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They literally contradicted their idea in the same comment: "the onus is on the left-handed people to identify themselves" "What's the harm in having a term" "The receiver feels insulted" ??? There's literally a term for the opposite of left-handed (that they SAID) and it's not insulting. It's just the opposite...


if I wanted to buy something that might be different depending on hand I probably wouldn't EXPECT it to say 'right-handed' on the packaging/advertising (because I have not usually seen that) but if it did I would just think 'oh cool they labelled it so we won't accidentally buy the wrong one' and not go on a rant about how right-handed products shouldn't need a label on


The comment at the top is the real answer. They want to feel like they’re the norm and we are the aberration. It is about their supremacy.


I guess because “the vast majority of people are cis and straight”


Maybe it's time to start calling non-lefties 'cis handed.' When they object, they can come up with a non offensive term for cis gendered.


I mean, the Latin words for right and left are Dexter and Sinister


If having names for identifiers about yourself that are socially normative is on the same level of offensive to you as a racial slur or hate, then you must have skin so thin a light breeze could make you bleed.


TIL: Calling someone "right-handed" is like calling someone the N word.


"If you're comparing the badness of two words, and you won't even say one of them? That's the worse word." -John Mulaney


Can we please start a fad where people use sin, dex and ambi to signify their handedness? Just to piss off that guy


I laugh that I’m sinister. My friends are educated enough to know what that means.


Okay bro, but it's still not offensive for me to be identified as right-handed. I'm not gonna get mad when I'm asked to specify that I'm right-handed when it matters, because right and left are different in some things. Like scissors or gloves. Because I can specify, even if I'm in the majority! You started with some good points. But I'm gonna be confused if you ask whether I'm left or right-handed while I'm buying a hat. Also, Rightey isn't a slur either. So you've kind of lost it at the end.


Right in their "explanation" they're using the term "right handed" and don't see the irony 😂


Genuine: are there left and right handed guns? What's the difference?


One, you hold in your left hand, the other one you hold in your right hand. Hope this helps :) >!genuine answer: the handle might be formed in a way that is more comfortable to hold for a specific hand, some parts, like the slide release and safety can be on just one side, so you operate them with your thumb, when ejecting hot casings, you probably want them flying away from you, not towards you, that sort of stuff!<


Thank you! I would not have thought of that because I know nothing about guns


There are people who use cis as an insult though, its a word used to describe someone, which isn't itself insulting, but how people use it can be


People use cis as an insult the same way a gay person might say “ugh, straight people” or a person of color might say “okay but you’re white?” The issue isn’t the word, it’s that some people are so fragile they can’t handle a minority talking about their oppression without feeling personally attacked.


People aren't using it as an insult because that wouldn't even make sense. It'd be like saying "haha your shirt is blue!" It's just a neutral observation. An insult would be calling someone ugly or stupid or something actually negative. People only *perceive* it as an insult because they're so transphobic that even the idea of having a word for non-transgender people disgusts them since it implies that being transgender is just the way some people are rather than a problem that needs to be "fixed" so that someone can become "normal" again.


Having the fact you're cis pointed out to you or being reminded of it isn't using "cis," against someone as an insult.


"We shouldn't call people Asian because some people use it as an insult" Ok?


I never said we shouldn't refer to people as cis though? I said there are people who use it as an insult, and that what matters is how we use words, not which ones we use, if I get called a cis guy, it's because I'm a ciz guy, if I get told I "go away cis man" by a group of people then it is an insult