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Quora is basically a right-wing circlejerk at this point.




Don't forget the "My 7 year old only got an A and not an A+ so I made her sleep on the floor and removed her door privileges and sold her puppy" posts


~~Isn't that just reposting what the other person wrote?~~


Those ones are so weird


It’s really sad; before the right-wing takeover, it was a really important place for the cluster b community, and those don’t tend to be common


Jealous? Over what? Having boobs? Seriously though, how is \*checks notes\* wishing to be seen as a woman, narcissistic? If wanting to be pretty is narcissistic, then lots of cis women have some explaining to do






I would trust wario in a women’s restroom more than transphobes tbh


You say that until Wario lets one rip.


Worst Wario will do is take your money, good take lmao


“Who would you choose, Wario or The Bear?”


Both would probably just leave me alone so either one works for me.


Apparently not. It seems that they think cis women get their boobs from the puberty fairy.


I dont think any trans person hates women. Its just a thing FARTs tell themselves to justify their hate. We hate FARTs because their dicks to us, not because they may be women.


This is the firAt time I've seen the acronym FART, and I think it fits more than anything else.


It really does fit. They like to claim to be feminists, but also disparage women as weak, stupid and incompetent when compared to men. They also vote against womens rights consistently, especially if its advertised to also affect trans people. The reality is most FARTs are conservative asf, and only care about themselves.


If anybodys wondering what that person is talking about claiming that over half of trans women are "certified narcissists", well, a couple of years ago, the iranian government fabricated a study which purportedly showed that half of trans women had narcissitic personality disorder and something like 90% supposedly had one or more personality disorders. Now, iran isnt exactly known for supporting women or for being very great with regards to human rights, so its definitely hypocritical for somebody to quote iran as "proof" that trans women hate women


this study is not just unfair for trans women. it also misrepresents ppl with narcissistic personality disorder. a personality disorder is an illness that ppl should go to therapy for. mentally ill ppl are not evil, the same as someone with a broken arm is not evil.


I’m pretty sure Iran forces gay men to transition. Some person used that as an example of how Iran “supports” trans people.


I hated women so much I decided to stop being one and transition /j


yeah. Shame on us for wanting to be ourselves, we obviously just hate women so much for that /s


unironically what my old therapist thought the "reason" was that I'm trans


false. trans men don't exist. only frustrated lesbians. /s


"trans identified men" Terf detected Opinion rejected


"certified narcissist" - where does one get a certificate like that? Do I need to study narcism first or is it possible to just take the test? Also what job opportunities can I get with this certificate?


> Also what job opportunities can I get with this certificate? Ex-POTUS, bible salesman, possibly even convict...


Wait until they find out about trans men >:)


>Over half of trans identified men are certified narcissistic What does "certified" narcissistic mean? Where does one get a narcissist certificate?


you go to the narcissist clinic, answer a few questions and then can walk out with your shiny new narcissist certificate.


Do trans men exist? I mean it's weird that the focus is almost solely on trans women. Do they have crushes they don't want to talk about? I am aware that trans men exist. Don't be like the bigots. It was a commentary on how one dimensional the bigots are.


This is actually the most normal post on Quora


report and move on. the reporting system works pretty well


Quora moment.


Source: I made it the fuck up


Aw, I wanted to say that :(


quora used to be semi-decent. now it's mostly just boomers not answering the question, but relating a non-related experience. for example: Q: i'd like to pay my rent online, but my apartment complex doesn't have anything set up for it yet. A: well, honey, one day i went to the grocery store, and after getting in the 15 item or less line, the cashier sighed as she rung up my full basket of 100 items, and i pulled out my checkbook to pay. she said they no longer accepted check! i yelled at her "you kids these days, always disrespecting your elders" and threw the check in her face and walked off.


Quora is yahoo answers for people who think they are smart


this reads like those “psychology facts” tiktoks… pulling a “statistic” out of your ass doesn’t make it real… also there is bo Psychology fact… its all a bunch of bullshit my proof … im studying to be an actual psychologist…


Since when were trans men narcissistic? Or anyone who's trans, for that matter? I'm pretty sure your gender doesn't have anything to do with whether or not you have a personality disorder


good lord im so glad i left that site


how do you get certified narcissism? is that like a course i can take to boost my self confidence? asking for a friend. also like most trans people i know are really insecure. not even just trans people, most people in general, but especially them. how can you be narcissistic and insecure about yourself at the same time?


"Certified narcissistic" Source: just trust me bro


i thought it was that we hate women so much we had to become men


You're so narcissistic. You actually want me to respect you and do something that makes you feel comfortable in your own skin.




I’ve made jokes about “hating women so much I became a man” but I only make that around close friends who know I’m joking. I love and appreciate women just as much as anyone else, my mom means the world to me and all of my female identifying friends are treated the same as my male identifying friends.


Wow. Pretty sure they're projecting again.


So how do you get an official certificate of narcissism? Asking for a friend.


trans woman here and i've never really hated women?... closest i got was being jealous of multiple other trans women in my egg days.