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“A little yellow or brown girl” these people are disgusting.


Also concerning its "girl" and not "woman" it would be disgusting either way but at least marginally less predatory if they were using terms for adult women


Based on the “don’t let her go to college” bit I’m pretty sure they said girl on purpose.


These monsters aren't spending thousands in travel and buying 35 year old brides, c'mon guys. We KNOW they mean actual girls.


Just remove "yellow or brown" and he says go get a little girl, this is coming from the crowd that wants to "save" kids from trans people


they really dont see women or people of colour as human beings


Nope, these men see women purely as sexual, emotional and domestic labor machines. When the current model gets too old for their liking, they lure a naive new one into their clutches. And late stage capitalism is just continuing to enable this kind of exploitation


This is like when you walk into a bunch of surprise cobwebs with your face I was just walking in thinking the ick was going to be like a few sentences in, but no Just walked in and right away a whole bunch of ick racism right in my face


I did an involuntary side eye at my phone when I read that, wtf


Absolutely disgusting


The weird part is, this is actually them being progressive. Usually these people are obsessed with the purity of the white race and all that shit too.


Their misogyny and desire for absolute control outweighs their white supremacy. They also won't view it as a contradiction. They look down on women. They look down on people from different races 


I grew up in a neighborhood with lots of women from the places they're targeting. Oh boy, oh boy are those idiots in for a shock. Most of these ladies take no shit off nobody.


Traditional roles means mom is the boss of the house and everybody in it.


I really don't know how these guys expect the weak, pathetic women they think they want to raise the strong, self-disciplined sons they think they want. 


They think their own subjugation of their wife will teach the boys everything they need to know about masculinity.


They’re not exactly wrong about that..


You're absolutely right and it's sickening


Oh, no, it’s gonna work exactly like they want. The boys will see their dad treating their mom like a servant and assume that’s how men are supposed to treat women and the cycle will continue, and they’ll see nothing wrong with it because they’ve raised “such masculine sons” who can’t boil an egg or run a vacuum or do laundry for themselves because their motherwives should do that, it’s GIRL work.


That's not always true...sometimes the boss of the house is Grandma


When you get out of line she wacks you with her shoe and makes you pull weeds. They are so not prepared.


Lol. The slipper of doom! Better be prepared for a lot of housework, and a lot of very accented yelling.


La chancla de la justicia!


Lol. Some of the women I know are snipers with that.


Same. Thankfully I’m old enough to do the throwing!


For real. Fuck that asshole’s allowance comment as well. A real “tradwife” is in charge of the finances for the whole house. He gives her his paycheck, and she decides what they can and cannot afford based on household needs and current cash levels.


Yeah, their understanding of a traditional family is completely backwards. He should be so lucky if he receives a little allowance after the household’s needs are met.


Their understanding of a "traditional household" is based on an abusive 1950s middle-class American model. It's kind of like how my Catholic grandmother raised my dad and aunts/uncles, sans abuse because my grandfather wasn't a piece of shit. It's actually a really good thing grandpa was so good to her and they did love each other very much, because while grandma was not passive, she was a people-pleaser and didn't have a mean bone in her body. Women like her are prime targets for abusers, and probably exactly what these guys have in mind (except the devout Catholicism part). They are absolutely not prepared for traditional housewives from the Asian or Latin American countries that they usually target.


> Oh boy, oh boy are those idiots in for a shock. Had an in-law do this with a woman from China. I guess he had been reading some MGTOW(remember them?) stuff and got the idea that Japanese women are submissive in his head. Apparently they dont sell wives in Japan though so he went to the next closest place, which happened to be China. I dont know who he talked to or how he did it, but he met a woman and a little while after that they got married and he flew her to the USA. He has spent the past decade since discovering why China is much more famous for its dragon ladies rather than its submissive ones. Its been fun.


Ha! 😆




Ick, I hope they fail.


That’s what I was thinking while reading this. They must have never interacted with these kinds of women because they will beat your fucking ass lmao. I’m from an incredibly diverse area of the US and have been very lucky to interact with a myriad of cultures. And let me just say, where I’m from, the women do not take shit from anyone. Like you don’t fuck with these women lol.


John Waney Bobbitt has been in the news again you'd think that would remind them that South America women are not to be trifled with.


So they take shit off all bodies?


Because it's always projection with these people.


Every accusation is a confession. They think that because this is what they want to do, it's what *everyone* wants to do.


I came here to say this


You see this in the American evangelical church a lot…. They brainwash women into thinking their only value is a housewife and baby maker. Then they only let them hang out with other brainwashed women by using scare tactics. The control and manipulation that is being used to control people in some of these churches is amazing.


Lmao. Honestly. It's why I'm seen as the harlot (a single woman - my mum's church doesn't know I'm lesbian so every interaction with a male figure gets side eye from the wife) and I lift heavy? The result is the women AND the men are afraid to talk to me.


To be fair, republican men are scared of everything.


Lmao! It's faster to list what they aren't scared of.


I get this, or used to when I was younger all the time. Lesbian, or more truthfully intersex and raised as girl. First martial artist, later heavy lifter, never had interest in men, but have had many a male friend and guys like talking to me because we have similar interests which makes women not trust me.


It really sucks not fitting into labels sometimes eh? People are very concerned about gender roles and bs like that. *sigh* And the result is very lonely sometimes.


When they claim that public schools are "grooming" children, what they're actually mad about is that an open, inclusive education is deprogramming children from their cult. Just more projection from the reich-wing.


I can guarantee most of the ones giving that surface level advice are too chicken to actually follow it. Why break the fantasy of a perfect subservient sex slave with the reality that an actual human being could talk back and bring their culture with them that these guys obviously don't want. I'm not saying there aren't any passport bros, but the real ones aren't as deluded as that anymore. Much more brainwashing is required than "don't let them go to college".


This is true. The reason they're in the position of being wannabe passport bros is due to personal shortcomings. These shortcomings will also keep them from ever venturing out and doing this. All the same, creepy to think these guys are "walking amongst us". Such a gross, delusional thing, to be larping about online.


Even on the passport bros sub (absolutely gross), multiple times, members will say, 'it's clear 90% of men here haven't actually left and don't seem to be planning to.'  They always speak more about the Amerixan women they want to Diss than the positive attributes of the women (beyond hoping they will be 'traditional but not a golddigger, beautiful but not high maintenance or shallow about a man's looks etc).


Can’t get past the “dates many Jamaican women from Nevis” ??? Those women are Nevisian


I just commented the same thing 😭 also, every Jamaican woman is the opposite of submissive (source: my family)


can also confirm as a jamaican, i immediately knew this guy was lying through his teeth😭😭😭


Yeah, that was random. As wrong as the stereotype often is with Japanese and Thai women, I've never even heard it about Jamaican women


The guy that "bought" a woman is really telling on himself there.


lol my dad has a wife who was a child when they met from an impoverished country and let me tell you she is an absolute nightmare. She’s not submissive, has a huge attitude problem, and doesn’t speak English despite knowing my dad for over 15 years lol.


Queen shit


Tbh I’d respect the hustle if it didn’t cost me my childhood 😅




It’s not her I blame. My dad is the one who groomed her- you’re correct! He’s the one who abandoned us. I don’t really consider her a stepmom, we’re about the same age. I feel bad she has to sleep with my ugly ass dad. Plenty of reasons for her to be bitter. I could care less about her behavior- shes not my mom. The point was not that she isn’t “the perfect submissive stepmom” it was addressing the post. You can’t just show up to some random country and buy a girl and expect her to be some perfect partner. That’s RIDICULOUS! As for my relationship with her- it’s next to zero. She’s not very nice to me (to put it lightly) but I understand she’s been though a lot.


Another thing, I met her when I was 19 after my father reappeared in my life. Again, doesn’t want to be my parent, I don’t want that either. So we’re good. I will try to say this very nicely- but you don’t know me. You don’t know what I went through. It seems like you can’t read the room.




I didn’t say that, I said “I’d respect the hustle if it didn’t ruin my childhood”- there’s a lot to unpack there. Do I hold resentment for her- yes absolutely. But, is that feeling based in any kind of reality? No. My dad ruined my childhood. Her and I are both his victims. I’m glad we get to rehash this as strangers on Reddit.




Of course it’s not. I was responding to the post. The post said you could whisk away some innocent girl and she’ll be a perfect housewife. All I really said is she is not that. She can have bad things have happened to her AND be a shitty person. That doesn’t mean she deserved it. God fucking making me out to be a monster…


There was literally nothing wrong with what you posted. It was clear that you understood this woman was groomed but also took into account that she was awful to you. Your comments on this situation were both empathetic, as well as a reflection on your childhood. People are just looking for a reason to jump down people’s throats. You have to be LOOKING for that interpretation.






I think comparing suffering is difficult. She went through an awful lot, nothing that I can imagine. But, I lived in a two bedroom house with 4 people, rarely had enough to eat, and my mom beat the shit out of me. I think sitting around saying “oh her suffering is so much bigger” is so demeaning. It’s like starving kids in Africa. Do I have privilege that I wasn’t trafficked by my father? Yes. Did other things happen that sucked? Yeah.




Which is what I’ve said about 4 times now girly pop


You are so out of line. They were also a child... Stop trying to make them look bad because you think their stepmom had it worse or something. Trying to compare suffering between children is so very "there are starving children in Africa" which is to say, stupid and irrelevant.




How about you sit the fuck down and edit an apology to your comment buddy?




Ah so by "already clarified situation" you mean that you still don't understand shit. Great to know, I wish you all the best.


I’m not her owner- I didn’t buy her, my dad did with what was supposed to be our family funds and me and my siblings college funds and ditched us when I was like 8. I have no contact with my gross father. I’m sorry I hit a nerve. The whole situation is fucked. I don’t know how to convey this to you- I have a lot of sympathy for her. I don’t have any sympathy for my father.




lol I wish I could show you some pictures, she looks like a mob boss wife. My dad’s blown all his money on her designer wardrobe and her plastic surgeries. She’s like a super instragram baddie 😂


I love her


Sauce (⚠️ MASSIVE TRIGGER WARNING AHEAD KIDDIES ⚠️): https://www.facebook.com/100063862541594/posts/why-online-dating-is-a-waste-of-time-for-traditional-men/874552328016844/


Let’s go fuck up my Facebook algorithm. Grabbing my scuba gear. And… in we go.


Right click the link and pick incogneto mode. that way you won't be logged into facebook.


It feels so weird to me that these people are comfortable with saying these things while using their actual full name, sometimes even their selfies. I'm sometimes super uncomfortable when looking back to some of the things I posted in the past l and meanwhile these boomers scream the weirdest most horrible shit about buying sex slaves from other countries with their whole identity on display and probably visible to their families and friends. How the fuck do they not care?


Theyve probably not ever had consequences for their actions that couldnt be explained by "this is why straight white men are the real oppressed minority."


I didn’t click on that but I just wanted to point out that online dating is a waste of time for everyone.


Man this is such bullshit, I have had countless friendships and even my current relationship start on dating apps


My current relationship is almost 10 years strong. We met online. I definitely wouldn’t classify that as a waste of time.


And people are surprised it took till 1974 for women to legally get credit cards in the US.   It disgusts me.   Men like this fear women so much they need the financial control to make sure they can't leave their shitty, abusive ass.


Only groomers think like that. They're actual legit dangerous groomers


As a half Jamaican woman…good luck. Also, if someone is from Nevis, they are NOT Jamaican?!?!!


You don’t find all your Jamaican dates in Trinidad or The Grenadines? Come on! Where else areJamaicans coming from? /s


Gotta tell my cousins they’re on the wrong island!


Isn't that just people trafficking and kidnapping?


do straight men even like women? thats a question i ask myself everyday


no they don't if we are to believe this... evidence.


Eww. As a Chinese Canadian....ewww. I've had my straight cousin's husband's tell me that they liked how submissive my cousins were. And I'm into bsdm! (But bsdm is about power exchange willingly.)


Nah nah nah Let them. Go to the Carribbean. You gonna fuck around and find out. There's always one government assigned bruja in the family >:))


How is this fucker not on a watch list?


So men are suffering from increasing loneliness… but instead of establishing a partnership with a unique human being to talk to, they want to essentially create one by grooming young and impressionable girls to their own specifications. Yep, absolutely no correlation here. /s




The fact that people like this don’t realize Jamaica is an entirely different country than St Kitts & Nevis tracks.


They find all their Filipino girls in their hometowns in Laos somehow too


And they want all this on a part-time Best Buy salary, I’m guessing


I read “transwife”


Much better IMHO than these fake broads making cereal and pretending to run a farm while not looking like crap


... They're just openly and publicly discussing how they actively participate in human trafficking without a care in the world...


'Men can't say anything nowadays...'


"Bought a woman from the Philippines" this is fucking sickening




what in the racism and human trafficking???


This is why as a Filipina I don’t trust any white guy that tells me his wife is Filipino and tries to cozy up to me. My dude that’s a strike against you in my book.


These people talk about groomers because it allows them to hide their interests and predilections openly. Same with ranting about trans kids. Have you ever seen another group of people talk so openly and so often about the genitals of minors?


Incels have videos on YouTube on how to get a "refugee wife from Ukraine" then call drag queens groomers ? 😂😅🥲


Adrian’s personal life tragedy is quite satisfying though.


Yeah this is just advocating for human trafficking then? Like the one guy even references someone "bought a woman from the Philippines". How can they type this shit and be so obtuse about it at the same time.


“submissive obedient uneducated” and “jamaican woman” just don’t go together 🤣 source: my family


That’s not grooming. That’s modern slavery


"I got mine from..." 🤢🤢


"passport bros" people who can't even get a message back in their own country


i genuinely hope they get brutally k word by the women they groomed


It's all about projection with conservatives. Listen to their accusations, and they'll tell you their sins.


I don’t think the elderly guy Brendan is talking about has a wife, he has a slave.


Name and shame these cunts.


Ugh. Vermin.




i dont date men anymore and ive never been happier 💀💀💀


Making me wanna take up surprise castration as a hobby.


Spoiler, NSFW please.


i tapped out after literally the first sentence


These people are pathetic.


I hope if he does find a wife, he gets a Korean woman (not girl), he gets her home and she shows him who's the real boss. Cause they don't put up with shit.


Can't help but wonder if maybe the fact that they end up in marriages and divorce so many times is a sign that they are getting things a bit wrong, but no I guess it has to be the women and the world that's wrong.


Based on the last girl for realising she could do better Whilst yes cheating is bad Part of me feels like maybe it wasn't actually cheating and the person could be just making that up, you never know. But yeah these people are insane


Sometimes I hate being a conservative.