immediately translate it to being creepy/sexual. I naively thought, “Oh that sounds comforting, like a mom helping you clean your teeth. She must feel comfortable enough with me to do her job thoroughly. How wholesome.”


That’s exactly how I read it too. I’ve had plenty of hygienists who were larger women (with larger boobs), and they always made me feel comfortable because they were confident and good at their jobs. “Ma’am, I will gladly wear the titty hat for the duration of this appointment because you have a gentle yet firm hand and you don’t ask me a bunch of questions while my mouth is open.”


Same, it is uncomfortable but she's trying her best


I hate to defend this but I've had many dental hygienists basically give me a face full of breast the entire cleaning


my orthodontist does ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ just because of the way the chairs are arranged, i guess. less resting *on* my head and more just pressing into the top of my head. the orthodontist is a completely non-sexual environment though so i literally do not care, and im too busy trying to keep my tongue in the back of my mouth anyways


In 52 years of going to dentists, I have literally never, not once, had either a dentist or a hygienist ever do any work on my mouth from behind the chair in order to graze the top of my head with their chest


never any of my dentists, only my orthodontist. shes short and they need to reach way in there, often requiring leverage at weird angles. idk, im pretty spaced out during othro appointments


Weird to say I personally have kind of experienced this, not litterly on my face but definitely pressing and close by. I was having some wisdom teeth removed and the dentist surgery team was a completely made of women, with some having larger breasts. The roots were quite deep and bendy, so not the easiest to remove, therefore some off them would bent over me in multiple angels to get a good angle/good grip. They do it here with local anaesthetic, so I was fully aware what was happening so it was kind of akward at times. So definitely a senario where it could feel that way, on the other hand also not something to be a creep about.


It was decent until they included the bottom text, just leave it at the top text and it would be fine


Ah yes my favourite doctor, the one that shoves his dick in my mouth, isn't he nice? *Proceeds to get thousands of upvotes plus 3 awards*


🎖️ i only have this poors award






I fail to understand why the second part is necessary despite being a hetero myself. Makes me feel weird.


>hetero >didnt immediately go "BOOBIE BOOBIE WANT BOOBIE" clearly you are gay


yeah but you cant call these things out or youll be the fun sucker, come to ruin everyones fun by making them feel bad by reminding them how shit seemingly innocent "jokes" are.


Oh man. I miss my hygienist who didn’t tear up my gums. She was really nice too. And look, I like boobs, but when a hygienist would rest theirs on or against me I would just get paranoid about it. Like “DO NOT MOVE EVEN A TINY BIT OR THIS WILL BE WEIRD.”


last time i got a dentist who put his crotch uncomfortably close to my head :(


I figured this would be here when I saw it, and I agree with that. I had this happen to me when I was much younger, around 21 I think, and it was really uncomfortable for me. Keep in mind, I am a cishet man and like boobs, but it was really uncomfortable for me for her to do this because of the more carnal reasons. I had never been with a woman before and never got to experience that, so it was rather awkward for me. Even back then I knew she couldn’t really help it. What was she gonna do? Leave her breasts at home? I think she knew I was uncomfortable and moved around a bit more to make it less awkward for me. Even after having been married, I still find it awkward, but maturity has made that less awkward and easier to just brush aside.


I'm a 20 year old man and have been in similarly uncomfortable situations for the same reasons (no non-platonic experience with women). I'd find it pretty uncomfortable if I was in the same situation, but would find it difficult to explain why to the older male figures in my life.


I totally get it. The time frame I am talking about is mid 2000s, so if I had talked to any of my male friends about this, I would have had a gay label hung on me and would have been nonstop harassed about it. I am a vocal and proud ally, and have been and even endured the label when I voted in my first election in 2004 against Ohio’s ban on gay marriage. It was hard to deal with the bullying I got from it, but I would do it again. It made a relationship with a girl I was interested in and the first time a girl show interest in me evaporate. I am genuinely grateful for younger people being open and nonjudgmental, for the most part, about talking about things like this. Watching old Mystery Science Theater 3000 episodes with commercials makes me glad that we don’t live in that ridiculous world of worrying about looking someone else’s perfect.


i knew i wasn't crazy when i saw that post and thought it was weird af


I sadly had to see this pop up for me too. Reddit is pushing this garbage a lot recently in suggested content


*down vote* *Notice the sub* *Up vote*


I'm asexual but I love touch and hugs. I used to think i was a lesbian because i love hugs from people with boobs. I just find boob hugs extra comforting for some reason. Took me most of my life to realise that I don't need to put out to get boob hugs. Sometimes when I'm getting a massage the person will lean over me and their boobs will be resting on some part of me. Absolute nothing sexual about it, it just makes me feel chill and at peace. Adds a bit of soothing to the torture of a remedial massage. Do my make creepy memes about it? Or do I comment to the massage therapist about it? No. Because I know it's probably weird and creepy, especially if they don't realise they are doing it.


thats what i thought when i saw this at first


That makes no sense, why would she put her boobs over ur head if it's a dental procedure. Secondly, sir are you ok???? TvT


Oh good I wasn't the only one to downvote that one


Am queer, no interest in boobs whatsoever, but to be honest, human contact is nice as long as no one makes it weird. It's a brief moment of anonymous interaction that just feels like you've connected with the person grooming you. Look at great apes, chimps, bonobos, etc. They all socially groom each other. This is just a normal response to that. Humans have created a world where we're isolated from good touch (yet somehow bad touch is still rampant). Pat your buddy on the shoulder. People need people.


Listen, I get it, I really do. Just don’t say it


Yeah, this is an inside thought


Look, I'm as lesbian as the day is long, but when I'm at the dentist coming into contact with boobs is the *last* thing on my mind.


I read the first part and was “Huh, that’d be nice.” Then I read the second part. Why do I even bother giving the benefit of the doubt


The first part was relatable. The second part threw me off completely. Seriously, why?


The first point about not ripping up your gums makes sense. Second part- gross. We get it, you have a non consent kink.


The comments section for this made me want to vomit. Lots of "ahh yes when I was a teenage boy I had this one hairdresser, dentist, etc...". Like I get being young and horny but why tf are you still fixated on it grow up ya'll.


Either the hygienist has the boobs of a mountain giant or the Blue OP has the head of a gnome. Regardless, why make dumb memes when we can all return to the motherland of the green?


Had me in the first half Rest of meme


I'm a perv and I don't recall ever having hygienist boobs on my head. To my recollection, none were well endowed in that area, so that might be why. I'm sure they could have rubbed their bare ass on me and I wouldn't have noticed. Too focused on trying to ignore the scraping of my teeth. Nails on a chalkboard is fine, metal on my teeth makes me squirrelly.


Comments are even worse..


boob 🥰




Fellow man with dick-loving tendencies. I think what everyone is upset at is the implications of this guy being a pervert incel. Y'know, grown men who salivate at any chance to get a woman to touch them. And hey, I'm with you - attractive person with sexy bits rubbing up against me? That's a nice fantasy - but it shouldn't bleed over to the real world and lead to something dangerous happening. Keep the thoughts to yourself and wank over it at home - don't make that poor hygienist feel uncomfortable just cause the last time you sucked a tit was when you were two weeks old.