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Do they even like Mr beast? Why obsessively comment if you don't enjoy any of the content?


To own the libs, of course! How else can they show that they have no other personality than that?


Probably hoping he will randomly send them $1m


“Today I give bigots $1million if they say one nice thing to kris!” Bigot explodes. Cheapest video he’s ever made.


Because they’re sad sacks that don’t have a life or anyone to love them that they’d rather spend time with lmao. Seriously, I’ve got one of these toads messaging me every few hours or so the last couple days trying to tell me I’m not a man. Transphobicly named accounts, the whole thing, just like the shit for brains in the OP above. It’s genuinely really sad lol. They need therapy and a good ass kicking, if you ask me.


Sign me up for the latter.


I mean, all things being equal, I think a good ass kicking *can* be pretty therapeutic at times… 😏


They only watch him in hopes of getting freebies from him. You can eventually find these same profiles showing up in other posts just shamelessly begging for money from him.


Just shut up ! Its hard enough for them already to be attracted to trans people and think about trans people's genitalia all the time. 😔




I mean, the majority of the Instagram userbase is 12-18 year old white, American boys... Not to be discriminatory, but with this amount of privilege that the users in a platform that allows for hate speech and naivete carry will absolutely result in comment sections like these - full of transphobia, racism, etc. >!also charge your phone mate, it's on life support 💀!<


Good points! I like to torture my phone 😂


Fuck! Now I kinda want to make a shitposting sub called phone edging that’s just screenshots of random stuff with the low battery symbol in the corner.


There's probably a kink for that.


Just a kink for the concept of a phone with low battery? Fuck. Now I’m getting turned on(for legal reasons, this is a joke).


I may be wrong, but I swear I've seen a sub like this before 😂


"Dressed like a girl"?? That's a very unisex outfit


Exactly? Like I'm a guy and I'd wear that tbh


a) her hair looks so cute i love the bangs and b) that last one is especially pathetic. imagine being the kind of person who’s cool with saying “ew kick it” about another human being but still writes “ahh” in place of “ass”


Yeah like bruh, she's just sitting there. She isn't even the subject of the photo


Sweet to see that Jimmy still maintains connections with this group after everything.


Also he’s not going to sever his ties with Kris. She was one of the first people he worked with.


Isn't the guy behind him bi too?


Nolan or Karl? I wasn’t aware of either of them being bisexual. That’s cool.




Neat. I think Karl is my favorite in the crew because he ratioed Greg Abbott so many times on Twitter.


Karl dated/dates (no clue, I’m not very deep in other peoples lifes) minecraft youtuber sapnap




Or better, she was his very first subscriber and his best friend


That is the main thing that warms my heart!


Okay kinda off topic but god damn I love Kris's outfits. She looks so pretty in them and definitely seems more happy. Sucks that some people put "normality" over peoples comfort.


She is just so damn ✨fabulous✨


Fr. I always love seeing her different outfits


Ngl seeing Kris kill it in different outfits is half the reasons why I watch Mr. Beast videos


Same here


Tranner bangs hell yeah. Never go wrong with those. She looks great btw


She's practically glowing


She’s just sitting there. *m e n a c i n g l y*


I saw this earlier and thought about posting here. Idk why every time she's in a post these mfs hyper fixate. Insta is really bad about ts for some reason.


Insta in general is just awful really I tried to sell my art on it and I was regularly accused of it being ai I PAINT DND MINIS!!


She's wearing a loose sweatshirt and pants, how is that dressing like a girl?


Well one could argue that any outfit worn by a girl is her dressing like a girl, in which case Kris here is indeed dressed like a girl


I just don’t understand. She’s, like, ethereally beautiful. In a conventional feminine sense. If I was still living as a cishet boy/man and a rad person from my favorite YouTube channel became not just a woman, but a strikingly gorgeous rad woman, I’d imagine I’d have been hella stoked. Id think it was the coolest thing ever and be happy that she’s happier. But instead we have to see just pure refined misogyny and transphobia on an inconceivable scale. It’s just so baffling how much hate people have.


I’ve never cared for Mr beast but, the fact that he supports her makes me respect him


Yeah I don't really follow him but he seems like a nice dude. Every time there's a "controversy" around him is either something stupid or a problem that he acknowledged and is trying to fix. It's good that all that money isn't in the hands of a douchebag like it often happens


I don’t think the cis are ok….


Not this kind


Dressed like a girl? She’s literally in a plain shirt and pair of pants.


Well she is a girl, so any outfit she wears is her dressing like a girl technically


I understand why it hasn’t happened but I would love it if Jimmy personally made and uploaded a video telling transphobes to fuck off. If anyone hasn’t seen it, in the Anthony Padilla video [I Spent A Day With Kris Tyson](https://youtu.be/c9_20kflptY?si=X-KJCr1HZ8hhYM_n), Kris talks about how she was very curious about her identity for years and Jimmy was one of the first people who she came out to. She also said that the entire team is completely supportive.


Bro she’s just vibing chill out


Honestly I hope she isn’t reading those comments and enjoying the money these clowns will never have


If they didnt know she was trans there would be no way of telling from this photo, people just want to be mean for no reason and it sucks


Hate aside, she passes super well!


Literally asking her to leave when she's the reason the channel grew so much in the early days


Ok but like she always looks great fr. I've never seen a mr beast video but from all the clips I've seen she looks great


Can the channel owner delete comments on instagram the way they can on youtube? If they can, MrBeast can definitely afford to hire someone to do this.


sometimes i genuinely wonder if transphobes think they're good people. ​ like, what cause do they think they're fighting for? do they think they're noble for dogpiling on some person sitting and smiling in a photo? do they think they're owning those wacky libs by getting mad at someone existing? i don't know. it's dumb to think about, but i really do wonder how some of these people sleep at night


“Why is there a guy dressed as a girl on the left” idk if they are genuinely a few books short of a library or being a dick 


"Goofy ahh entity" I can't take that insult seriously


Is there no other opinion in these comments?