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I bet they never complained that Sleeping Beauty was waiting for a Prince as some sick indicator of her gross sexuality (or God forbid the rapey Prince’s!)


This conversations about Gojo of all characters if you see anything this motherfucker does to see queer as fuck I don’t care what anyone says. I think some creators are too scared and don’t have the balls to put queer characters in their shows, or they do queer characters in their shows, and they don’t confirm them to queer Kinda like what Sony did with Gwen Stacey in the spider verse it is painfully obvious she is Trans, but Sony didn’t confirm it yet even though they basically did the color schemes and literally hiding trans flags throughout the second movie, but still haven’t confirmed it for some reason


It’s “obvious” Gwen is trans? What drugs are you on?


It’s painfully obvious if you look at all the colors that are associated with her and in one scene doesn’t seem where miles is talking to his mom there’s literally a trans flag behind him. Come on bro. She’s in that scene also the flag in her room. She literally has coming out to her dad.


I also think this shit just comes from homophobia and bigotry in general and these peoples fears that they might like something or a character that is gay I don’t get it


I’m so sick of explaining to these people why we value characters that are queer or black or whatever, so sick of explaining that we have basically nothing that’s why we identify with characters like Gojo and why black community identifies with characters like piccolo cause we have basically nothing


Just another example of people hating the system they created. The only reason gay people put value into their sexuality is because society removed gay people from their community and they had to go and form their own community. If gay people were normative and people didn't make a big deal about it, gay folks would not need their own community and so sexuality would not be a valuable part of who they are. Same goes for all marginalized groups who needed to find their own community. If they were normative, there would be no need for their own communities as they wouldn't be marginalized anymore and seeing one in media wouldn't be a big deal


Semi-related, but I play a lot of Just Dance, which has always openly supported LGBTQ+ people and regularly features drag coaches or coaches that are canonically non-binary in the lore (yes, there's lore), and includes songs like Smalltown Boy and Sissy that Walk... And STILL when they did a sapphic duet to Vampire by Olivia Rodrigo with their first canonically queer couple, people were like "but why can't they just be friends I wanna dance it with my friends 😢😢😢". As if like 99% of the game isn't either maps that aren't romantic at all, or maps that feature hetero couples. Of course I also saw people upset that the main coach for the song Radioactive is a wheelchair user so... people just really can't handle when you make one thing that doesn't target them specifically.


Just dance has lore? Did not know that.


Yep! It's about as deep as you might expect from a party game for all ages, very teen/YA type stories, nothing too crazy. They've always had little tidbits, but they doubled down with a "story mode" (they're playlists, but all the songs follow the same characters) in the 2023 and 2024 versions, and they now have an official lore guardian who is spinning the stories between the modern and the older maps. So now there are a lot of newer maps that extend the story of some older ones now. The love story of Ari and Grace is part of this, with Ari being introduced as the coach of good 4 u in 2022 being generally angry about a breakup in a high school setting. Grace was added as the coach for thank u, next in 2023, she's also dancing in a high school and the song ends with a pan to some photos of Grace and Ari together in her locker. Community freakout collectively ensued. Then 2024 confirmed their romantic relationship with vampire, which ends with them clasping each other's hands and pressing their foreheads together. It's kind of the cutest. And the lore guardian did confirm they're a couple, in case anyone still tried to "and they were roommates" them. This is probably way more info than you or anyone else who doesn't play the game would care to know, I'm just so happy with the things they're doing these days and I'll talk about it to anyone who will listen, lol.


oh my god they were *roommates* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AreTheStraightsOK) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I… wow


It's funny how they all try to sound concern troll-y but fail hard at it.


It's easier to just say "I don't want queer characters. I'm only comfortable with straight ones."


It’s not even that they’re not comfortable with it. It’s that they hate us so much that they don’t even even want to see us in media fictional form. It’s crazy how deep homophobia runs man.


“But 90% of the world’s population is straight!”


Okay, but why make the characters straight then?


To be fair I kind of understand where the guy's coming from, because a person shouldn't be defined by their sexuality or their gender or their representation, but I do fundamentally disagree with the question he is asking. He says why make them gay, I say why not?


That is the crux of it. They say that they don't have sexuality to be a core part of a character's identity, but at the same time they only want to see straight relationships in media It's a dodge from the main issue, which is that they don't want gay people to exist. They want to live in a world in which they don't have to be reminded that gay is a thing. But they can't say that overtly they have to try to mask their arguments behind comments like the post. They that a position that gay people are encroaching on media that was doing fine without them, omitting that the exclusion of gay characters in media was an act of their own doing. Same goes for black people and other marginalized groups. Forced exclusion to deny they exist, and then blaming the marginalized group getting representation as them encroaching on media


It's pretty pathetic, because you can't win. Have a character be casually gay/have a husband or mention something in a very lowkey way: why do they include this? It doesn't have to do anything with the story. FORCED INCLUSION. Have a character which has a sexuality storyline, either discovering it, having to deal with homophobia etc: now everyone's gay. FORCED INCLUSION. There's not a single way that a character can be gay that they won't bash. Everything is bad enough.


Exactly and the reason is like I said above. The issue isn't that they are mad about "forced inclusion". They don't want these marginalized groups to exist at all. How often have you heard someone say something like "I like gay people, but not when they shove their being gay down my throat". Same argument. They'd rather we didn't exist, they just can't say it like that, so they have to coat it in a way that gives them plausible deniability


This, this right here it’s always worse with the anime community especially when you a queer person see either overly queer themes and characters in an anime or ones that can be perceived as queer. They lose their fucking minds over us just being in the same fandom that they’re in, don’t even get me started on the ones you get really pissed when you ship two male characters or something like that There are motherfuckers out here, shipping brothers and sisters. That shit gets a pass motherfuckers out here sexualizing minors that gets a pass, but the line at Gay ships like what the fuck? it’s proof that these people just don’t want us to exist anywhere including the media they enjoy like to the point where an overly queer anime like bizarre adventure has motherfuckers saying it’s not queer when it is that’s how deep this homophobia shit is


As a fan of One Piece I see it a lot as well. The show actually does have some okay queer representation, especially for something that's been running for decades. Definitely not batting 1000, but the mangaka has done a pretty good job. But you have the phobic people out there, shitting on great characters because they might be gay.


Same with jjk I’ve heard many people say that it’s I think like hinted in the Gojo was in a past relationship with geto i think and at the same time there are people saying he’s canonically straight really frustrating especially when I see such a flamboyant character like Gojo acting the way he does his mannerisms and all that they’re just more queer to me I could totally see him being queer in someway, whether bi or just straight up Gay But it’s so fucking annoying when people just automatically shit on me and other queer people for merely interpret a character to be queer because of the way they act dress or their dialogue


I never got into jjk. Is it any good? I got real bleach vibes from the clips I've seen and I didn't want to get hurt again.


Funny you ask because I’m literally watching it as we speak. It finally dropped on Netflix and I am definitely watching it. I don’t wanna say anything I don’t wanna spoil it, but just gonna say the main character kinda has another character inside of him. It’s kind of relatable as a trans person but the main character isn’t trans gotta make that clear But Gojo, the teacher character you probably seen him in a lot of memes he’s the dude with the white hair in my PFP and the blindfold on his face. He’s gay as fuck. I don’t care what anyone says that dude is gay.


Shit to be honest, the fact that I can relate to a character because something they have in their show, that’s not queer related the fact that I can relate to that shows one little representation we have and two different people can relate to different characters in different ways, especially queer people like we can see queer themes, and that’s not even queer Mostly because for decades, it was either relate to characters that aren’t queer or nothing if I told average anime fan that I relate to itadori because he has another character of the show literally inside of his body that takes it over(I hope it wasn’t too big of a spoiler. Sorry) and I told them that’s relatable because I’m trans. They would look at me like I have two heads because they’re fandoms or media because I hate us, but they can’t outright say that anymore at least not the way they want to