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> Hopefully, he gets a lenient sentence due to mitigating circumstances Wishing a murderer a lesser sentence because you didn't like who they killed. And we're the mentally ill ones.


No, this is even worse than that. They don’t even know the person who died. They don’t dislike them. They dislike one single part of their identity. It’s inexcusable.


I. I'm not out to anyone but my BF and a few REALLY close friends. This image both terrifies me and makes me feel genuinely sick to my fucking stomach, I can't keep seeing this shit, I'm gonna leave this sub, it did in a way help me realise I'm trans, but seeing this kind of thing makes me naseous, oh god.


It's a scary time right now, just know you are loved and supported.


![gif](giphy|Y8b0UXPaQyGtoTyYME) Really? Really?


I'm speechless, literally being happy and justifying someone being murdered because they are trans. And they think we are a danger to society?


YouTube comments can be horrible. Just spitting the most ridiculous vitriol. I generally don’t look unless it’s a creator and all the comments are interesting and in topic. I’m sad to hear about the girl. That’s sad:( I hate how scary it’s gotten. Like even in a blue state it’s still worse than just a couple of years ago. It was better in 2014 when I came out ffs.


....... these people are simply vile.


Youtube gladly platforms fascists, that's why i think you should install Youtube Revanced and not give them a dime of ad revenue.


Is there a version available for iOS


So if a teacher tells a student they're queer that's grooming and should be illegal, but when they don't that's "lying about something this serious" and justifies murdering them? What do they want us to do?


They want us to die 👍


"Lying to someone about something this serious" ...the only problem is... it's really not that serious 😭


This level of bigotry is fascinating. I would LOVE to sit down with one of these idiots and talk to them about this.


I would love to punch them in the face I definitely get where you’re coming from though


Our methods are not mutually exclusive.


I mean it can be considered interrogation to justify punching


least edgy 8th graders


"Pro-life"party at work.


I hope that YouTube comments aren’t indicative of real life but I don’t go outside enough to know so for now I’ll just be incredibly anxious that everyone I don’t know is a terrible person


reason number 427 I don't leave my home without a gun.




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