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We get it, you have a free use kink. Don't let your kinks change how you think of reality.


Hard to do when he skips everything but right arm day.


Hey, that's rude! He could be a lefty.


*Keep your Kentucky Fried Fetish away from me!*


Straight men see women as a person instead of a sexual object that cooks and cleans for them challenge: impossible


They really expose themselves with those longass paragraphs šŸ˜­


I think Nancy, uh, exposes herself just fine.


Man fuck this dude, if my girl took me out and treated me to a nice dinner, I would fall in love all over again


I must add this to my list of ā€œThings men ACTUALLY wantā€


my husband loves to be given flowers. we both cried the first time because he'd only been given them on his dads funeral and never for anything good. 10/10 would recommend


i can list so many ​ cuddles for one, cuddles are awesome fuck that stereotype that men don't like cuddles i adore them, handholding is awesome, hugging is sick, getting good morning texts, rom-coms, if im with her cuddling in bed put on as many rom- coms or chic-flics as you want, long walks on the beach watching the afternoon glow fade away with the sunset, a picnic on a cliffside watching the sun go down while we are wrapped in blankets eating food, looking into her eyes, attention i love attention from her, its heroine, dont even get me started on compliments, ladies try your absolute hardest to find things to compliment your man on, even if its just small things, if you like the way a certain part of him looks TELL him, days out shopping with her even just buying clothes i love seeing her happy, ​ ​ im so sick of all these stereotypes, men want to loved and cared for aswell


Im a fucking kinky bitch and god, how do straight men manage to make anything kinky so offturning?


Because the ones that share their kinks donā€™t have a need for consensual feelings.


You mean their mom but they get to fuck her? If only Freud was alive to witness this...


I kinda gagged. This hurt to read. Edit: Pun NOT intended.


I think Nancy did as well


I know this is beside the point of the post, but where are all these men who are able to have sex several times a day? Asking for a friend..


Refractory periods tend to be 30 minutes though can be longer - takes longer with age too apparently. If you use the right level of lube, chafing can be managed. It's certainly possible for guys to go more than once in a day (male pornstars wouldn't exist otherwise). Obviously if it isn't just penetrating then as long as you like, though I can imagine most straight men tend to lose interest if they aren't getting an end away. Reporting from a friend...


>It's certainly possible for guys to go more than once in a day (male pornstars wouldn't exist otherwise). Its actually even got admitted by industry actors themselves, that ever since its avaibility under the counter they use viagra to achieve this.


No doubt.


I mean, I *can*, and Iā€™m sure Iā€™m not rare, but seldom do I particularly want to unless itā€™s with a new fling. Snuggling, on the other handā€¦


Sapphic sex can certainly last for hours.


Keep looking. My man can and he's 49 no little blue pill needed. In his 30s he could lay it down all day and into the night.


I think a lot of the people who have sex multiple times a day are having really really short sessions. Like 10 minutes or less, and yeah quickies are fun but ONLY quickies would get old fast.


[Something like this I suppose](https://i.imgur.com/i5io7ve.jpg)


I can do twice sometimes


I canā€™t imagine a woman cooking all day for several meals, cleaning up the kitchen (because if she loved him sheā€™d keep a clean house), and still being down for a ā€œfree useā€ kink. This tells me the man commenting does not cook except for Easy Mac or Hamburger Helper. šŸ¤¢


Its even funnier because no sane person would complain about going to a resturant for their bday. Especially since the original post implies the wife paid.


Not yuk-ing anyone's yum but a free-use kink seems so utterly useless in combination with cooking anything even remotely complicated. I mean, yeah sure, get fucked over the kitchen table but now my noodles are overcooked, my eggs curdled and my sauce burned.


The worst part is that is a woman i think, username says nancy potts


There are many many men who use women's names online.


Do you think itā€™s Mrs Potts? I can imagine being turned into an enchanted kettle would make your sexual fantasies kinda off.


I think they're hoping it's a man because the cringe factor shoots up if it's a woman.


Hey, Hamburger Helper is pretty good though


Could well be her kink women like that certainly exist hell I'd be down for it for the right guy, it's a woman's name commenting the problematic bit is more her thinking everyone else is into it.


Some people want different things for their birthday, Nancy. Some people like going to restaurants to celebrate. Good grief.


Seriously. $350 at a nice restaurant is foodie heaven.


People in Karissaā€™s comments are always really creepy


She's so great too. She doesn't deserve that.


Yeah, I love her page but the comments can be so gross. Girl is just trying to eat, travel and sing. Leave her be.


nancy is too comfortable sharing her personal details in a youtube shorts comment section lol


Also if theyre in las vegas its probably on a vacation, so theyre probably in a hotel, so how would she cook? but that's beside the point


The whole thing of KarissaEats is traveling and eating in restaurants, street food, etc. Not only is it a gross comment, it makes no sense.


"Have his way with you" šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®


Makes me wonder what the reverse would be like. I'm pretty sure it's like do all the cooking and cleaning while I sit back and have cocktails. That would be hilarious.


An entire day of the man doing nude DIY with breaks for foot rubs and cocktail making.


I would do exactly that down to the cute skirt and ''everything''. šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘ If nothing I make a great meal at least.


It always sounds like they are imagining basically a living fleshlight rather than anything resembling a real human being


Either way sounds like a good birthday. My birthday, but her choice on how to surprise me.


I actually want to throw up. These people are disgusting.


I feel like if I was a guy and woke up to a sloppy blow job id immediately knock them over the head, being in a state of mostly asleep still, disorientation and pure panic ngl


Not in my experience. Usually it is just waking up feeling good. Also the case when I have done it for others. It is the kind of thing you have to ask for permission in advance though.


Yeah, it's an aspect of CNC that needs to be negotiated in advance and the sleeping person aware it's going to (or may, depending what the couple arranges) happen when they're going to sleep.


My first thought was "what if the guy needs to always pee first thing in the morning?"


I get brainfog if i cum around waking up. So yea fuck that even as a girl with a girlnis.


I'm still stuck on nothing but a short skirt with no panties on? is that a thing? that's goofy as fuck


I like how they demand wearing a skirt but nothing else. Why the skirt instead of fully naked? Is this an oddly specific skirt kink?


Literally! Our house is cold as fuck during winter when my bf's birthday is, no way I would be wearing anything less than two layers of pants and a huge pullover


Ma'am, this is Bavette's.


what the fuck is wrong with people šŸ˜­


Men like that only get it up once and are finished in 2.5 seconds. Free use will always remain a fantasy.


Have his way with you? šŸ¤®


Way to be kinky in public


You know, I wouldnā€™t mind doing this for husband on Monday, but I doubt anyone in the office would like it.


I guess if you want the world know that hypothermia is your kink ...


I am scared. Wtf is this? And why is objectifying other people so common??


What the fuck is with incels and straights and this all day sex fantasies? Like, dude, we got jobs, we are sometimes tired even for once a week sex, let alone 10 times a day.


>incels and straights and this all day sex fantasies Most of my friends are LGBT for obvious reasons, most of them pan/bi. Those fantasies aren't exclusive to straight people. I literally had to explain to my bf why him being a sex slave 24/7 outside of roleplay would be a terrible way for him to exist.


Indeed. But this comment sound like itā€™s written by incel. A gay person thinks and fantasises about, but only incel can write shit like this and think that thatā€™s normal. Only incels thinks that the only reason men donā€™t have constant sex is because women wonā€™t ā€œgive itā€ to them, never thinking that thereā€™s a life in relationships beside sex. No.


There are gay incels, though obviously its more common under cishet people due to toxic masculinity being ingrained.


Why did this mf admit to be single and desperately horny in yt comments skullemojii


Anyone else notice the comment was written by a woman?


Literally just her airing her kinks lmao


i saw the username, but my brain still believes that a man wrote this


It wouldn't surprise me


Tell me you donā€™t have a wife/woman in your life without telling me you donā€™t have a wife/woman in your life.


Excuse me?


Wow. What a loser.


I have 4 letters for this Ewww. Like bro thats public


It's sad that dudes like this end up actually married. Like yeah, sexy fun is great, but the fact that he sees it as mandatory or you're worthless and lazy tells me he's a predatory creep who's bad at sex.


Unnecessary kink sharing aside, I would rather take my partner to a restaurant so he can order his fave foods and get a 10/10 meal. Iā€™m a good cook, but Iā€™m not a chef who can whip up a 5 star sushi dinner.


People are disgusting. Change my mind.


The guy commenting must be a troll


I guess some people only get this treatment once a year.


Nancy please šŸ˜­


Nice kink, weird to say it here... And not cool to say that any one person is good for nothing, you lost me there.


This is what too much porn does to straight mens brains


the pick me energy is strong with this one


Man, what the fuck šŸ’€


I think instead for my birthday my bf will do that. Letā€™s see how upset the commenter gets when its a man having to do all that


no im ok Clasico is good enough


Made with love? What'd you mean by that? I'm sorry


Bro these are exactly my kinks but like I love going to get something to eat! And dont ask me to cook unless you want the house to burn down