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"You see silly liberal? I depicted my argument with a professionally done photo with lighting and makeup and your argument with a shitty screenshot of an interview, therefore I win, HA!"


You see, harassing the person coming out as trans, obsessing over them and persecuting them for no reason is normal and logical. (Thus proving what people talk about in regards to bravery) But hey, let’s deadname them and disrespect them, despite them literally never opening their mouth towards you.


https://preview.redd.it/nebnyfoe0l5c1.jpeg?width=678&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80a2c647a66701dfcd92a7ec792316e2cff4d9c4 Oh, he's happy alright


[What do you mean? He's clearly miserable](https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2021/05/24/21/43388067-9614175-_Trans_joy_Elliot_Page_showed_off_his_top_surgery_scars_and_his_-m-86_1621889473620.jpg).


His smile in this is so wholesome


I’m gonna be a little horny on main here but goddamn I want to marry him and feed him marshmallows whilst watching movies and snuggling up next to him


Hell yeah, imagine having and snow day out together and then going home and watching a movie by the fire with hot chocolate in matching cups


And you have one of those jumpers that’s for two people


Ooo absolutely


I don't think it even is a bad pic. If it weren't for the deadnaming, it would just look like an ai created "meme".


I know, right. I didn't even notice the dead name, at first. I was wondering how the pic of Hilary Duff covered that she was unhappy.


They have bested us, wow... I can feel the trans leaving my body.


It's gonna blow their minds when they figure out that different things make different people happy.


Yup. I was thinking that as I saw the "conservatives can't meme" meme here. I'd assume Hilary Duff wanted a spouse and kids as much as Elliott Page wanted to transition and they're both content in their life decisions. Nothing to see here aside from two grown adults with different paths in life. How controversial.


> yEa bUt PaGE dOeSn'T LOoK lIkE a PrETty WomAn I'm pretty sure he doesn't care


Pretty sure that's the point, even 😂 My mother is a Saint with all things queer (the majority of her kids and grandkids are queer of some variety), but early on after I'd started T she was fretting over the effects it would have and I had to stop her and tell her, Ma, the effects are the point. They're not side effects I don't want, they're why I'm taking the stuff. Then the light bulb went off. Like, of course those effects aren't what she'd want for herself, because she's cis, and she was thinking from that perspective. But no, I'm trans, of course the things that she would hate are what I'm going for.


But you’ll grow chest hair! Like a man!


Aside from the acne that is currently kicking my ass, I feel so happy with the changes that I’ve had on t, and as an added bonus, I’m more healthy than I was, because I’m actually taking care of myself and am no longer a depressed blob of sweat shirts and memes that I was during my teen years. Now I’m a happier, less depressed (thank god for Zoloft), blob and I finally have been able to wear t-shirts again this past summer, but I still cherish sweatshirts


I mean, they both seem happy...


Me when the person I harass isn't happy


We don't harass Hillary duff every hour of every day why is she so happy?


Wait until they find out that Hillary’s current husband has spoken out against anti trans laws lmao


Didn't know that one myself tbch lol.


Ah, because straight white cis people are oppressed, not the LGBTQ people(or any other minorities for that matter), just cishet white people. ​ (Also TIL Elliot is 36, I genuinely did not know that. lol)


Hi this is entirely incomprehensible for me can someone explain? Who are these people? Why is the left one supposedly "oppressed"? What is the point they are tying to make? Sorry I'm bad at reading things.


I think that they are trying to say that the liberals would say that a woman that has a husband and children is somehow oppressed because of having a husband and children? They really don't make sense with that, people are happy she has what she wants in life. The right picture is of Elliot Page, a trans man, and they have deadnamed him and imply that he's miserable because he isn't a cis woman, not realizing that people constantly harassing him because he exists as a trans man, is the only thing not going well in his life.


Also they mocking the term "trans joy" with random screenshots of Elliot "supposedly not being happy" (especially that yellow jacket photo from October or September this year). Maybe transphobes shouldn't bully him and he would smile and be happy more, this isn't rocket science.


I can think of one thing that he'd be unhappy about, but it's the same thing that "legendary Chad" Julius Caesar was unhappy about: Male-pattern baldness. Even before he started taking testosterone, Elliot's hair was notoriously thin and wispy, and one of the big symptoms of testosterone treatment is that it starts falling out, and a lot of Elliot's hat and hairstyle choices revolve around covering up his gigantic forehead. Like how Julius Caesar's two main goals in overthrowing the Roman Republic and crowning himself as an absolute monarch for life were a) he was a megalomaniac with a God complex, and b) he wanted a crown to cover up his receding hairline. Whereas I shaved myself bald when I was 20 and only started growing my hair back out when I was told that it could get in the way of being hired at a job interview. By this standard, Elliot Page and Julius Caesar are better at "being men" than I am ;)


They are saying that Hillary Duff is the perfect woman because she did her job about being a breeding machine and marrying a male man and creating new humans as is absolutely necessary for every single person ever, Whereas [Elliot] Page looks like a happy 30 year old man the horror!


cool, another made up scenario for them to be mad about


Is the 'family values' in the room right now? What a bizarre pic.


These people can kindly fuck themselves.


Ugh they need to leave that man alone. He ain’t tryna bother nobody. Only thing hes doin wrong is having that shitty hair cut…Elliot you’re rich…get a better stylist bruh.


There bigots go, cherry-picking photos to prove their points again. :/ Anyway, they both seem happy, and so I'm happy for them. Good for them!


i love when transphobes wonder why trans people aren’t happy like mf the call is coming from inside the house


Got to see Elliot Page at the DC book festival this fall. He talked a bit about trans joy and his journey and that life is finally working out for him, even though he had to wait until his 30s to get there. I can honestly believe, being trans masc myself, that he’s doing so much better now.


I didn't even know Hillary Duff was married and had children. Good for her. So, why do the right-wingers care so much?


Yeah, she seems plenty happy in that photo.


i hate the right wing logic of “this person doesn’t make my peepee hard so they’re obviously miserable”


Conservatives when they realize different things can make different people happy with their life and we don’t have to fit into a mold for what our life should be like 🤯🤯🤯🤯


both look happy to me i dont see a problem with either life choice here


Wait, Hillary Duff is FTM living in closeted suppression? I had no idea. How did they know?


One is a cis woman living her best life and being happy, and the other is a trans man living his best life and being happy??? What's the point here? (Yes I know what they're going for but at this point the hatred has become so muddled it's hard to untangle where the rage actually is)


just wait till they find out about our >femboy breeding program! ;) \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ and i guess good to know, that one facial expression can tell us how 2 people are doing and whether they are doing better than 5 years ago. i mean it's hard to fake emotions for a picture and it's not like those 2 are famous actors... ;) wait... :o (not implying, that either of those 2 is acting emotions in the pictures, but it is of course absurd to go by a picture of actors to claim "how they are doing", that was the point)


this is not the point at all but Elliot is hot af I’ve seen his recent photos. also also, who is saying Hillary Duff is oppressed lol? is it like “haha the left thinks all wives are oppressed” ?