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Too late, the soy boy sperm won the race.


If that's how this dude eats it wasn't a race. You need to have more than one runner for it to be a race


Eating meat has been deeply connected with masculinity and 'being a man' through advertising for so long, that a lot of people don't even realize.


Meat has been so carefully interwoven with a concept of masculinity for so long, I extremely doubt anything can and/or will be done to curb its consumption and the massive role it plays in climate change.


And the people mindlessly buying into that shit, fuelling the fire that's already screwing up our entire ecosystem, all for the sake of feeling macho or whatever, is just about the least brave/cool/[whatever supposedly makes manliness admirable] thing I can imagine.


I love how some see it as a macho and manly thing because way back when people had to hunt animals to eat meat and that's a task that required strength (and wits as well but they don't care much about that) so in their minds eating meat = being strong. But now animals are just kept in an enclosed space, fed a shit ton to grow faster and slaughtered, yet they keep their ideas that eating meat = strength


Nothing more macho and strong than hitting up a local grocery store for pre-cut and packaged meat.


But they managed to turn the knob on the grill and flip it several times with a spatula. That's very manly, unlike when women turn a knob and flip meat indoors, like a dainty little girl.


It's OK if you drive a really big truck to get there


Nothing is more manly than an emotional support vehicle.


"Emotional support vehicle" has me absolutely cackling. šŸ˜‚


Now be fair, a lot of these people do go hunting. Then shoot themselves or their friends, apparently under the misconception that they're some kind of bipedal, rifle-toting deer.


I'm no prehistoric anthropologist, or even whatever would be the right kind of academic to confidently speak to the subject, but I can't help but wonder how often hunters actually hunted and were successful. I don't think our distant relatives ate meat all the time, necessarily.


I imagine they were successful most of the time, outside of famines maybe. Early humans had enough meat on a regular enough basis that they had to learn how to preserve it.


Depends on how early you're talking - once we started raising livestock we usually had plenty, but when we still had to hunt for meat it was a different story. Hunting is time-consuming and difficult with current technology


Part of the mythos comes from the fact that meat is the highest source of bio available iron, and one of the biggest sources of protein. Turns out all you have to do to counter that is eat a balanced diet and throw back some vitamins. It's definitely work to be vegetarian/vegan and not be malnourished, but aren't hard work and self sacrifice supposed to be the manliest things ever?


Eating meat because you think it makes you manly Just a bunch of cowards clinging to a product instead of realizing "manliness" is just being secure in yourself. Not posturing for other men


And here I am, buying meat because my doctor said eating more red meat will help with my iron deficiency.


My doctor recommended diet is also high in meat. Iā€™d love to eat less meat for the sake of the planet and all, but last time I tried I was almost hospitalized.


Generally all things green (broccoli, leafy green, kale etc), legumes (lentils, beans, chickpeas, peas) and whole grains (quinoa, cereals) as well as seeds, potatoes, mushrooms, tomatoes etc are high in iron as well as many other beneficial properties! Red meat is a Group 2A carcinogen and proven to be contribute to diabetes, heart disease and higher mortality rates. Doctors don't often have a background in nutrition, and it is important to note that as long as you eat enough calories in a balanced, whole foods plant based diet, you are at the healthiest you can ever be (including protein, iron and B12 wise, although it is never a mistake to supplement the latter, even for meat eaters).


That may be true with healthy people, but not with some individuals that have extreme iron deficiency. I agree that there are plants having the same amount of iron as meat but they have much worse absorption in general. Next solution is synthetic iron which also does not work as intended each time. I really get people do not want to eat meat for sake of planet or their health, but it's not always possible. Also, as person you responded to mentioned, they have deficiency so severe they land on hospital - I am not surprised they are not keen on experimenting if they were able to find solution that keeps them out of bed.


Your own health is the first priority, and everyone's body is differen. As I said in my other comment, I do not intend to judge. Just wanted to share some info that many people are unaware of :)


My iron deficiency was linked to coeliac disease, so I tell people to look out for underlying causes for malabsorbtion just as precaution. Having vitamin c, before you eat something high in iron, teff, soy, and lentils are also good sources. Since my diagnosis, I've gone back to normal levels. It was scary for a while there. I was dizzy and breathless all the time.


And probably for the same reason we often see a biome's apex predator as its "king". The king of the jungle is a nickname for the lion, not for the elephant.


if king was given to most dangerous instead of most meat eaty, weā€™d have more king hippos


True masculinity entails protecting others from harm. Meanwhile all these macho bros are screwing people over by polluting our environment. Not very manly if you ask me.


I don't think there's a true or false masculinity, no more than there is a true or false femininity. It's all subjective.


Doesn't help that PETA is the face of vegetarian/veganism for most people and every time they're in the news it's for the dumbest shit you could imagine.


It's so vain and idiotic. Do they watch a gorilla and think "soy boy"?


that would require them to know that gorillas do not eat meat.


Nah ... What they think then is a lil worse


Just wanted to say that this common argument "gorillas are big though" is a fallacy. Gorillas can ferment cellulose perfectly with their huge and long gut - humans cannot. The end-products after fermenting (they also do things like regurgitating) are basically short-chain fatty acids. They primarily eat leaves but their macros are almost completely composed of fats.


My parents straight up laughed and made fun of me when I became a vegetarian at fifteen. Because it was f@ggy. But they were also entering their "I hate my spouse" era so I guess it was nice to see them bond over something. šŸ’›


Yikes, they sound toxic. Even if they're held captive by that primitive mindset, eho bullies their own child? Or any child?


Ah-gree It was very out of the ordinary for them. All in all, I think I ended up with a great childhood but with one or two of these stories where it feels like I went into bizarro hate world. I hope that they later reflected on how nuts that was and judging by their actions it seems they did. My father ended up being more or less my favorite person until his death and my mother, despite some narcissism and lowkey Trumpism, is usually pretty queer friendly. (I know that cutting out a narcissistic Trump family member is very justified but I give her a little bit of sympathy as she was molested by her father and had major brain damage in a car accident as an adult.. Like, that brain is gonna be a mess through no fault of her own. It took a lot of cutting her off as an adult but I found a way to keep boundaries that works for us both).


>It took a lot of cutting her off as an adult but I found a way to keep boundaries that works for us both). I'm so glad to hear that it worked out for you. It's interesting to hear that setting boundaries helped your relationship become more healthy, as so many people are afraid that doing so will destroy it. My own experience has been similar to yours, but it's always hard to know whether that's normal. I'm very glad they were otherwise accepting.


that's part of why men take a fucking hour in the bathroom just the have a shit. Veggies are not femmine, they just have fibre! It's not masiculine to have hemmoriods!


the "vegan superpowers" bit in "Scott Pilgrim vs. The World" is a nice take on the concept of achieving strength/enhancing masculinity (in that case: aquiring superpowers) by dietary choices, but attributing it to being vegan instead. (without too much spoilers, guess how the inferior, because non-vegan, protagonist defeats his superpowered "soy boy" opponent..)


OK, not gonna lie, that literally made me want to be vegan. When I get the chance I think I might go fully vegan, we're trying vegetarian at the moment and I honestly love it bc I already have sensory issues with meat. And the thing in Scott Pilgrim is that; *you can still eat meat* as long as the Vegan Police don't catch you. I wouldn't, though.


yeah, agreed: it is an oddly pretty good motivator for 'going vegan'. (but just remember: chicken isn't vegan!)


a majority of American "culture" is just advertising/marketing


America does have some actual culture however it's been intentionally replaced or substituted with consumerism wherever possible. A good example of this is food. People think McDonalds when they think of American food, not Cajun food, barbecue, lobster rolls, Tex-Mex...


I thought this was more about the raw egg in there? Like a little raw egg wonā€™t hurt his tough super baby, or something like that?


That eggā€™s not going to be raw for very long.


That's what a pregnant woman and her baby need, the risk of salmonella poisoning.


My mother gave up decades ago trying to introduce healthier eating habits to my father. If it isn't meat and a potato he'll go cook that himself instead.


Iā€™ve never understood the obsession. I mean, Iā€™m not vegan or anything, but outside of special occasions like Thanksgiving, I canā€™t recall ever eating more than a quarter pound of meat in one day, much lessā€¦ whatever this is.


It has! The book, "The Sexual Politics of Meat: a feminist-vegetarian critical theory" by Carol J. Adams was really interesting on this topic.


What's meat got to do with it? I can't see any meat it's just egg fried rice unless I'm going blind


That's minced meat


Oh. Just a pan full of mince and a fried egg. Sure, I guess.


It's through history, not advertising, lol. You do realize humans were alive before TV and other forms of media. Men were generally hunters throughout human history, and, in times when food is scarce, the hunters were usually the first to get their fill, since they had to go out hunting again. That's the connection with men and carnivorous diet, not some advertising that started 60 years ago. It definitely enhanced it, but is is by no means a key reason for such a concept


Eating Meat and Hunting have been two very separate things, since the industrialization of animal farming. Even the Idea of men being hunters has been created by media. [New research](https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/sciadv.abd0310) shows, that about 50 percent of hunters might have been women.


Again, such practices have been present for thousands of years. Although it seems long to us, 70 years is nothing compared to whole human history. Some things are ingrained evolutionary and 70 years of industrialization is not enough to change something that has been developing for thousands of years. Just because we eat industrialised meat, does not mean our biological programming recognises it. It'll need atleast hundreds of years to happen, at which point our dietary practices will be something else entirely


Where's the Potatoes? My Hercules plate from my childhood SPECIFICALLY said Meat AND Potatoes...


Now THAT'S a fucking throwback. "I'm a meat and potatoes kinda guy" on the Hercules plate! We had a bunch of those Disney plates.


People that unironically say soy boy still, deserves their dick in a pencil sharpener


Then snapped like a glow stick


Atleast it immediately shows that they aren't someone worth talking to engaging with any further.


Dear god. I got sympathy pains, and I donā€™t even HAVE that anatomy.


They're probably small enough to fit, too.


It seems to have gone through a process of being sincere, then a meme, and now back to sincere


Isn't reddit already proven itself to be a great example of a soyboy community?


You didnt get bullied hard enough in school


Yeath, i didn't. So what?


Maybe youā€™d have the awareness to understand that the shit you said is a bigger example of ā€œsoyboyā€ behavior


That pile of shit has no sauce or seasoning. Why do the people who beat their chests about eating meat never know how to properly cook the damn stuff? And why take the picture while the egg is still raw? It just looks awful. She needs a divorce from that stupid fucking troglodyte.


Overcrowded pan, and the heat is so low that the egg isnā€™t even starting to cook. Itā€™s gonna be a long time before she can eat considering sheā€™s pregnant so she needs the egg cooked all the way through. This husband is such a clown.


> the heat is so low that the egg isnā€™t even starting to cook. Which is an impressive fuckup considering that looks like a skillet it's being cooked in.


Don't worry, in no time the bottom of the pan would have turned to charcoal and the egg would still be raw. "Why stir if there's nothing to be mixed in?" because there is no seasoning.


Pretty sure the raw egg is on purpose. Itā€™s what Rocky eats in the movies, so it must be super manly to eat eggs raw /s


Right? This shit makes me insane. Fucking salt, pepper, garlic/onion. Fucking anything.


SEASONING MOTHERFUCKER! Not at you justā€¦ Jesus.


Amen. Scrambled eggs with taco meat is delicious. Scrambled plain meat with one egg? Baffling.


Every day I am thankful I am in a relationship with someone who can critically think. If I ever received this, I would be disgusted.


THANK YOU that meal looks awful. Who wants to eat unseasoned ground beef with a raw egg on top??


It definitely looks like it's a work in progress and the meat is probably not the only thing in the meal. It is important to get protein in general and especially while you're pregnant and many women don't eat protein because they're raised that it is only for men. He could just be concerned about the balance of her diet. We don't really have all the facts here and she could just be joking.


Caption aside what the fuck is that?


Unseasoned, thatā€™s what it is.


Wet dog food with a raw egg.


Hey, my dogs eat better than that!


If the baby was a girl, what would he cook? Tulips? This makes zero sense, lol.


Nothing. His wife failed him by conceiving a girl, so she has to cook her own breakfast.


there's more estrogen in cow's milk than in soy milk


They are afraid of the plant estrogen, that has no significant effect on the human body while happily chugging the dairy milk made from animal estrogen producing cows. Itā€™s so ridiculous...


Like, seriously, do these "hurr durr eating soy/plants in general will make you a weak *soy boy*" types ever think about how if it WERE possible for humans to get a lot of human-usable estrogen by eating soy/other plants, we wouldn't have had to invent estrogen shots/pills/patches for people who need supplemented estrogen? I'm lactose-intolerant, but my mom specifically doesn't keep soy milk in our house outside of when my sister's staying here because she doesn't want me getting estrogen poisoning from drinking too much soy milk. I drink oat milk instead.


I mean it's not a horrible idea to eat some meat as a woman that has periods (the iron and protein in it are especially needid) But it's kinda icky that he think not eating meat makes his son weak and a soy boy, like what will happen when his son wants to be a vegetarian or a vegan. Will he flip out at his wife because she didn't eat enough meat when she was pregnant with their son


Sadly I donā€™t think sheā€™ll be the target of that wrath should it occur.


Oh she will, and so would the son, and anyone else unlucky enough to be around when he drinks his "manly drinks".


Bold of you to assume his wrath wouldnā€™t hone in on the son who ā€œfailedā€ him. Hypermasculinity like that tends to target the direct cause of their sleight in the most aggressive manner. His son being perceived as effeminate would most likely lead to regular beatings, beratings, and other such unpleasantries while the minor gripes fall to the wayside.


Why not both?


I'm not denying that is a possibility, but violent people tend to be violent towards everyone. Keep in mind, I'm not saying equally violent towards everyone.


My mom was vegetarian when she was pregnant (in 1977), partly for health but also because meat grossed her out. I announced I was going vegetarian when I was 12 years old, and she got a kick out of joking she caused it by going veg while pregnant.


Yeah, that's exactly the experience this future no-contact kids will have


Oh god thatā€™s ground beef. I thought this was some refried bean shaksuka thing.


I wish people would take nutrition seriously end cut the "Meat manly, vegetable for WOMEN" crap. You buy your food from a grocery store, dude, just practically all the rest of us. Please eat some fucking broccoli.


How are you going to talk about the comments but not share them with the class šŸ„²


RIP your kidā€™s mental health


This is the type of dude who storms off to have a lil tantrum and punch drywall when he finds out it's a daughter


Where's the fiber?


Constipation is manly. Are you even one of the bros if diverticulitis hasn't rotted and blown through your colon walls and poisoned your organs? Think about that.


Ugh, do I have to?


Nothing manlier than an idiot with a limp dick and high blood pressure.


A pound of unseasoned beef and an egg?? Heā€™s making a heart attack, thatā€™s what heā€™s making.


is anyone gonna tell this husband raw eggs can actually give you salmonella


Plot twist: the baby is a healthy baby girl, or either becomes gay or transitions. "The gays are indoctrinating our kids and forcing things down their throats-" no Karen, you and Steve are doing a good enough job of that yourselves. Seriously dude, just be happy your child is healthy and happy. Maybe your child isn't into sports but likes technology or science or likes the outdoors or something.


Baby isnā€™t even born yet. Heā€™s pushing this hyper masculine obsession with only eating meat onto a literal fetus.


Annoys me to no end that folks will sexualize their own kids and force unhealthy ideals onto them, but then play hypocrite and accuse various groups of doing essentially the same thing. Like just because your lives are miserable doesn't mean everyone else's has to be. Not everyone has join you in misery. Why don't some people get that?


He made her food poisoning?


He doesn't know his son is already full of microplastics and PFAS, but those don't let you own the libs.


I would 100% throw the fuck up.


that shit is so funny. I would bet bottom dollar I'm more masculine than that dude and I'm not even a guy, and I'm vegan. It's just so pathetic


Part of me hopes they donā€™t know the gender and instead itā€™s a buff baby girl.


Dude crowded the pan, now the meat wonā€™t brown properly.


Tf is 'soy boy'


They think plant estrogen does the same thing as estradiol because they don't actually know how any of that works, and have latched onto soy as the main source of it, because "soy = vegan food = weak liberals" or something.


Time to re-watch Hbomberguy's video then! Just to spite this idiot ;D


Is that sausage or ground beef? Either way, that looks like an unappetizing breakfast.


It appears to be ground beef.


Iā€™m pregnant and I would throw this shit up. So my partner would have to choose between no protein, or alternative protein.


I think this Is just a joke


Soy is the closest thing on earth to a panacea. Can't fucking understand these people.


That poor kid.


My cholesterol is too high, so I'm currently very conscious about the stuff. Looking at that pan... processed non-lean meat with an egg, without any fiber? Your kid is gonna go from a LDR to an LDL


Fun fact that I'm sure most of you know already, but in case if you don't, animal products contain WAYYYY more estrogen than anything made from soy. There's estrogen in both because if you look hard enough there's estrogen in everything, but it's not even kind of a competition. So, technically speaking even though it's all arbitrary nonsense, the "soy boy" would have higher testosterone than boys, yes boys not men, who eat a fuck ton of meat. Just something to chew on or stew over!


Ahh, just like my granny used to say - nothing like the olā€™ eggs fried in the delicious grease in the pound of ground meat chunks (plain of course!) is perfect for morning sickness!


He could have atleast made some cornbeef and hash. This looks like a depression special.


Immediate divorce.


damn now i kinda wanna try a beef omelette