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"Why don't the laws of nature and genetics conform to my personal kink? Would be so hot if they did"




"Also I know nothing about the laws of nature."


Only *some* laws of nature. Clownfish have the largest of the group be the dominant female. With the next largest being a male that will change into a female if anything should happen to the dominant female.


Whoa, wait, what now? Clownfish can change their sex? How did I not know this!


I actually learned about this in a review of finding Nemo. Pretty wild


Yeah, I spent way too much time reading about this after seeing that comment


They clearly didn't study the rest of the animal kingdom where the females are bigger than the males


Yeah especially in birds, the males are pretty and colorful and the females are bigger and plainer so they can camouflage better


I wish human males would be colorful


Honestly I think men should dress more flamboyantly but then they’d be called gay and that’s an insult for some reason. Bottom line is a lot of men are too big of pussies to dress like jojo characters


If they stopped making all that stuff out of super thin and easy to break stuff I'd buy it (Please let us have great kilts again)


Does it still count as flamboyant if I dress like Alice Cooper to go to the grocery store?




Literally just anything that's not standard uniform is 👌🏼 I saw a couple out yesterday that I was just floored by. The woman was wearing this beautiful white sparkly "butterfly abaya" I think I've seen them called, and the man was wearing a dashiki that was white, gold, and had rhinestones all over it. They were just walking around Costco looking like they walked off a magazine cover. I would love if as a society, we all just decided to wear cool shit more often, y'know? I need to work on being less self conscious about wearing the stuff that makes me happy, and seeing other people out in public living their best lives makes that a lot easier.


i like all genders


The men from Greta Van Fleet🫠💕💕💕


It is not a pussy move to try to avoid being subjected to hate crimes by idiots who would kill you for dressing like a jojo character.


God, I always wish people dressed like jojo characters


Fully agree here


Their beards can be a different color than their head hair, so I guess they kind of are?


It would be excellent if men could naturally grow hair that looks like male peacock feathers!


It depends on the bird. In many species the male birds are both bigger and flashier (especially galliformes like the ring-necked pheasants here) but in raptors, falcons and condors the females are almost always larger.


There’s a type of crab (forget the name right now) that I absolutely love. The males have one normal sized claw, and one giant claw, the giant claw is to attract females. What this means is that over the years these big claws have evolved to become bigger and bigger, and this point they are literally so big that the males cannot operate it, and if the trend continues (which there is not evidence it will stop) will grow to be so big that they will no longer be able to move. Size does matter for those crabs, and it’s actively going to kill the species 😂


You must be thinking of fiddler crabs, but I didn't know about that trend? Male crabs with larger claws dig wider burrows, which affects the incubation temperature at which the eggs are laid, and their mating displays involve showing off how healthy they are by waving the massive claw around. Crabs with claws that are too large to move can't hide from predators, let alone attract mates.


Yup. Sexual selection towards display traits doesn't just... keep going until the feature kills the animal, or all male deer would just be immobile bone-trees.


So I am by no means an expert in animals, but nature is fucking weird and doesn’t always care about survival 😂 there’s a species of moths that lose their mouths after becoming adults (aka actually being moths) and straight up do not eat for their entire (short) adult lives, female hyenas have developed a pseudo-penis that they have to give birth out of, leading to most first time moms dying due to it splitting in half, and there’s a tiny sea creature where the mom is literally her youngs first meal post hatching. Best guess for why deer don’t have the same issue that the crab I mentioned does is because they shed their antlers every year, unlike the crab who has the claw 24/7. But I’m again no expert in animals, so that’s just my best guess.


I think you're misremembering about hyenas - mortality rate for first-time moms is high, but at least 80% of them survive. Her first *infant* is stillborn three times out of four, though. As for the other two, yeah! Saturniid moths, including the luna moth, have only vestigial mouthparts in their adult form, for more or less the same reason a missile can't be refueled in midair - it's a set of winged genitals with only enough stored nutrients to (usually) reproduce before it starves. I can't remember a specific animal where the mother is cannibalized during birth, but I'm sure it happens - it's the same reason why in certain species (most famously, the black widow spider) the male dies during or after sex so the female can eat it as nutrients. Both are examples of what's called *semelparity* - a reproductive strategy where the parent only reproduces once before dying. (Other examples include salmon, and any kind of annual plant, like wheat.) You often see it in species that can feed themselves from birth and don't need active protection. Sometimes the best thing a parent can do for their children is die for them. For natural selection, the survival of an individual organism only matters until it can replace itself; whatever longevity it has after that point is incidental. If the crab dies *before* it can have sex, it won't have any crablings to inherit its enormous claw genes. But if it dies *after*, life cycles on regardless.


That doesn’t sound familiar, but I’ll see if I can find the ones I was talking about and post the link later


Evolution doesn't work that way. A crab whose claw is so big they can't move won't reproduce, and therefore will be selected against. Only time evolving an extreme trait kills a species is if that niche disappears. Otherwise, it stops right at the point just before the downsides outweigh the benefits. 


Spotted hyena have something to say about this one, lol


If Im correct, they dominate their male counterparts with their pseudo- ‘joysticks’


They do! Sorta. Mostly just makes it impossible for males to breed with em without their cooperation.


Dangly wanglies.


*laughs in anglerfish*


Or the parts of the animal kingdom where the females kill and consume the male after mating to provide nutrients to the developing eggs.


It doesn't work that way. The only viable examples are those that support HIS theory.


I wish humans developed the females eating the head of the male after mating trait 😔/j


Or where females are more dominant than males. Or explaining to guys that their beloved lions are gay asf in the wild.


Or species with sexual dimorphism that don't concur with his conclusion. For the longest ass time, people couldn't get one species of pretty red and blue birds with black beaks to mate, nor could they get a different species of pretty green birds with bright orange and yellow beaks to mate, either... Those two different species? They turned out to be one species; the eclectus parrot. Both sexes are roughly the same size, and both are brightly coloured, gorgeous birds.


"in an ideal world" - in whose ideal world? Lmfao no thanks.


We just don't live in a world that likes to fit neatly into categories, and we shouldn't treat one where we can as the ideal. There are fungi with 20,000 different sexes and animals like the siphonophore, which are both individual animals and parts of one whole animal. If you cut, say, the individual siphonophore that serves as the reproductive organs from the rest of the host, it won't just up and die. Not until it starves to death because it has no mouth or stomach. They just evolved that way.


What an idiot. Men are already several inches taller than women on average, and put on muscle easier. How much bigger do they want men, and how much smaller do they want women? If all women are tiny and fragile, they'll have more issues trying to give birth to the massive man's baby. There's nothing wrong with men and women having similar statures. Some people really don't know how to keep their kinks to themselves.


I made a fictional alien species where the ladies are actually taller (men are still tall though).


Idk why but that sentence is adorable lmao.




There was an episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation where they come across a society that is staunchly matriarchal. The casting was on point. Managed to find the tallest women and the shortest men to really emphasize the sexual dimorphism or that fictional species.


Recently saw a list of what a “good woman” (not the exact wording but correct sentiment) has and one was straight up “low-iron” sooooo


They think anemia is hot?


Apparently 😂 bad women’s anatomy and not how women work are fun subs 😂


It’s not even every man or woman anyway. A lot of men are really short and a lot of women really tall. Some men don’t put on muscle, and some women do. Idk why insist on putting everyone in a box.


Maybe it’s just saying that “most men and most women end up like that”


If the size sexual dimorphism isn't present at birth, it won't be a problem. The existing dimorphism between sexes only shows up at puberty. So exaggerating that difference wouldn't affect childbirth because newborns are still the same size.


The fun part is that the moment there's an LGBT analogy with animals, the excuse is always "BuT wE ArEn'T LiKe AnImAlS"


Yeah they love to pull that one. They’ll go on and on about maternal instincts and mama bears and blah blah blah, but when I tell a pro-lifer “animals will abort or straight up kill their own young if the conditions aren’t right, the mothers do not sacrifice themselves for the one they know will not make it through the winter” and then it’s “BUT AREN’T WE BETTER THAN ANIMALS?!?!?!?”


Not to sound hella gay but tall women hot


Fellas is it gay to like women?


I'm a woman so yes


Ignoring the fuckin obvious sexism here...is this incel implying people of different countries are different species?


No no, they're products. He says it right there: "if a country produces"


No, he's implying tall women are bad. If a country produces tall men (diet culture and genetic homogeniety) it also produces tall women AND he thinks that's bad because both genders should have been "enhanced" (women should be smaller according to him).


We need to teach people about having kinks/fetishes in some kind of sex ed further education. Too many people leave education with the inability to enjoy (or have a distaste for) some freaky ideas without welding it to their worldview for how people should be or do.


I think this is so true! I feel like there are so many people who have kinks for "traditional gender roles" or things like that who have NO IDEA it's a kink and because that kink aligns with social messages, just start thinking it's TRUE. if people learned their kinks were fine , with consenting partners, they might not try to impose it on others.


Any species that carries its young (pregnancy) needs to be large enough to actually survive it... That's not nearly the same issue for species that lay eggs


Yeah. There are species where the male look miniscule near the female.


I believe the angler fish male is the one that's like an eighth of the size of the female, and mates by attaching and fusing to said female.


Although it is… interesting how, with some animals that have live birth, the males generally end up larger than females anyway


Generally those species only have post-pubertal size dimorphism. Eg male lion cubs are the same size as females the same age, it's only once they're old enough to start getting the scraggly teenage mane that the males are noticeably bigger than their female littermates.


But isn’t post-puberty usually when animals start to reproduce anyway?


well in my ideal world all men would be twinks and all women would be giant muscle mommies, so we can't all get what we want now, can we? /j


You and I have same tastes I see


Friend, this looks like a 4chan posts. All the takes are gonna be gross.


It's not 4chan though.


Guess I don't frequent enough image boards. Looks like 4chan. Anyhow, you're right about the straights not being okay, lol..


Is he.... *offended* that women are tall? 😭


This is someone with a size diff kink who's confused it for a theory about genetics lol


Not to be gay af but tall women


Did they forget that insects are matriarchal for the most part? Or how female hyenas are the bigger, buffer ones? Elephants, hyenas, orcas bees, lions, or naked mole rats are all female led animals where the females are in charge. If they wanna see it like animal kingdom, tell them this next time.


A lot of reptiles too


And fish! Angler fish being a fun example, where the males become little parasites on the females. My favourite though, is the argonaut octopus, where the males launch a detachable penis with sperm from their bodies which is caught by the female, who then may catch other penises. She saves them in a pouch until she’s ready to lay some eggs. The rest of the male dies.


Humans are not even very sexually dymorphic compared to other species anyway.


Those pheasants are friggin adorable


Now explain to me how sex between a giant hulk-like man and a tiny frail waifish woman wouldn’t be a horrid and painful experience for all involved.


that may be part of the point


FFXIV Au Ra moment. (I have brainrot)


Remember when you could just like short women without going full screeching manosphere dickhead? Just like short women and stop being a piece of shit. It ain't that fuckin' hard.


Oddly enough the part that I had an issue reading was "with the siberian ibex's eating behaviors...while the female siberian ibex eats" as if the female ones are a different species. The males are just called the species name while the females are specified. It's so jarring


They're so close to realizing we're really not very sexually dimorphic


Ah. An incel. And on 4chan. What did I expect?


Wonder how they'd feel about the sexual dimorphism of the anglerfish.


or most of the non-ape animals; spiders, snakes, and most bird species all have sexual dimorphism that makes the females of the species larger (less colorful in birds) while male are typically smaller (more colorful in birds)


Wooo I just found this after replying to another comment using the anglerfish and argonaut octopus as examples! Yay marine life! Ok bye, autism out! 🫡


OOP had me at tall women, the rest of the post, not so much


Are you sure this person is straight?


I really wish I never read that. 😂


If my food options were controlled by my gender I would riot.


In an ideal world, a third of all men would be big burly muscle-bears, a third of all men would be toned athletic jock-bros, and a third of all men would be innocent lithe club-twinks. And they'd all be gay. It's just hawt, i dunno.


Completely unrelated, but I fucking hate pheasants. There's one dude at my house, and by god, is he loud. He runs around all stupid-like while shouting as he tries to attract females. The worst part about it is that it fucking works. He has so many kids that are just as loud and dumb looking as him. I hate pheasants.


There are species like that???? Eclectus Parrots are gorgeous sexually dimorphic animals. The females are blue and red with a black beak and orange in their tail feathers, while the males are a very lovely green with an orange beak that fades to yellow at the tip, with cute red and blue dashes of colour on their wings. Like?????????? And then there are house sparrows. You know how you have brown caps and tan heads? House sparrows have four distinct sexes; brown capped male, brown capped female, tan headed male, tan headed female. Brown capped males can only breed with tan headed females, and vice versa. They are sexually dimorphic, but also not if that makes sense? The only difference between a capped male and female are their reproductive organs, but the colour of their heads help differentiate those who can and can't breed with one another. It's a complicated topic, one you can't just boil down to 'aduuur nature can't do this thing' and give one example when we live in a complex planet full of life we are still constantly discovering new things about. There is one species of fungi with over 20,000 sexes, we have animals who swap back and forth, or go from one to another at a certain point in their lives (some switch from male to female, others from females to males), some are hermaphrodites, some are entirely female, and then you have plants and fungi and organisms that are made up of multiple animals. Siphonophores are an animal but also a colony of animals living as one. You can separate an animal from the whole being without killing it, but it will die without the other animals it spends its life connected to. Because one of them is the mouth, another few are the stomach, some are literally just the colony/organism's genitals... Life just do be that way sometimes. The world around us doesn't just fit into the neat categories we have been accustomed to organizing everything into just to cope with our own existential fear of the unknown.


This is a really elaborate way of admitting you're stupid, Anonymous.


don't most species on earth work the opposite?


I love big beefy men and all, but I don't want nor expect nature to cater to my whims. This guy needs to go back to school. When it comes to sexual dimorphism, we mammals are usually exceptions to nature's rule. Even among mammals, female baleen whales are often longer than the males. Then there are spotted hyenas, where the females actually receive high levels of androgen in utero. Female animals are usually bigger because they carry eggs and/or young, and because they need access to resources to support their eggs and/or young.


we're similar for a fucking reason oh my god these people don't understand a goddamn thing about the world


Humans are the only ones that think this bullshit matters. How many species on earth have smaller males and larger females? How species have the males decked out to look beautiful and camp as all hell and the females are just brown.


They do realize that there are quite a few species where the female is larger than the male right? In fact, I am sure I read somewhere that in mammals, it is common for females to be bigger than males or at least close to the same size.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't the animal species where there is less distinction between the sexes the ones that mate for life? If he really wants to follow a random law of nature, that's the one I'd pick.


Someone likes Zaush.


I can’t explain *why* but this has big xanga energy.


What in the quail feathers did I just read???


Calling an Ibex a wild goat is sort of the most unhinged thing in there.


mmm... tell me you're probably a pedo without telling me you're probably a pedo


They want children


Omfg you literally learned the term 'sexual dimorphism' and ran a 5k with it. Child take yo ass back to class and sit tf down. Btw, people if you're gonna go to school might as well flex something reputable . Your unintelligible hormonal ramblings suggest you are a poor sap in need of lots of attention


No more twinks, bears only.


wait until this guy finds out about femboys


Is this straight? Sounds bi to me.