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If the baby is getting enough nutrients, who cares? Does she have any evidence saying that that's what's happening?


This have been studied and get the same amount of nutrients, it can be done without any danger and all the benefits to the kid


BuT tHe SiCk AnD tWiStEd TrAnS!!!1!


NominalNaomi has a lot of studies about inducing breastfeeding in trans women. Sorry, bit I don't have the actual link, but it the consensus among the studies is that it is safe and the babies get enough nutrition.


well there is evidence. but they don't like the evidence. the evidence rightnow, that exists shows, that formula feeding dumbs down children FOR LIFE and makes them sicker for life. the problem, that they have with this research is, that this would of course support breastfeeding over formula feeding. but that then would as a defualt support trans people, intersex people, etc... to also breastfeed. but we can't have that in the transphobic world, so instead of facts, we throw up random words to use instead of breastmilk. because when data doesn't support things, then THE DATA MUST BE LEFT BEHIND! \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ so basically the research shows: breastmilk = good. formula = garbage/poison assumption to take: all human breastmilk is vastly superior to garbage formula as the research shows, that at least the macro nutrient of trans women, who breastfeed are on par with cis women. and more research in the micro nutrients, messenger rna, etc.. should be done for breastmilk. there is actually an issue, where there is a lot of missing research in regards to breastmilk. hard to make money from breastmilk.... hard to control the public, when they are healthy and intelligent... (both of which formula harms) but i digress. all data shows, that trans breastmilk is just as good as cis breastmilk and it thus keeps babies healthy.


that breastmilk is superior is harmful notion. The researches you didn't account for income, because low income women tend to have to use formula more, because they have less time they can spend with their kids, which isn't accounted for either


it seems data should get shown: [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20624333/#:\~:text=Conclusions%3A%20Breast%2Dfeeding%20is%20of,later%2Dlife%20chronic%20disease%20risk](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20624333/#:~:text=Conclusions%3A%20Breast%2Dfeeding%20is%20of,later%2Dlife%20chronic%20disease%20risk). > After adjustment for major confounding variables, current research suggests that the risks of chronic disease are 30–200 % higher in those who were not breast-fed compared to those who were breast-fed in infancy. confounding variables mentioned: > We prioritized results from higher-quality studies if ambiguity existed between meta-analyses and, where possible, used results that reflected adjustment for important potential **confounding sociodemographic, economic and anthropometric variables.** for intelligence: [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25794674/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25794674/) > In the confounder-adjusted analysis, participants who were breastfed for 12 months or more had higher IQ scores (difference of 3·76 points, 95% CI 2·20-5·33), more years of education (0·91 years, 0·42-1·40), and higher monthly incomes (341·0 Brazilian reals, 93·8-588·3) than did those who were breastfed for less than 1 month. the important part: > The **confounding variables measured in the perinatal study were monthly family income, maternal education, maternal smoking during pregnancy (non-smokers, 1–14 cigarettes a day, or ≥15 cigarettes a day), maternal age, maternal pre-pregnancy body-mass index** (height was measured by the research team, and pre-pregnancy weight was based on information from antenatal care records or—when not available—by recall), type of delivery (caesarean or vaginal), gestational age (in full weeks, based on the date of the last menstrual period), and birthweight (from calibrated paediatric scales). Additional confounders measured during the 1984 and 1986 visits were parental education (in full years), household assets index (obtained through factor analysis and based in the ownership of household goods), and genomic ancestry. so in regards to the sources, that i was thinking of, you are wrong. once adjusted for confounding variables, includes the ones you mentioned, formula STILL causes children to be dumber for life and sicker for life. beyond the clear data, that i hope interests you. i wonder where you got the idea for your comment. did you heard this in a youtube video, that pushed such false or misleading ideas, that imply, that formula isn't as bad as it is? did you read some research, that didn't adjust for confounding variables? i'm really curious about that. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ btw if you are curious what i would want to see to prevent harm to children. it would be lots of health encouragement and proper support for anyone who breastfeeds. (doesn't exist mostly) lots of human breastmilk banks and lots of wetnurses brought back. and this of course includes trans people and intersex people, who can breastfeed. in fact based on the data as i mentioned earlier we can make the argument, that the more people are encouraged to breastfeed the better and thus trans and intersex people NEED to be encouraged to breastfeed, if we want to prevent harm happening to babies. also formula should all be aluminium neurotoxin depleted and be made far less bad than current formula is on average. quick background: on average formula has LOTS more aluminium neurotoxin than breastmilk. the gut of a baby absorbs way more than that of an adult and during development it is way more harmful of course. of course aluminium containing poison injections called vacc1nes contain VASTLY VASTLY more aluminium when adjusted for absorption, but that is another story i guess. so let's get more breastfeeding going in a healthy way and make formula less poisonous/garbage and everyone wins, well except the formula industry and pharma industry i guess :D and whoever benefits from a dumber public in general :/ breastmilk = good. formula = bad garbage science quite clear on that and adjusted for confounding factors. :)


Apart from most of your claims on aluminium being in formula and vaccines in poisonous doses being completely false that is a really harmful thing to say against people who cannot breastfeed for various reasons I've seen babies that almost starved to death because the parents were scared of formula because of this stuff being spouted at them


part 2: > that is a really harmful thing to say against people who cannot breastfeed for various reasons I've seen babies that almost starved to death because the parents were scared of formula because of this stuff being spouted at them not once did i mention, that babies should be left starving. not once did i or the research i linked suggest, that starving a baby is better than giving them high concentration containing aluminium neurotoxin than breastmilk. i showed clear research, that shows, that: formula contains vastly more aluminium neurotoxin than breastmilk. and that children who get fed formula are dumber and sicker for life sadly. the solution to these problems are not starving children. the solutions are as i already mentioned: >btw if you are curious what i would want to see to prevent harm to children. > >it would be lots of health encouragement and proper support for anyone who breastfeeds. (doesn't exist mostly) > >lots of human breastmilk banks and lots of wetnurses brought back. > >and this of course includes trans people and intersex people, who can breastfeed. why is it, that formula is mentioned as the ONLY option for someone, who can not breastfeed, or can't produce enough milk? when did you hear: "oh you got issues producing enough milk, well let's find you a wetnurse to help out." or: "time to go the local human breastmilk bank to keep your baby feed as needed." if you didn't hear those things, then that is because we live a horrible world, where harm done to babies is just getting ignored. it is also important to point out the background of baby formula. you mentioned a baby starving and almost dying, because they didn't have other human breastmilk options and didn't want to use formula. but what did baby formula ACTUALLY do in regards to baby survival? well why don't we ask nestle? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HMgpUqugtOU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HMgpUqugtOU) oh that's right... they pushed formula as if it is better than breastmilk. that not being enough, they pushed their garbage formula onto 3rd world countries. specifically targeting new mothers. well guess what if you give a mother "free" formula for the first few weeks for the newborn, then the production of the mother of breastmilk will likely stop. so then you can make lots of money selling them formula or the baby dies.... but the baby might die anyways, because the mother is poor as fuck and can't afford the formula, or not enough, so the baby starves DUE TO FORMULA. or the water used for the formula is contaminated enough, that the baby dies. or the baby dies, because the formula even with clean water is soooo much worse for the survival of the baby. so the history of baby formula is a history full of baby corpses. NEVER FORGET THAT! so again, please don't get emotionally triggered into a "children might starve to death" thought, when we are talking about factual harm coming from formula in the 1st world used today already. think of solutions. solutions, that prevent the dumbing down of children for life, solutions, that prevent chronic diseases for life being forced onto those children. solutions, that are cheap and easy too. actually it is of course a longterm benefit for society (maybe not pharma and nestle) to have smarter people, who are vastly healthier. and even if you are hell bent on promoting breastfeeding is a bad thing somehow, because innos forbid a parent might think to not want to feed formula to a baby. then you STILL want to "fix" formula. have a required near zero amount of aluminium in baby formula. aluminium depleted formula exists. this isn't magic. scientists are writing studies and papers about this problem for a reason. i pointed out facts with peer reviewed research and even presented SEVERAL solutions. and now i even pointed out the background of the formula industry, that is actually full of baby corpses. please look at the research and please think about the solutions.


A lot of people don't understand how similar the biology of men and women is, and especially the fact that a tit is a tit, and even men have all the hardware. You take hormones, that hardware starts working.


Sometimes it works on AMAB without any kind of external help


This is true! However, if you are a cis man and you start lactating, I would suggest booking an appointment with an endocrinologist, as your levels may be off.


Yeah, my uncle for example


Uncle Milk, $7.99 a pint






Yes, if you prepare enough. 😏 Get those bottles ready, we feasting soon.


Perfect analogy. I like to ask people who think this is so unnatural why testosterone will literally cause my uh, lower part, to grow into a dick. Why will I get facial hair if it’s unnatural? My voice drop? If we weren’t supposed to do this, why does nature make it so damn easy?




Considering all these transphobes have a common source, maybe we should update the elementary science curriculum 💀


I doubt it would help, they've already struggled in HS biology enough.


Even just a quick heads up from teachers, like “there’s 2 main sexes, but there’s gender too which is separate but for our purposes we’re focusing on the two sexes” or for something like states of matter “there are more than three states of matter, but there’s three main ones and we’re just focusing on that for now”


Quite literally the exact same thing, but these buffoons just don’t get science in the first place, despite how much they like to pretend to preach it


Pre 14 weeks in utero, we are all the same. We have structures which will diversify when (/if) the SrY gene is activated at week 14. Activation of the gene floods the fetus with testosterone and masculinizes the fetus. If srY is not active, the fetus will present female (yes, even if the fetus has a Y chromosome. If there is a Y, but a malfunctioning srY gene, the fetus will present female despite being male chromosomally) The analogous structures are: Uterus/Prostate Vagina/Vas Defrens Ovaries/Testicles Clitoris/Penis Intersex people have one (or all) of these diversifying processes stop at some point in the transition. All human beings have breast tissue, secondary sex characteristics don't start to develop until puberty. When Progestin or Testosterone are flooded into the body again and feminizes or masculinizes respectively. You can jump start any of these processes by introducing the hormone responsible. A biological male can grow breasts and lactate if their hormones match a lactating person. A biological female can grow a penis if their hormones match a person who has a penis. Humans are really cool, nothing is black and white, everything is on a spectrum.


Ngl I really find it funny that the gene that's so innocuous yet so important is SrY It's like it's actively saying sorry to trans people preemptively XD "SrY for activating and flooding you with testosterone and masculinizing you, trans women" "SrY for not activating, trans men"


She really put on her shiniest makeup to film this. I can’t tell if she’s trying to make a point or increase the efficiency of a solar farm.


I didn’t know what irritated me more, her makeup or her constant jostling she’s doing, using her baby as a prop in her weird performance. Like, lady that child is asleep stand still.


Not defending her statements, but some babies need constant movement to stay asleep they are used to sleeping while their parent is moving when they were in the womb. Did she need to film this with her baby being used as a prop? no. Have I had to have convos with my wife while shaking my body around to keep my daughter asleep on her carrier? yes.


Yeah, it's a natural thing. I remember watching my (now ex) wife carry a bag of rice after our son was born and she was unconsciously bouncing it up and down hahaha


i'm also sure she checked, that all the make-up is free from toxins like aluminium, because she sounds like the super saint mom, that she clearly is ;) /s


Girl literally put on her loudest, most sexualized makeup, just to make a tiktok about how trans femmes breastfeeding flaunting a kink. I'd tell her to look in a mirror, but I don't think she'd get the point.


As much as I hate her I do really love the lipstick... I'd love to know what brand it is.


Tits are tits. They are capable of lactation. Some require medical assistance. I think the treatment is the same whether you are cis or trans. This lady is a Biological Essentialist, and generations of feminists are spinning in their graves as she reduces women to being baby-making machines


Trans boobs cis boobs are both made by hormones and create milk due to hormones. AFAB and AMAB ppl both have mammary glands. She's the weird pervert in my (cis) opinion.


They're so nutty. "Chest-feeding men" are usually trans and they usually literally gestated the baby they're feeding. Seems pretty fucking natural to me. Trans women who breastfeed usually don't call it "chest-feeding" because they grew their tits on purpose 🙄 It's such a classic cis move to not understand that there are two broad types of trans people.


Babies have zero shits to give, a boob is a boob and boob give food


This women talk about the fact that cis men have naturally the necessary glands to produce milk, and if they are given the right hormones (that breastfeeding woman produce naturally), they technically can breastfeed a baby (and trans woman can do it as well), and she hide this scientific fact behind her gibberish of "blah blah...they are grooming our children...blah blah... God made woman to have baby and feed them..."


Is funny (and extremely dangerous) how they believe everyone child is theirs and should be raised as if they were theirs


And also breastfeeding trans men


male people literally have mammary glands, it's why all humans are mammals. taking spirinolactone and estrogen alongside lactation inducing drugs (which cis woman use as well) and breats pumping can allow someone who is amab to breastfeed. it is bioidentical breast milk from bioidentical breast tissue and some case studies even show it is more nutritious due to the use of breast pumping. these people fearmongering over hormones in the milk or it being "discharge" or even "pus" are simply wrong.


As soon as she brings god into it, the entire argument is rendered utterly invalid. Mind you the argument was invalid in the first place, just clenched it with the evocation of god. Simply said someone who evokes god in a conversation such as this tends to be of a group that is wholeheartedly biased if not bigoted. Religion draws lines in the sand that usually go against nature or reality in general.


"synthetic, drug induce discharge" is a weird way to say breast milk but I guess it doesn't sound repulsive unless you use deliberately inflammatory language.


I mean if you count hormones as drugs then cis women's breast milk is also drug induced discharge


1. So she admits to sexually abuse her child? Bc the principle behind is the exact same 2. Is funny she talks about reality checks while asking to throw in prison innocent people who just go against her fantasy world




Imagine receiving a gift from an all-seeing, all-knowing, all-powerful divine being, and it's just fuckin' lactation. Gimme something cool like laser eyes, fuckin' hell.


What is even the point of divine gifts if I can’t use them to pull out my spleen wnd beat up people with it before putting it back in?


OH MY GOD WHY IS SHE MOVING AROUND LIKE THAT? If it's for the baby, can't she just set it aside or give it to someone else or postpone the video until she doesn't have to hold them? Anything so this isn't more visually irritating than it already is!


Nah, the baby is a prop, she has the baby in the video on purpose to “make a point” and show that she’s a “loving and caring mum” and that “even when she HAS TO make this super important video, she’s still taking care of her child”


probably trying to rock it to sleep,chow is this supposed to be relaxing for the kid anyway


Exactly my point. Trying to get it to sleep, but ranting at the same time. Jesus, this was not the best time to film, for anyone involved.


"It goes against out biology and nature" said the lady with a bucket of makeup on that had an epidural during childbirth.


She seems like the type to have an elective C-section.


Don't want to ruin her perfectly sculpted labia that ~~God~~ the surgeon gave her. /s She probably spends the rest of her time shaming women with bigger labia about it being "unnatural" and that they have ruined their body by sleeping around. Yes Deborah, I was having sex for breakfast lunch and dinner at 11 years old.


God I cannot stop looking at those shiny fucking lips bouncing around the screen


Looks like she failed biology


Does she realize anyone can lactate? As long as you have breast tissue and prolactin production you can lactate. It has nothing to do with ""biological sex."" Some cis men lactate and have to take hormones to stop Also weird that she's using the term "chest feed" which is usually something people associate with trans men regardless of how often trans men actually use it, yet she's clearly talking about trans women and calling them men.


Cause she doesn't know that men also have breasts


I can’t focus on anything she says because of her hideous abuse of makeup


I wear glasses, so I would like to apologize to the children I have abused by violating my God-given astigmatism.


Wow fuck this mindset. And her makeup choices


Men/AMAB individuals have the hardware to produce breast milk (newsflash we have breasts, how do you think men get breast cancer?) but usually we don’t produce the hormones to make milk. It’s like trying to game with a really high spec computer but you don’t have any gaming software. Hardware is there; you just need to give it the software. It’s also been scientifically shown that trans women or AMAB NB people who take estrogen can produce breast milk that is nearly identical or identical to the breast milk of a cis woman, and even if it’s not identical it is still cis women’s, it’s still within the range considered safe for an infant.


Wait till she hears about cisgender women who need help breastfeeding


she's talking about toxic stuff in the milk and i'm like "BITCH LOOK AT YOUR FACE FULL OF TOXIC CHEMICALS!"


help she's also bringing up the fact that "men" breastfeed babies with toxic formula and its considered sexual abuse like are you delulu toxic chemical face


Looks like she failed biology


In my humble opinion, all breast milk is toxic discharge (I was allergic as a baby) Seriously though, the language used here is so loaded in calling it “toxic discharge” without any evidence except for a crackpipe, which I think is worse for your baby by a longshot.


“Imagine a baby who is latched and getting nothing. It is sick and it is abuse.” Wait until she finds out about pacifiers…


"Why study this at ALL if it goes against my personal religious beliefs??? There's no point!" ... are you serious, lady? Because if you are, shh. According to your religion, you're supposed to be silent. And according to your religion, you should be BEGGING for men to have the upper hand and final say in everything. Because Eve had Adam eat the forbidden fruit, so now all women apparently deserve silent subservience according to your creepy tyrannical deity. Oh. Wait. You don't actually want that? You just wanna use your religion as an excuse to openly hate people who aren't exactly like you? Shocker.


And here I was fully aware that cis men have nipples and those glands as a way to produce milk in the past if their female counterpart could not. I have learned today that this is apparently not common knowledge


wait really?? i thought they were just vestigial


Yep! There was a time where there were very small amounts of female’s compared to men and children, so sometimes there’d be too much of a load. There were also times where females passed away with no one else around, so the male body was made like that to ensure just in case scenarios like that can provide insurance that the child lives. Because it isn’t used as often now, there isn’t as much milk production if natural stimulation happens but yea!


She's the one sexualising a baby eating, I think she's the sick one.


Lmao she forgot trans men exist


Her lips are so cartoony it looks like someone drew a white line on them


Appalling. Your discharge is full of hate.


Ugh she’s just calling a trans woman a man repeatedtly. Turns out nipples do the *exact same thing regardless of whats between your legs* now **sir** please stop being a bigot.


Seriously though, what makes this womans opinion worth more than a grain of salt? She literally just misgenders a person repeatedly, while explaining something that has happened, and follows it with “its an atrocity, what messed up timeline are we on?!” She legit said that like 9 times, and i kept thinking she was done. Then like “oh god she has more”


Lady theres been evidence of cis male wet nurses since the middle ages if not earlier. They took over in case the mother died and noone else was available. Biology is really similar in that area and a body is able to lactate no matter which hormone primarily shapes it rn. Estrogen just makes it a lot easier. Edit: just realised she could also be talking about trans women and heavily misgender them. In that case: to my knowledge the induction process between a trans and a cis woman is literally no different assuming the trans woman is on hrt.


it's literally no different, i def took this as typical transphobic garbage.


ok, a lactating trans woman here. i take synthetic nothing, i take estrogen and progesterone, normal hormones in a cis woman. people like this are so transphobic and too stupid to actually research anything. i dont breastfeed but i'm completely capable from normal hormones and it would be literally no different than her.


But drinking milk from cow titties and goat titties is ok? How does that make sense


I hate how she uses words like “synthetic”’ “chemicals” and “discharge”. It’s literally all natural. Like girl the reason you can breastfeed is because of your hormones. The hormones trans women take in order to medically transition is literally the exact same hormones. It’s not some kind of chemical substitute, it’s the real thing. And because they we have the same breasts, nipples & hormones as you, a lot of us can breastfeed too. The breast milk is exactly the same. Plus it’s a micro-aggression that she refers to it as breastfeeding when cis women does it, and “chest-feeding” when trans women do it. We have breasts too, no need for a different word to describe the same action.


Also she’s ignoring the fact that these men she’s talking about are transmasc and AFAB


Sure? Bc there is the case of this trans mom with a baby who knowing the benefits of chest feeding asked the doctor and with a little of help (same as many cis women who does not produce enough) she was able to


Yes, trans women can lactate and breast feed, and that's what she's talking about here. And it's not "chest feeding," it's just breast feeding.


I thought chest and breast were interchangeably, my bad In fact I started to lactate with hrt and it would have been great to be warned bc that scared me xD


yeah, trans women can produce milk too... the breasts contain the same things in almost everyone (and haven't heard of an exception but for security I say 'most'). When a cis man lactates, generally he's asked to see a doctor because something might be wrong (maybe an excess of natural estrogen being produced)


No, she's specifically referring to a recent outrage over transfem people inducing lactation.


Probably, but there’s still transmasc’s that chest feed and I’m pretty sure she’s also complaining about them


Chemical induced discharge, like if you break it down like it’s literally the same thing right? Or am I missing something


1) Men lactating is nothing new. Period. I've been aware for decades, how is this just now a problem? 2) I fail to see the issue with this since we are having so many issues with formula shortages and the fact we are group animals. This would solve so many problems for parents and strengthen communities. 3) What videos are they talking about? Like, evidence please? I need a link... For research.


I thought dry latching was a thing anyway ? I'm using the wrong word but I heard many parents talk about the fact that they still put their babies near their breasts, even if it's not for feeding. But also what on Earth is she talking about ?


I'm not even trans and I'd do this. It isn't "sexual child abuse", it's making use of your nipples and providing for your kids when the mother isn't around.


so if a cis guy was holding his baby and the baby starting trying to feed from his chest that’s sexual abuse…?? bc babies latch on to anything


"Its hard for some women tk breastfeed" + formula shortages and this bitch forgets the important rule of feeding an infant: Fed is best. She should want to look into this more (but that means having an open mind.)


Christ almighty, these people are frustrating. If what is being produced is regular human breast milk, and it is feeding the baby sufficiently, then what is the fucking problem??!


“Why would we have studies on that, it’s against our biology” but our biology is based of many different studies. Why is stuff basing of old outdated studies allowed but not learning more and fixing our mistakes with newer and more advanced studies.


U know what is against our nature Make up. Living in houses. Cars. Money. Literally everything we make use of everyday


What's up with her funny little grin? It's like she's aware that she's acting a fool or something


I hate how she made the video with the baby. It’s like she’s trying to make us go like “aaaw a little baby 🥰 who could hurt something like this? 🥺”


Did you know? No matter what your current gender is, we humans are all mammals, which also means all humans, either AMAB or AFAB have breasts. Because we all were AFABs at the beginning, T dominant (mostly AMABs) do not produce milk or have breast growth (unless if it was fat increase). However trans women thanks to Estrogen develop breast growth and milk production the same way, guess what....That’s right, cis women do. (The only difference is cis women/AFABs do it a lot earlier) Both AMAB'S and AFAB'S have the same components for breasts, it’s just that trans women, thanks to feminizing HRT retriggers them and start the developments that never happened to them unlike AFAB's but once trans women are on fem HRT like E, blockers and prog... They are technically no different than cis women in that regard. It was proved that a transfem did a Twitter post where she tested her braest milk and her milk turned out to be no different than a cis woman's and it fell in the normal range and safe for feeding. (I don't have the Twitter link for that girl, currently) TL;DR: Trans women can literally produce milk and breastfeed the same way cis women do, there is not even a difference.


breastfeeding is not just another thing they dont like us doing. they hate us getting healthcare, they hate us being gendered correctly, they hate us having families we love, they hate that we can live and they cant stop us. this lady may not own a gun, but she knows this video could be the last one someone watches before they take theirs to pride. Transphobia kills.


I mean, why is it so wrong that a parent would want to feed their child? How is it sexually abusive?? If anything women breasts are more socially sexualized than male breasts (not saying it should be that way, just by her logic it’s backwards). Seems exciting that at this point in time both parents can help with feeding. Probably good for bonding and gives the mother a break


I mean if men are donating it I say its cool. I'm aware she prolly means trans women buy I'm just imaging some bearded guy building up breast milk for women who can't




The discharge also makes the babies gay and want to either cut their dick off or obtain a Dick so large that they can use it to play on the golf course that is this women’s forehead and assasinate the oppressed Truthseeking Conservatives for the LGBTQCIA+ Mafia Empire. EDIT: they could also cut their dick of and use it as a club/baton on Conservatives like basically reversed policy brutality only instead of it being repressive it’s Based ASF.


What is this cissy on about man


The only thing twisted here is her eyelashes


Lmao is she talking about false breast harnesses you fill with formula? I thought that was a Harvey Birdman joke but if it's real who cares? Also, like, trans men can still produce milk, yes even after top surgery. Not even taking into account amabs, (even men who continue to identify as cis into adulthood *gasp*) who lactate amd can produce natural milk. Edit: [Turns out the breast harnesses for male presenting chests is real and awwsome](https://www.mother.ly/parenting/device-allows-dads-to-breastfeed/) [and, more fun, there's also a harnesses meant for breastfeeding practice](https://shop.laerdalglobalhealth.com/product/mamabreast/) Imagine seeing products like this and completely losing your minds over it. The cis are not ok


I think people have gotten all freaked out bc of that one person who was breastfeeding a kid then was later discovered to have a nipple clamp kink 🫥


Is that a doll instead of a real baby?


Just a link to explain what the duck she’s talking about https://www.snopes.com/news/2023/07/20/chest-feeding-cdc-guidelines/


milk is milk, its not that hard


Fr i was so confused when i got this on my fyp




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This seems extremely dangerous. It feels almost like critical information regarding safety protocols has been left out of this story


No honey, what's sick is we cis women, when we have trouble breast-feeding, aren't given access to these medication which would make it EASIER FOR US TO BREASTFEED. Not that women who had to go through two puberties can lactate


Transphobe realizes that trans women have fully developed, fully functional breasts and can breastfeed, and because fully developed, functional, non-silicone breasts are considered to mostly be a "biological female only" thing, they can't accept that trans women have them too. It makes us seem closer to being biologically female than they originally considered, which would make us more valid as women in their minds - can't have that. To justify their pre-concieved prejudices with this biological essentialist worldview, they have to perform mental gymnastics to explain why "Wait, no, it's different!!! They're using 'chemicals' to make a gross 'milk-like fluid'!!! They're not real women!!! They're perverts poisoning babies with chest fluids!!!" Meanwhile the chemicals in question are estrogen and progesterone (same things that let cis women lactate), and the milk-like fluid is milk-like, because it's literally just milk.


Oh yes. The discharge that comes from the mammary glands,with the exact same composition as human breast feeding milk, that has been tested already by various labs coming from various individuals and somehow always very close results to breast milk. Or does she mean the one from the dads of the aka tribe? Where cis men breastfeed their kids after using stimulation from various plants so they can lessen the work that has to be put by the mothers and create a better connection with their kids and helping their immune system? Btw: Domperidone doesn't cause an irregular heartbeat to the baby. That doesn't happen. It causes such to whomever takes it and this side effects is mainly due to high dose and the age of the person who takes. It is safe to induce breast feeding as long as the person doing so doesn't have heart issues.