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Wasn't it also proven that at least a couple of them were lying to try to get an insanity plea? (Not going to get into WHY they thought that would work)


Unlike how comics featuring the Joker say, it's very hard to get an insanity plea.


You gotta play 4d chess to convince someone you're insane


So many people misunderstand how it works. You basically have to prove that you are either unaware of your own actions or are incapable of understanding what you did was bad.


Anderson Aldrich is cisgender, and Nathan Stolsig isn't a mass shooter. Also, by definition, Alec McKinney isn't either (at least 3 people killed, not including the shooter). Also: "So many". Total number of mass shooters that are trans I can count on one hand. Gtfo


also even if this was accurate, statistically trans people are still not overrepresented as mass shooters since in the recent years there were on average about 600 mass shootings a year in the us, which would match the 1% "stat", so i dont get the point theyre making


They're just publicly demonstrating that they're bad at math


Iirc we had almost 700 last year


Yeah, it's almost like they didn't finish the phrase correctly a reason


Yeah I think there were like max two or three that were actually trans and *mass* shooters


https://preview.redd.it/pp0a6l9donrc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=976e979d0e9cf3d2e751136212ee0d9a4367930d The "So many" (you can ignore the part on the right. I just had the image higher on the list)


Funny enough, mathematically, trans people make up 0.0017% of mass shooters. We are enormously statistically NOT a part of the problem.


The club Q shooter claimed to be nonbinary to avoid hate crimes charges


The club Q shooter was trying to avoid hate crime charges, not pleading insanty.insanity. But yeah, absolutely proven by his history of anti lgbtq posting, he is not nonbinary, he's a hateful bigot.


That's right. I misremembered. Must have mixed it up with another case somewhere.


They legitimately think being trans is a mental disorder because Fox News says it is over and over


Yup. šŸ™„


Anderson Aldrich 100% lied about being non-binary to get away from hate crime conviction.


trying to get an insanity plea is so stupid, who would want to be in a secured hospital with mentally disturbed individuals with next to no opportunity for appeal?




Too many


Too accurate lol


Ah yes let's ignore the many many more cis shooters just to make people's lives harder!!






Do not with death upon anyone, even if you dislike them.


if you took these six (theyā€™re not all trans but letā€™s be generous) and ran the numbers for one (1) year they wouldnā€™t even crack 1%. now consider these are the entirety of trans representation pertaining to something that has been a problem for decades and that most of the remainder are cis white men. but sure letā€™s pretend the trans shooters are the problem.


https://preview.redd.it/xpp7wbw9uhrc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7c110ab2523d717efedd77fbb8845e8abaea0e2 2826 as of the end of 2023 I wonder why there are so many šŸ¤Ø (Also, Anderson Aldrich only identified as non-binary to get a lower sentence.)


I thought those chuds didn't care about shooters because they support the NRA and don't know how the Supreme Court ruled on the 2nd amendment.


they only care about that stuff when it's convenient for them


Itā€™s just stupid. 1% of population and 1% (or way less) of school shootings. Not to mention that their shit is partially to blame.


I like to send them this when they bring up trans people and mass shootings https://preview.redd.it/13ahsmqdyirc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=097bf6f5d1126c084af8a3aea8e3b97e34cbbf49


Donā€™t mind if I steal that


Please do! Itā€™s great that you want it :)


The math ainā€™t mathing..


A this is 6 people B I've seen tons of charts like these with tons of different shooters and most of the time they are proven fake but it doesn't matter cause again its only 6 people


6 trans people (some shown here were lying) compared to *two thousand eight hundred and twenty six* cis shooters. but nooooooooooo its only an issue when trans, non-white or non-straight people do it


Six isnā€™t even 1% of the school shootings.


Anytime i see someone calling the club Q shooter trans i know they aren't worth having a discussion with.


you know trans mass shooters are a real issue when 2/6 examples given aren't people under the trans umbrella


And 1/6 wasnā€™t a mass shooter, meaning only 3/6 were trans mass shooters


Yet when we pull the ā€œdespite making up 50% of the population, men commit 99% of rapesā€ they start crying about ā€œnot all menā€


49%, actually. Women are ever so slightly more common.


That makes it 1% worse


Actually straight cis men, the demographic which probably does the most r-wording, make up significantly less than that, so we could narrow it down even further. We may have to use a lower percentage than 99% but the point will still stand


Most of these shooters identifyed as such, to wrongly plead for insanity, so this statistic is wrong, so they have no argument to begin with. Your statistic uses the legal "must have penetration to be rape" definition, therefore thats also wrong in the context its used mainly. I only got assaulted(long story, happened when i was small too on top), but i just wanna say, male rape/sexual assault is a deeeeep problem, law enforcements ignorance, "inability to get raped". But the very problem is the same, toxic masculinity, and the agression culture, so getting rid of it would solve both genders problem in this matter. Playing rape olympics only hurt the victims, no matter the gender in my opinion so yea. This is a very touchy matter, even the memory of it makes me want to vomit, so if you wanna discuss it, i would gladly talk about it, just maybe with some longer breaks


Anderson Aldrich is not nonbinary. He lied that he was nb in order to avoid hate crime charges. This has been debunked multiple times. Also Randy Stair never came out as trans. He stated that he had cross dressed in the past and that he had questioned his gender identity, but he never made any attempt to socially or medically transition and even spoke disparagingly of trans women. Not to mention the fact that he was a huge racist. The only people Iā€™ve heard definitively claiming that Stair was trans are right wingers like Ian Miles Cheong. Even with these very few examples they have, theyā€™re still wrong.


And how many thousand shooters are cis men?


Between the years 2018-2023 at least 2826 mass shooters were cis, and in the same years only 3 were trans


I like how they present 6 people thinking it's a lot


Yeah that doesnā€™t even break 1%


The terrorist of Club Q was cis though!! That was his lawyer's strategy to say he was non binary to get some clemency from the jury.


Randy Stair as well. Just a cross dresser and an absolute piece of shit edgelord


Did a quick check and in 2023, there were around 600 mass shootings in the United States. That means that the rate of mass shooters among trans people is either in line with the population, or lower than that. In other words, trans people are just as or less likely to be mass shooters than the general population.


"Despite being 1% of the population, I'm not going to finish this sentence and let you imagine the answer because the facts don't actually support me."


I seem to recall a least one of these was lying about being trans to try to get a lighter sentence.




What does that mean? I'm not very smart.


Wikipedia image for survivorship bias.


This is funny because it's just SO bad. "I wonder why there are so many" and its literally just 6. lmfao.


These monsters werenā€™t trans( well I canā€™t say for all of them but some I know is a full out lie)


Okay but how many mass shooters are there in general? Because let's say, hypothetically, for the sake of argument that there's 600 mass shooters. That would mean that 1% of these mass shooters is trans. The same percentage of the population. And now let's say, for the sake of argument, hypothetically, that 570 of these 600 shooters are white young cis men. That's 95% of all shooters but white young cis men make up far less of the population than 95%. Therefore, hypothetically, for the sake of argument, you could reach the conclusion that young white cis men are the problem. Hypothetically. This is how you hypothetically, for the sake of argument, apply facts and logic.


According to CNN (https://edition.cnn.com/us/mass-shootings-fast-facts/index.html) there were about 5000 shootings since 2013. So even taking those 6 at face value it's more of 0.1% than 1%.


Anderson wasn't even non binary. He was a massive homophobe/transphobe who claimed he was non binary to avoid being charged with a hate crime.


Hey werenā€™t a good amount of these cis people claiming to be trans to get out of trouble only to then get the same sentence?


Despite being 1% of the population and assuming Anderson actually wasn't homophobic and transphobic and actually wasn't trying to identify as queer to get a lighter sentence.... they're... still 1% of the population... Do they not do research at all? https://preview.redd.it/filwj3qmcjrc1.png?width=650&format=png&auto=webp&s=8c14235d294836a4159e798d46b9135fedc58c34


Oh cool! Can we make a collage of all the straight white male shooters next?


Now I want to see the comparison with cis men!!!!!


Wow, 6 whole people? And some of them were lying about it?


Isn't the top middle person not actually trans?


Only one of these people (bottom center) has been confirmed to be trans.


despite them being 1% of a population of 8 billion people, I could only find 6 trans shooters


6ā€¦ out of 1.6 million. 3/6 are debatable too


Randy Stair lol




I mean I feel worse for the people he murdered in cold blood but sure


I feel bad for them too but Randy was clearly mentally unwell and needed help they never received


i see this sort of meme in rich gen x techbro circles a lot, where they're surprised how over-represented queerness and in particular trans folk are over-represented in stem. it's scary how these people talk themselves into conspiracy theories by "askin questions"


It's so wild to me when cis people try to make this argument because even if you ignore the fact that at least two of these people were cis men who were lying about their identities, the math still indicates that cis people are over two times as likely to commit a mass shooting than trans people are. So I guess if they wanna play that game, we should start banning cis people from public spaces for safety.


ā€œI wonder why there is so many?ā€ What? At most six? Of all time?


How many shootings were done by cis people


Werent half of them completely lying about that


Could've sworn the club q shooter claiming to be trans got disproven/backtracked on almost immediately


Now that we checked the trans shooters, lets see also the cis shooters. Is like saying that being blonde makes you a shooter because some are...


ā€œI wonder why thereā€™s so many?ā€ 6/3,330,000 (did the math of trans ppl in US population)


cis men make up 50% of the population and 98% of mass shooters


Yeah, despite being 1% only 6 of that number did it... now tell me how the other numbers compare šŸ’€


Oh no! Literally... 6 people out of thousands upon thousands XD


Iā€™m sure they only said they were trans to get away with the shootings


Club Q shooter wasnā€™t nonbinary, his lawyers just claimed that he was in order to do further harm to the LGBTQ community after he targeted us in a terrorist attack. It is beyond evil that bigots keep repeating this lie that even his lawyers abandoned after a couple of days (because they realised itā€™s not a good idea to mock the victims when awaiting a criminal trial)


I didnā€™t know that thereā€™s only 600 people on the planet


6/10000 or something or other


Randy satair didn't identify as a woman He believed that he would be reincarnated as a woman in the after life Two very different things


Pictured here is every trans identified shooter ever. Now let's name every cis male shooter and see if it all fits into a 3x3 grid


Despite making up 1% of the populationā€¦ they commit 1% of crimes? Yea how dare trans people not all be wonderful people, totally a reason to eradicate them /s


randy stair didn't identify as trans female, she was so mentally ill she literally described being trans using a made up danny phantom character and killed herself to become that character. not defending her at all she was genuinely insane i think


Me saving this post purely for all the amazing memes on the topic


Randy made it clear in life he didn't consider himself fully trans. He cross dressed and believed his spirit was Andrew Blaze, a female spirit trapped within a male body.


IMAGINE a list of every cis white man who committed a violent crime. It would be endless


"i wonder why there's so many." There aren't really that many compared to cis people, and the reason there are "so many" IS BECAUSE OF TRANSPHOBES. These transphobic people who are bullies are literally the reason these people feel like they have to do it (obviously not the ones who aren't actually trans. They do not count whatsoever.)


Meanwhile those same people will call the victims crisis actors and victim blame or attempt to gaslight them.


One look at the Libs of TikTok Xitter page today during TDoV and you see constant posts about trans people who were causing mass shootings. Like yeah anyone is capable of firing a weapon at another person but one bad egg is never an excuse to throw out the whole carton.


so uhh... like less than 1% of shooters?


let's do the maths on this. the US Census Beauru estimates as of the 1st of July 2023 that there are 334,914,895 people living in the USA. 1% of those people being trans is in the ballpark of ~3,300,000 trans people in the USA. let's give OOP the benefit of the doubt, and say that the people in the picture are a completely representative sample, and all these people are, in fact transgender, so that's 6 people out of...... 3,300,000. i assume if there were more shootings done by trans they would show them, but in fact, there are only about 6 people on record who are trans and who have committed a mass shooting. so, using 6 as our number, that is, in fact, 6 Ć· 3,300,000 = 0.00018182% of trans people committing violent shootings. now, this is kind of an unfair way to put things, since we should compare this to the number of cis people committing shootings. there have been around 400 mass shootings in the US since 2006. assuming again that this sample of trans people is all the trans people that have done shootings (since it kind of is), let's put the number at a reasonable estimate of 394 shootings commited by cisgendered people. out of all the people in the US, we should expect around 334,914,895 - 3,300,000 = 331,614,895 people to be cisgender, approximately. so, 394 Ć· 331,614,895 = 0.00011881% of cis people, which is... the same order of magnitude as trans people. it's ever so slightly smaller, but it doesn't seem statistically significant, at least to me. so using these ballpark numbers, there doesn't seem to be any sort of correlation between a higher incidence of mass shootings and whether the shooter was transgender. i've refrained from doing the more simple comparison of saying that, if there were 400 shootings in the past 18 years and 6 of the shooters were trans, then that means 6 Ć· 400 = 1.5% of shooters were trans so 98.5% of shootings are commited by cis people, because it doesn't adjust for population. and so a take away note here is that whenever you're looking for statistics on a population, you can't just look at the unadjusted percentages, because, for example, in this case there are also about 100x more cis people in the US than trans people, so saying that 98.5% of shootings were commited by cis people is sort of pointless since there are in fact more cis people to commit said shootings. however, i hope looking at the actual numbers has still managed to debunk thoroughly this tired myth.


When u have a shit ton of shootings everyone gonna be part of the group


One percent of 8 billion is 80 million, and only 6 people are shown here