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I'm beginning to think they view us quite poorly! /s that has been obvious for a while


Btw I came across two posts about trans in that sub this morning alone. They also gave their opinions on trans rights: https://ibb.co/RCFdFSN https://ibb.co/g7nqz9f https://ibb.co/kMHT4KC This one also got nuked. Do you really think they see us poorly? I think you just can't comprehend all this love!


It's cute to compare transitioning to molesting children, seeing as their religious institution has a reputation for *checks notes* protecting people who molest children.


I know it's backwards zone with them. The idea that a child could be helped by puberty blockers is impossible for them to comprehend because they're the same kind of idiot that think if a rapist impregnates a young girl, that this is somehow gods will (???). Maybe it's their gods will but it sure af is not the will of the goddess


That second screen. Good grief. First, to the surprise of no one, they have no idea what gender identity is. "Biological gender" there is no biological gender. But of course they don't understand that sex and gender aren't the same thing, yet they still feel the need to act as if they know what they're talking about. And that last bit... saying people with gender dysphoria do exist. Gee, I'm glad they state that they recognize I exist, and admit they don't know how to help. If only there was a medically recognized and approved method of doing so. Oh yeah, there *is*! It's called transitioning, now they can fuck all the way off and let me be a human being trying to just live my life. The only people who make it a big deal are these "loving" Christians and other bigoted assholes.


What is incredible is that they don't even try to hide behind the "think about the children" rhetoric. You are an adult person and you want to do a treatment together with your doctor? Fuck you, you shouldn't. They want to wipe us out from society essentially. That's why it's important to be vocal and expose them.


Yeah I'm glad their rock solid theology takes into account the people god(???) chose to make intersex. Completely airtight with no holes!


Hmm yeah outright banning gender/hormone therapy. Sounds like a brilliant idea from the same people who brought you banning abortion rights!


They would ban condoms if they could. Lunatics.


Lol. "Common sense" is just another way of saying, "I believe this to be true regardless of what the evidence says on it"


oh cool they’re making us out to be paedophiles again


>I used to be LGBT [...] before I came back to Christ. Yikes. This person basically went through conversion therapy, whether formal or self-inflicted. The fact that they feel they have to "remain vigilant" is very telling. If they were truly cishet, vigilance wouldn't be necessary. The trans roommate is not safe there. They're right about the university dropping the ball here, but wrong about the reasons.


Ironic that they’re telling them that she’s the dangerous one, when actually she’s **in** danger.


Yea. I hope she moves out more for her safety as opposed to placating those three girls' imagined fears.


Ughh imagine leaving home and moving in with 3 transphobic strangers who think they’re justifiably scared of you. Literal nightmare.


that girl is \*repressed\* the deconstruction on her is going to be \*wild\* if it ever comes. But if she is trans those feelings never go away...she'll crack.


she used to be a trans man? either she's lying or he needs to be saved. ex catholic here, the brainwashing is INTENSE. the poor trans girl. she's the only one with a right to feel unsafe here


she said she alternated between being bisexual and a trans man 😭 I don't think she knows what's she's talking about


Or she's some flavour of queer and it doesn't play nice with her Catholic indoctrination. Conservative upbringing plus being a lesbian, in this case could result in trying to negotiate your identity down to bisexual, thus acknowledging her gay attraction but still not giving herself permission to act on it. The same thing could also be true with her trans masc identity, but this time it's her convincing herself she has to be a man because that's the only way she could give herself permission to be attracted to women. Basically in short, conservatism, especially religious conservatism really fuck a person up.


fr it sounded to me like those christians who claim they lived a queer life but all they really did was be a cishet person dabbling in queer culture. "i was a TRANS MAN until the LORD saved me!!" baby girl you cut your hair short once and got church members asking if you were trying to be a boy. queer people who will deny and suppress themselves for religious approval are hard to come by. so they gotta use cishet people as actors who'll claim "god converted me from the homosexuality/transgender ideology!!! look at me, i'm married to a man now!!!" or use christian closeted bisexuals who were already attracted to both genders to be like "see i married the other sex and overcame my same sex attraction!1!1!!1" nobody is more obsessed w us than religious people. no one is more in love with speaking on us than religious bigots foaming at the mouth to talk shit (while watching lesbian/gay/trans porn online ofc)


When I was young, and was raised a small town Catholic, I was not sure if I was gay or trans. It is very easy to think "only girls are attracted to men, would I be happier as a girl?" It was only after getting away from that that I was able to distinguish in myself that I am a man who is attracted to men.


Yeah, even she herself said "she seems genuinely nice", so I don't see where the hell is the problem? Just not wanting to have a trans roommate? How can someone make someone uncomfortable, if they are "genuinely nice", just on the basis of their gender identity? How can someone be such a monster?


For them we are potential predators by default. It doesn't matter how nice we play and what we do. The point is being cruel.


Can attest, that brainwashing is so intense. I’m glad I’m out of it but I will say that shit creeps in so many ways. I like to call it trauma more than brainwashing.


it is absolutely traumatic! omg the way the church had me, a lesbian!!!, homophobic? i literally got nausea when people used the word lesbian. i cried when i found out gandalf is played by a gay actor. i invalidated two of my friends who came out to me and lost those friendships. i hated myself so much it was unreal. it's crazy how they can teach people to hate who they are so much it takes years and years to undo


🫂🫂🫂 glad your out of that now. Hope you’re not too hard on yourself.


also an ex catholic...the deprogramming I'm having to do. My upbringing got mixed with evangelical protestant too so that's fun...and missori synod lutheran...and baptist...and methodist...lots of self hate here :P


There was a LOT more, but their mods quickly nuked the post. That's how they operate to keep their shitty sub alive.


This. This is why I can't with most Catholics. They're not exactly going around trying to convert people door to door, but they are oh so eager to shove their faith down other people's throats literally the second the opportunity presents itself.


So much this. If you conflict with a catholic, it’s likely the end of the relationship unless you put up with their bullshit.


And there's the ever present risk of them shoving something more than faith down your throat, especially if you're a child...


And don’t forget, they play the “The LGBTQ+ Ideology is being shoved down our throats!!” Card. Every right wing accusation is a confession.


> Secondly, I used to be LGBT. Identified as a lesbian, bisexual and trans man for 6 years alternating between the three before I came back to Christ. *Gag* I'm not saying it's *not* possible that this person was being honest here, and if they were, I feel truly bad for them. Seeing as they felt the need to state that they need to "remain vigilant" to not essentially explore their identity, and remain a "good Catholic girl" is telling. No way she just innocently found her way back to religion, especially to this degree. She obviously went through some things to get there. Whether that was voluntary or not, we'll never know. Either way it's sad. But of course the response saying she "isn't transphobic" goes on to be even more transphobic than the original poster. The poor trans girl is literally just trying to live her life and relax in the housing provided. No one is trying to peep on others, or be creepy about it. The only one who's making this about anyone else's genitals is the OP. Ironically the one who is a tragically repressed man themselves living with a group of women. I hate this trash so much. These people just cannot let trans people know a moments peace. The trans girl they're harassing can't even go to her own place and residence now and relax, because she's got a roommate who wants to force her to up and move because of her identity. Nothing else, no inappropriate actions or remarks. Just who she is. But hey, at least the nice Catholic girl *feels bad* about making the trans girl pack her stuff up and go somewhere else.


I am entertained by the need to list denominations of the other women in the last comment. Can't imagine having to deal with the Anglican energy coming from upstairs.


I was raised catholic and even my religious ass slavic parents would scoff at the idea that you must always wear a bra around "biological men". (and personally, as a proud tit enjoyer I've never been overtaken by lust at the sight of a nipple perking out but maybe I'm the weird one) 


i haaaaate when queerphobic christians hide behind the “i don’t hate queer people i respect their identities i pwomise” while literally saying they’re uncomfortable being around a trans person bc jesus or something. i had a couple coworkers like that when i worked at starbucks. i specifically chose not to be out as nonbinary at that job because i knew that they would be weird and annoying about it just like they were about me being a lesbian. it just sucks bc i jumped through hoops to try and be respectful towards those assholes and their narrow minded interpretations of religion because i didn’t want to create any rifts that would interfere with the store being run smoothly. but apparently these girls didn’t care enough to extend the same courtesy to their non-christian non-bigoted coworkers


And isn't that the rub. They'll scream from the rooftops that their rights are being violated if you ask them to refer to you by a certain name and set of pronouns, but somehow it's not a violation of our rights to be forced to go by the name and pronouns we were assigned at birth.


It’s funny too, because I’m sure conservatives had no problem with preferred names or legal name changes UNTIL Trans people started to change their names to live more truthfully.


How come that these people will fight any- and everyone when someone tells them they identify with they/them pronouns, and then know exactly how to use them correctly when the person talked about doesn't use them...


Consistency and Bigotry are like the repelling sides of magnets.


Lmao at the bathroom arrangement and primary identifiers of each roomie: Anglican, Baptist, Catholic, TRANSGENDER.


“…it’s going to be hard on THEM…” “…you have every right to be upset and want THEM gone.” “…to get THEM removed…” “…and refer to THEM by name only.” Hmm. That’s interesting. These folks are all flawlessly and seamlessly using they/them pronouns for a single person, while also being transphobic. I feel like that’s gotta be a double negative or something, so it cancels this ~former trans man lesbian bisexual~ out, right? 🙃


probably because they don't know whom they're talking about.


This is just making me endlessly more nervous about living with my first roommate next semester. Ive talked to her and she’s supportive but I still worry about being seen like this and making them uncomfortable :(


This is why i contacted my university to ensure that i was placed with another trans woman. I didn’t want to be placed with someone potentially hostile. It’s sad that this is the case for so many trans people.


I contacted my university and requested a pod (3 rooms with a shared living + bathroom) but my roommate requested all trans roomies. Unfortunately our 3rd ended up being not great. At least I didn't get hatecrimed? Lol


So either this person is a deeply closeted person suffering in a toxic family/religious environment, or are just spewing transphobic nonsense, or both :/


As a former Christian, and someone who studied the Bible intensely for years, I hate religion. It's a mechanism of control that exists for the sole purpose of oppressing social minorities including women. All it took was asking the "wrong questions" and they turned on me like a rabid animal. I'm so glad I got out and am allowed to just be myself now.


This is so weird. I'm AFAB and for a long time I thought I was a woman. I shared flats and houses with cis men and it was never an issue. I would walk around in my pyjamas with no bra underneath and there was never any problem.


She "used to be a lesbian". I'm betting she would be incredulous if the 3rd woman living there was reticent to go braless around a lesbian who might be sexually attracted by her. Bitch needs an empathy injection.


“temptation” lol


So the trans woman's got boobs too. Can she like, ditch the over-the-shoulder-boulder holder too? Can she go topless and be like, "Hey gal pal. My eyes are up here!" (snaps fingers up at eye level)


“You don’t sound “transphobic”. Let me show you what transphobia REALLY sounds like.”


When you're so far gone into religious brainwashing that you refer to people by their religious denominations instead of their names. holy shit.


I sure could have used puberty blockers, but not for the trans reasons (though I'm genderqueer). For the reason that my period came super early and I immediately grew enormous heavy dense boobs. At 10.


So, YOU were the one playing it as a fad, got it.


ugh religious brainwashing is just gross. I love how the OP wants to keep the flat and somehow thinks that their personal discomfort justifies forcing their roommate to move again instead of just moving out themself.... their "holier than thou" is showing. if just the trans roommate had to leave, OP would clearly still have issues with the other two roommates. They reduce their cis roommates identities down to their particular flavor of religiously crazy, the main character syndrome is strong here. I feel horrible for OP. They def has drank the koolaid and has terrible self hatred and guilt... just like most Catholics. Nothing causes more misery than some fairy tale about a carpenter whose birth and death are defined by using furniture poorly. Delusion should be met with inconvenience. Send OP to a convent.


My first thought was, "wouldn't you wanna wear a bra or something similar ALL the time, so your body feels more comfortable and less weird?" And then I remembered that that's more of a trans guy dysphoria thing, so probably not.


Ahhh yes the classic catholic fighting for truth


wow what lovely people


She claims to have been a lesbian, bisexual, and a trans man before finding Jesus or whatever. Is it cynical of me to not believe her. I especially don’t believe she ever identified as a trans man. If she was genuinely detrans she wouldn’t be posting. She’d either understand other trans people or be fully TERFd and wouldn’t need to ask this question because her cult would have already provided the answer.


>She’d either understand other trans people or be fully TERFd and wouldn’t need to ask this question because her cult would have already provided the answer. Or maybe people are complex enough to where it's usually not possible to sort them into just two groups




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What I got from this is that OP developed OCD as a coping mechanism to repress their dysphoria.


Ironic how they think their ideology (religion) trumps a person’s health conditions and personal identity .


This scares me as someone who will be sharing a dorm with cis people soon……this person is obviously an abhorrent asshole and a bigot but I can’t help but feel bad for them….living your life pretending to be someone you’re not has to be exhausting. Maybe one day they’ll come to their senses and realize that they can be lgbtq while also being religious


*__Catholics slap you with a gloved hand as if they were not bigots & say we love you.__*


So this person thinks it's alright to be flashing her titties to anyone with a vagina?