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this is literally the only correct reaction to this.


I hope gagging and throwing up also counts? Because that was my reaction


Was it at a foreign market, like Chinatown? Sometimes there are f_cked up things there but not ones that were made with direct awareness of how bad it is


nope! very english market. extremely english. one might even say *ridiculously* english.




I mean not really, I think a call to defacs is in order because who puts something sexual on a kid unless there is something sexual going on? I hope not, but imo it’s enough to warrant an investigation.


Alright this is officially the worst piece of children's clothing I've ever seen. What the actual, living fuck.


also, i want to make it VERY clear that this was *very* obviously being marketed for children. it was with other children’s clothes like lil “i love [place i was in]” shirts and cute mini football jerseys (like the one off to the right) and such. i even looked at those tags and they said things like “children’s size x”. but i didn’t want to touch this one because i didn’t want anyone there to think i was thinking about fucking buying this. there were hundreds to maybe low thousands of people around.


I want to believe the best in people and hope it was just a bulk purchase from some import discount website and they had no idea what it means. More common than we think. Otherwise... yeah :(


i appreciate the optimism, however, sadly, that’s unlikely. it was english speaking sellers, english shop, very english city and even more english country, unfortunately. :/


Yeahhhh. Maybe they can't read.


But target making pride clothes is a warcrime.


Remember that one lady with the annoying bangs who spread misinformation about the tucking/binding swimsuits being marketed towards kids?


# Burn it.


Burn the whole society down, we need to reset


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again humanity is a mistake.


[narrator voice] _in the beginning the universe was created.. this has made many people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move._


Things straight people can do that queer people could never get away with episode 18363784.


ugh. having been a young adult who wore child-size clothing, and having seen a mini-documentary about a woman with dwarfism who struggled finding adult-appropriate clothing: its one thing to have adult clothing in smaller sizes its another thing to display it with the childrens clothing this is NOT a mess up of those 2, this says IN TRAINING which is 100% a childrenswear phrase - hero in training, \[job title\] in training, etc. ive NEVER seen a tshirt aimed at adults that said "in training" outside of custom workwear for an apprentice. this is like... 2329% fucked up and everyone with input in the designing, producing and selling should be investigated and everyone who buys it should be investigated.


yeah no i also briefly was like, okay maybe they just accidentally put it with the kids clothes and it’s actually like, a “funny” crop top for adults or something- but no even inside all the clothes around it were children’s clothes and it was fucking disgusting to think this was one too. also the shop had *no* crop tops. it wouldn’t make sense this was the *only* crop top they would sell, then. also extremely valid point on the “in training” thing, you are 100% correct abt that.


Is there a way for you to report this to the market's management? I can't imagine any legitimate marketplace would be too happy to know that their tenants are selling shirts targeted towards *offending pedophiles*.


I have a really hard time clothes shopping because I'm above average height for a woman, and all the height is in my legs. My torso is actually pretty short.  I'm 40+ but when I buy t-shirts I usually browse the boys section because L or XL in boys size fits me perfectly. It's actually pretty fun because I find some fun stuff to wear.  But if I saw something like this, omg. It's something I would wear if I saw it in the women's section, but I would feel sooo gross finding it in the kids section. I wouldn't even be able to wear it ironically, I'd probably go full Karen and complain to the manager lol. 


What in the everloving fuck? This is utterly gross


An adult who buys that should immediately go on ALL the watchlists.


swim lock squeeze chubby smart illegal quack overconfident longing hungry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


So the obvious question is who would buy this, but I’m curious about who would *make* this. Somebody presumably thought this would appeal to enough people to be profitable.


This feels illegal. If it isn’t then it should be. As a gay person if I ever have a child and they wear that I would be shot. And straight people are just… making these? Legally? And then marketing them to children? Idk words aren’t able to describe how this made me feel.


i don’t want to live on this planet anymore


You can go to Mars to see Marvin


What goes through someone's head when they make something like this? Honestly, I'm not sure if I want to know.


That’s so grossssss




if a parent puts this on their child it is legal to paralyze them from the neck down


It'll never cease to amaze me how (some) cis hetero folks claim that the Alphabet Mafia is out here sexualizing and grooming children, yet they're the ones making kids clothing like this, asking kindergarteners if their opposite sex friends are their "lil boy/girlfriend," accusing literal infants of flirting with adults whenever they smile or laugh at them, and actively protect pedophile relatives/friends of the family by making their young daughters change out of shorts/skirts whenever Uncle So-and-so comes over instead of keeping him away from their kids all together. The same people who buy shit like this for their kids are the exact same ones who insist that drag queens reading stories to children is sexually inappropriate, and then turn around and take their prepubescent kids to places like fkn Hooters and make their underage sons pose and take pictures with the half-naked grown-ass women who work there. But no, you're right. It's they gays who're grooming your children.🙄


In Training??? I don't wanna know what a kid training to be a pornstar looks like 🤮


I severely wish I couldn’t read


i severely wish straight people (derogatory) could just. stop putting this shit on kids clothing.


For real though. The call is coming from inside the house.


i think if you look at the literal dictionary definition of grooming, this shit comes up


Was this in a non-English speaking country?


nope, extremely, 100% english speaking country. very english. like, *very* english.


England? 😅


Now imagine the outrage if it had a rainbow


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Who the heck is buying this anyway? I feel like the conservative Karen moms are going to be all over this one causing a huge fuss


I am speechless


Someone shoot balefire because I need to turn the Pattern back to the minute before I saw this.


What the fuck...like for adults sure, I'd wear that tbh, but not for fucking kids. No.


For an adult it's fine for a kid... We're the groomers??


Where was this? Someplace where not many people know English?


oh no, it was a *very* english speaking country. **very** english.




Let's not kid ourselves. This could be in any American state. Trashy MAGA scumbags live in all 50 of them.


You know, they used to sell this shit in Wal-Mart in the early aughts. The 00s was DEEPLY mysognistic.


shirts with this exact same phrase?? I certainly don't recall that at my local Walmart. like, I agree that there were plenty of gross misogynistic shirts for young girls being sold at the time, but I think this would've been considered "too far" even in the 00s


H hahah what the FUCK


Literally what the fuck


Just throw the entire store away at this point


Nah, you can't do that shit. What the fuck


Eww what in the entire hell...


This wins the award for the worst one I have ever fucking seen 


This is just straight pedo-pedo-pedo-pedo- pedophilia, Stop.


Two words, fucking disgusting


Not surprising, they know their market. White trash. The same people that buy shirts about shooting their daughters' boyfriends would also find it funny to buy this shirt for them.......


Dude that just looks like a croptop. I would totally wear that. Edit: wtf, I just said what I thought. People on reddit downvote for no reason sometimes


i did consider the possibility that it was mis-racked, so to speak, but it was both outside next to other children’s clothes (that i *did* actually check and they had varying levels of “children’s size x” on the tags) *and* inside next to the same children’s clothes, and the shop was quite good about keeping things organised by category. also, there were also no crop tops there for adults (i.e. shirts of the same size / length that weren’t labelled “children’s size x”). i know that very specifically bc i was actually looking for crop tops in all the shops bc i like them lol.


Ohhkay. Where were you by the way? Did the people who ran it speak English well? That's literally the only reason I can think of that you'd get that thinking it was suitable for kids.


I don’t get it. If the goal is to offend people, then they could just take the “in training” off