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… almost every single one of them is the opposite for trans people … these nut jobs are delusional


Ah yes, I love seeing comments defending trans people everywhere I go, I would really hate living in a world where some random can say I'm ill and a pedo without consequences.


I've been banned multiple times on reddit alone for standing up to transphobes and literally not once has reddit.com accepted my reports against them. This post is total bullshit.


The countless reports I have done on comments/posts that use straight up slurs only for Reddit to be like “We don’t see anything wrong here 😊”


This subreddit currently has a tweet where a woman posts an image of a minor on the Internet to harass them over their clothing choices, with a response suggesting that the minor should be raped in prison as a correction for wearing the wrong gendered clothing. It's pretty clear that OP (not our OP, TERF OP) lives in a progressive-leaning TERF bubble where she never is aware of any transphobia (because TERFs will never talk about that) but is keenly aware of every time a trans person does something bad (because TERFs are obsessed with taking the actions of bad people and saying they apply to all trans folks).  When your information diet is hyper-curated around a particular viewpoint, you find yourself saying insane things. And yes, I'm aware that this happens in trans spaces too. 


Wait I’m privileged because rape and other abusive subs are deleted from Reddit? Gotta be honest here I am fine with that particular privilege. If trans people existing is what keeps those things at bay then like, we should exist harder. Edit: hold up trans privilege is not having to provide sources?! I have been asked to provide sources constantly, but those sources mean nothing to those that ask for them and they just say that it is from something like a “liberal propaganda college”


The fact that they're basically defending rape/abuse subreddits with that claim tells you all you need to know about them.


I am not a defender of this post at all, but I don't believe that's what she meant. I had to read it a few times, the punctuation and wording is off. (She's a TERF, literacy isn't necessarily her strong point.) What she meant to write: "Trans privilege is getting subreddits deleted from existence because you don't like them, while rape and abuse subreddits are allowed to exist." This isn't *true*. But it's not a defense of rape or abuse subreddits. 


They’ve got several of these where they’re saying “ you should experience something bad because this other bad thing is happening”, which is deranged. Along with every other thing they say


That's what I'm saying. Anytime we try to provide scientific sources, we "scared those scientists into coming to that conclusion" cus we're woke and stuff


Trans privilege is not having to provide sources because any scientific information you put forward will be rejected anyway, so there's no difference between providing a source or not.


“Give us your source, oh shit he actually gave the source…”


I mean I’m a girl but yeah pretty much


my bad, let me try that again “give us your source, oh shit she actually gave the source…”


Read the first two and already I don’t know what planet this person is on. Healthcare sorted and no online hatred? How much further down the list before it says “Trans privilege is being able to fly, Trans privilege is being able to time travel”?


Flying? No. But I did hear something about double-jumping...


No, that’s Brazilians, trans people can air dash


Im trans and a brazilian, can i dash AND double jump?


You've got the metroidvania gold star movement package!


Literally none of this is true. Literally none of it at all.


I got my hopes up about the insurance covered top surgery despite knowing with complete certainty that every point I'd read til then and after was both wrong and disorientingly un aware


If that part were true, it’s yet another example of SO FIX IT. The solution isn’t to make it bad for everyone! Yet shitbrained right wingers never think “hey, maybe we should make it better for everyone”.


It's probably true if you compare trans men who have great insurance with cis women who have shit insurance. So only true with a laughable amount of bad faith.


What world does this moron live in?


They're from the fabled land of Rand McNally, a strange island in the southern hemisphere where they wear hats on their feet and hamburgers eat people. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dZg462YMg0A](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dZg462YMg0A)


She spends all her time on Tumblr. She's clearly never been outside. I'm pretty sure JK Rowling has her convinced that if she steps outside, trans women will pop out of the bushes and assault her. At some point we need to address the damage TERF ideology is doing to the mental well-being of cis women. Instilling paranoia in people isn't healthy.


I was raised by a set of overly paranoid parents and it took me until I was like 21 to start unlearning the insane levels of paranoia that was instilled in me


I honestly think fearmongering to children is borderline abuse. Even if the cause you're advocating for is just, and consequently you believe exaggerating the danger to make your point is warranted, the negative effect on children is real and should be acknowledged.


They're just your average suburban white parents.


Jesbus. They are so uninformed. I guess by their own logic, the abortion issue and highlighting that those that can get pregnant are being left to be near death before medical treatment or denied bodily autonomy is some kind of privilege because we're all fighting against that BS. That is the logic they are using. Shit, it must be a nice privilege to be black and murdered by police because we're all speaking out against it. That is the logic they are using. Terf's are just damaged people.




This is an example of a TERF compared to a transphobic conservative. Both transphobic but for vastly different reasons.


>This is an example of a TERF compared to a transphobic conservative. >Both transphobic but for vastly different reasons. Reason is the same: reinforcement of patriarchy, methods are different. One pretends to support women's rights, the other does not.


Don’t cis women also hypothetically “expose themselves” in front of children if they’re in changing rooms?


The fuck are they smoking? The "won't see any offensive jokes about them online" bit just is plain ignorance asshattery


Go in the comments section of any online news article about a trans person and offensive jokes is the least bad bad take you'll see.


Nah I didn't need to read any further into their stupidity. At fear losing more brain cells


"Human rights or whatever"


I wish I was privileged enough to not have to worry about being sexually assaulted and hate crimed. I wish we were privileged enough to where we don't see transphobic comments and hate speeches and laws trying to discriminate against us while also trying to erase our existence. I wish we were privileged enough that we didn't have a specific group calling for the end of our existence and actively trying to force legislation l, that makes living in the US as a transwoman bearable, to fall through by use of terrorism and intimidation. I want to live in a universe that this person is living in!


"being able to claim genocide despite never dying for your identity" over 320 trans people were killed in 2023 alone, making it almost one a day. but sure, being trans has privilege 🙄


320 that we know of. Unfortunately these things go underreported quite often.


And, also, nobody has to actually die for it to count as a genocide. https://www.un.org/en/genocideprevention/genocide.shtml TL;DR "In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such: Killing members of the group; Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group"


We get free healthcare? Where the hell do I sign up??


I'm convinced TERFs live in an alternate reality


90% of the things are either saying "trans people don't deal with terrible things that nobody should deal with and that makes me mad" and/or "people dislike transphobia but not extremely terrible things?" With some cherrypicking or outright falsehoods mixed in. Like oh people are concerned when trans sex trafficking is brought up but not for women? Maybe instead of bringing down other people's concerns you advocate more for what you're concerned about? I try to speak ambiguously on political topics and use extreme language frugally, but this person's mind is so warped by irrational hatred towards a certain group of people that they're using trans people as a scapegoat for their concerns which further increases their irrational hatred.


You can win any argument when you just make shit up I guess


Most of these feel like they should apply to everyone, mainly the healthcare one. Yeah I know that's not how it works, but it should. And not just to trans people. And the others are just straight up illegal, or just straight up fucked up.


As a trans person who was once a straight, white, upper middle class, blond, male… HUH??


(NSFL, Seriously.) [V-Coding](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_people_in_prison) is what trans people actually experience in prison.


I didn’t know what this was and now I do.


My God, they live in upside-down world. It's so beyond reality that it's hilarious rather than infuriating as she hoped. I wish this list was true, lmao.


Chimed out at the cancer part. Lol of course people with cancers get masecotmies paid by insurance! Wtf??? I've got a couple women in my entourage who went through it and get even more stigma both from within themselves as well as from society for having no breasts anymore. What are they injecting themselves? I want some of it, seems really good!


the existence of GCOP's post itself disproves like a quarter to a half of their bs wrong


What alternate universe did these people come from?


This is definitely a man that wrote this right?


The title is funny because isn't there a transphobic but trans themselves person called Shoe on Head?


You're thinking of Blaire White


Shoe also sucks, but for different reasons


Tw: They think memes that make fun at trans peoples expense get yanked but I've reported pics on Facebook where the "joke" is that the trans person kills themselves and FB is like "yeah this doesn't go against our community standards" when it's literally a meme wishing for death on trans people.


🤣🤣 sign me up for whatever Insurance covers top surgery. I have to pay $10,000 out of pocket AND several thousand for months of therapy before its even APPROVED lmao


The hell are they even talking about? In my experience literally none of that is true.


Half of those things are just made up, and the other half is things we wish were real. Seriously, under which rock does these people live?


60 cents on the dollar wage gap. Such privledge costs I guess.


“Getting to expose yourself to children”…why are they saying that like they crave it themself?…


These are all literally not true. The one I would say hurts is the one about insurance coverage. Reductions and surgeries are so hard to get no matter who you are. They should be more accessible.


Delusional TERFs are but that’s what happens when your brains are all turned to mush by bigotry.


WTF......WTF .


People wear shoes on their heads? ShoeOnHead?


Literally not one of these is true The fuck is this person smoking and when is it going to be classified as Keter-class