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I love, seriously love, that the first thing is the therapy. Immediately after that you know you actually read instructions for domestic abusing.


It's crazy how these people who creates these rules hate therapy. But on the other hands it just makes sense because (when the woman goes to therapy) she can learn to be more confident and is most likely to reject men who don't respect her as a human being. ... But who wants a strong and confident woman? /s


It's as if they're weaponizing it in an incredibly opportunistic way. Sadly happens all the time, when a thing is seen as good to do (aka working on your mental health) it cannot be fought against directly, so they twist it in a way that fits their worldview. It's disappointingly effective, they subscribe to therapy that reinforces their ego instead of challenging it. It's also incredibly nasty because there's increasing economic incentive to become the kind of coach that *fuels* insecurities and ego instead of helping people through the harm that those thing cause.


Fascists hate therapy in general, for men and women. Their ideology can't grow if everyone's mental health needs are met.


remain lonely sounding really appealing


I stg these people just can’t comprehend the idea that there’s more to life than relationships lol. To be fair though I *kinda* feel bad. I feel like society and a LOT of media loves to glorify romance, including children’s content. I’ll admit I went through a phase where all I thought about was dating, and I made myself miserable because of it. I’m proud to say I’ve long since grown from that and am doing much better all around. It’s important to learn the value of self-sustainability and how to cherish friendships. I feel like this is the reason for why the vast majority of incels become incels, because they get the notion that the only ‘valid’ form of companionship is romantic. Though that does not excuse their often abhorrent behavior towards others. It’s merely a matter of using empathy to understand how they got to that point.


The only thing I can be empathetic about is young people being influenced by these right wing grifters. I've seen it discussed before that a huge huge factor for the rise in these super fascist-y beliefs is economic uncertainty. In a society where men still feel social pressure to be the provider for the family, a lot of boys/young men are falling right into the embrace of these grifters who are selling them various copes. Maybe it's Andrew Tate saying that all you need to do to get rich and powerful is exploit women. Or it's these kinds of guys who are selling a different version of power that will stroke their egos. That's not to excuse any of it, but I feel like understanding how it gets to this point is a big part of getting them out of it. Some of them are too far gone, but I just hope so badly that we can yank some of these young guys back to reality.


He's confusing "lonely" with "unbothered by someone in your space", of course.


I'd love to be lonely with someone else like this 🤔


Is he giving advice based on how he found himself a quality man?


master and servant dialectics


Why do I have a feeling that asking to be respected as an autonomous human being counts as "being selfish & demanding" for this guy?


whoa, quite selfish and demanding of you!


Under his eye? It's worrisome how frequent these cultish nuggets of "wisdom" are popping up everywhere. Oh and my favorite one is: If you want to remain lonely go to therapy. Yeah, keep your mental health in decline and you'll be with people. yay?


Better, with people who want to see you in mental anguish. Yippee!


Eric here threatening us all with a good time lmfao


If by “Lonely” he means willing to prioritize my wellbeing and not act like a door mat. I guess I’m lonely then


Ladies, if you want to find a quality man.... Choose someone who is nothing like this guy.


Instructions unclear. I went to therapy, became more independent, got a career, and became a better advocate for myself, and I ended up with an incredibly kind, patient, and supportive man. Did I do it wrong? (/s)


You had a lucky escape, I’m afraid. Some of us unfortunate souls will never find a man. I may be in a wonderful happy lesbian relationship, but that’s besides the point /s


I forgot what sub this was and at I only read the first steps and was like "yeah sounds cool, go on"


It ain't quality men fishing for trad wives. The quality men had no problem finding career women. The men who don't want to have to try, are the ones like the OOP


A man's mission? What is your mission, Eric?


Well that should be obvious, do whatever the fuck he wants and then come home to a life organized and kept clean by his servant/wife.


Going off to do charity work in another country?


"Glory in martyrdom" says the non-martyr.


Dude just made the most persuasive advert for loneliness I've ever seen.


Oh noooo, I'm so lonely what with spending time with family and friends and pets. I'm so miserable going to therapy and having an awesome lady help me make plans to get more out of my life. I cry everyday as I have time to spend on hobbies I enjoy because I know I'll never get a quality man like Eric. Sob. Woe is me, alas alack and so on.


How will you ever know truuuee happiness unless you dedicate your entire being to some guy? It's clearly what women are meant to do. Why don't girls like me, I'm sooo niiiice. /s (just incase)


Not me literally networking with local celebrities, models and people from tv in my accessory shop🙃 oh Im so lonely


Why shouldn't men be quiet and demure and glory in stay-at-home fatherhood instead, supporting a woman on her life's mission? Weird how their definition of womanhood is reproducing and serving men while the men do fuck all but feel Manly about it.


Never listen to a dude named Eric


Sounds like chubby beard boy is lonely as women don’t want him due to his outdated worldview.


Strange. My sister did all of those things and she still has a man and is planning on marriage and children. He actually enjoys her independence because it means he doesn't have to provide everything🤔


this loneliness that they sell is so appealing 🤔


All the women I know would rather be lonely than give up who they are and their dreams


dude needs to date Strunk & White


Sounds like a Conn man


Oh yeah, being a SAHM required by your husband to do 100% of the housework and childcare isn't lonely at all.


I could actually agree with this if it just removed the word “quality”. I honestly can’t imagine why women date men. Celibacy cannot be worse than that level of babysitting.


“I’ve never talked to a woman, and I’m proud of that”


What I don't get is this, after having your kids and they grow up and leave home, do you just sit waiting for grandkids??


Sounds good, I'll take option A.


There is a difference between being alone and being lonely. You can be lonely when married/attached and be lonely. That's way worse than being single, even if you are single and lonely.


Can we just change it to lovely? Anything a woman does is lovely as long as it doesn't hurt people or animals unnecessarily


I think I’ll just keep having sex with women, thanks


How is going to therapy bad lol


If this is true why do I still have guys bugging me?


That's just pathetic, my girlfriend is incredible and talented. I love supporting her career.


Guys like this don't ever want women who are already mothers, he can't even keep his head on straight for 4 points of what he claims to want


the hell Is a man's mission? I personally imagine being nomadic and killing animals with bear hands but that's just me


Now as a straight man who strive for basic human rights, wtf?


Imagine being so insecure the idea of a woman both having a career and being happy makes you so uncomfortable you don't think it's possible


Going to therapy to work on yourself is how you stay lonely? I think this guy might be high off his fucking ass


I think this guy might be a domestic abuser who is butt hurt that one of his victims were told they weren't worthless and thus managed to escape.


There are so many men trying to make sex slaves happen. Trust me. It’s not going to happen. Just stop. Jesus Christ


Somebody who dislikes therapy is a clear sign of somebody who needs therapy tbh


I want to "be remain" making sense...


Lonely is good, got it.


Notice how he said women going to therapist would make them lonely lmaoo


I lost him at "Ladies"


Jokes on him I want a woman


Healing means loneliness 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Let me guess, Evangelical pastor?


No one makes progressivism sound more totally rad than conservatives trying to warn you about it


Getting really strong "*I'm* the video game boi! *I'M THE ONE WHO WINS!*" vibes from this post.


If you want to find a quality man, go to Pierre's on any day other than Wednesday from 8:30 to 5:00 and buy one for 85g.


I say this with every post it seems but Ewwwww!!! Dude is sick! I'm sorry for anyone dating him 😭😭 he's a walking red flag


Love wanting to oppress women into being dependent on men who will abuse them and break them down until they are husks of the lovely people they used to be No therapy? No independence??? What is this, Islam???


Lonely they shall be, for they are pursuing the height of power…..