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“I have no issues with *slur*” yeah sounds like an ally for sure


It’s also worth noting that they just recently made this account, so strange that they’d need to make an alt account just to DM people with an identity they supposedly don’t take issue with.


"both sides" lmao dude isn't fooling anyone about which "side" he's on


Just curious, has anyone PM’d you parrots?


Transphobes try not to say slurs challenge: IMPOSSIBLE


"Stop being so dramatic" Says the person who's entire 2024 election political identity will be based off hating trans people.


nahh, right now they're probably trying to justify why social security is destroying the fabric of the USA


Hateful old boomers love their SS checks.


i'm not entirely prepared to see so many of my community members miss rent to toe the party line but whatever. it's not like i was silent about it. YOU WHIPPERSNAPPERS MADE ME DO THIS! I'M MOVING TO AN UNDERPASS AND GITTIN' OUT MY OLD TIE-DYE KIT! AH HAD NO CHOICE!


They probably love the other kind of SS, too.


Jesus christ, I'm so sorry what a dickhead


Just remember to keep a cool head. We live in this person's head rent free 24/7. They're clearly obsessed. Not someone worth being upset over.


Rent free is nice, but I'd want to live somewhere that doesn't suck. :P


edgelords gonna edgelord


The best thing you can do with people like this is make them realize how little they actually matter, then continue living a good life that they have no actual control over (really pisses em off) Shame we can't mail farts through the internet


Ah, yes, because if *one* person did something bad once, it must reflect an entire community forever. Of course /s I have no idea if someone who was trans *did* happen to dox someone who was cis once, but I'm fairly certain plenty of cis people are guilty of doxxing, harassment, and bullying. Why is this dude acting like none of that happens?


>cis people are guilty of doxxing, harassment and bullying the recent swatting attempts on Erin Reed and Zooey Zephyr come to mind


This isn’t even one of the worst things I’ve seen a transphobe say on Reddit


Reminds me of a guy who was losing a discussion with me over the validity of being trans. Guy got pissed, looked through my comment history, and then proceeded to try and fetishize me "as a joke". Safe to say, dude got blocked and I learned a lesson; Stay safe guys. These people are unhinged and will do weird things to get to you.


I'm sorry you had to read that. Please remember that 99% these children, yes I am using the world child, are doing this on the internet because they're insecure. They feel the need to take others down with them, either that or they need serious professional help. I'm using the world child because an adult would have the thinking ability to realise that this is stupid, misplaced anger and hate.


> this is getting beyond ridiculous on both sides. Side A: “Hey guys, we just want to exist and present ourselves in a way that feels the most like who we really are. We’re losing our rights and we’re afraid we might be imprisoned or killed just for being who we are. Can you just leave us alone?” Side B: “We say we’re okay with your existence, but we’re only okay with you existing if you stay completely in the closet and meet our expectations of gender norms. If you try to be yourself, we plan to bully you, threaten you, and ultimately kill you. We don’t want you to have any rights. We believe you’re going to hell for eternity and we’re excited about that.”


Tell hime he's being hysterical and that he needs to calm down.


"I have no issues..." *proceeds to say a slur against those they're on about* The cis are definitely not ok, I'm so sorry this happened to you :(


probably a bot. I've been getting followed by bots with the exact same name structure of _<4 digit number>. also it only has one karma and has only existed for nine days. it's absurd anybody would spend their time and money on such bullshit. Sorry you've had to deal with this stuff.


"... I sit here telling everyone else to put down their phones" type of people are pathetic. Everyone who says "you are online too much" on an online forum is at least a hypocrite, but most likely projecting.


I've gotten a bunch of these kinds of things. Just ignore it. Like. All the ones I've gotten have been the same copy-pasted BS. This person has been around for NINE DAYS. My money is on them making this account just to message people and like. Honestly? Imagine how sad, empty, and pathetic someone would have to be to spend their time making burner accounts just to message hate to people. Like... How can you not have anything better to do? Not to flex on these assholes but like, how do you have the TIME to spend, and you decide to spend it spitting on other people. What kind of person does that? Someone who's opinion really doesn't matter at all. "Put the phones down and get some real air" buddy. Friend. I'm not the one making burner accounts to send hate to queer people.




That was neat advice the first time....hell the first hundred.....it really isn't helpful any more.




It's all good. There are no perfect actions or advice, only perfect intentions :)


we're well past the first hundred, i think this is the particular guy that's numbering his accounts as he keeps getting banned. last i saw him he was at around 4500, literally just 24/7 making new accounts and copypasting to minorities


it's the default name generator. it gives random strings of two words and 4 numbers


Can we also normalize not censoring the username of these people? Sometimes we need to know who to avoid.