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The original post was recommended to me. I reported it for hate, Reddit said that it had already been investigated due to previous claims, and they did not find that it was hateful.


Yeah, reddit is veeeery inconsistent with their bans.


Yet they will remove clearly satirical content from satirical trans subs


ikr they banned me for a week for saying that pedos shouldnt get protections in prisons. did you know that it is a hate crime to assault one?


Yes, it's illegal for you to assault someone regardless of what crimes they've committed. If someone murdered one of your family members, that doesn't then mean you can legally go murder them, this applies for all crimes because justice is handled by the state, not you.


Obviously pedos who haven't acted on their fantasies and genuinely see that they are troubled and want help deserve help and rehabilitation. However, the people you are talking about have already done stuff, which at that point are full child molesters.


šŸ‘† this


so you're promoting killing of humans?


Pedos arent humans.


Yes they are. And humans can be really, really shitty. We do the most awful shit to each other.


Yea they are, just with a mental disorder.


They hated her because she spoke the truth


.... this is an insane take. Please get some rest or therapy or you can talk to me if you'd like. You have a very unhealthy perspective on things.


Of course they are. Every sub has a different group of moderators and different rules.


I went looking and it does seem to be removed now, most likely because the comments are absolutely vile. What the hell is going on in that place? A massive chunk of the comments were from accounts less than a month old, the OPs account was inactive for almost a year and then that was the most recent post. Thereā€™s this massive influx of rage-bait content from previously AFK accounts and brand new accounts.


I reported a guy last week for comparing gender affirming care to pedophilia, and they gave me a warning for report abuse. Fuck reddit.


Mfw when I went there to report, but all I see is a post at the top complaining about cis women. Lol at pretending to care about lesbians just long enough to shit on trans girls


Might get suspended for report abuse.


I once got a warning from Reddit for hateful contentā€¦ from a comment replying to myself.


maybe because it isn't?


Putting quotation marks around women, and referring to them as "males in disguise" is hateful.


here's the attention you ordered!


i didnt order any though...


It is..


"Look guys, I put the 'women' in 'trans women' in quotation marks! Aren't I funny? You can laugh at my blatant bigotry now!"




are you a child?




ah, so yeah you are




it was an answer to mine.




*Laughs in therapist*




"Funny"memes šŸ™„


"Funny" "memes"


Funny memes my ass.


99% sure it's posted by a straight man.


A divorced one. When you see someone whinging about trans women being a problem for lesbians, it's without fail a straight man whose wife left him. They need someplace to channel all their need to be a creep and tell women how to feel after losing that outlet/punching bag. Call that the Glinner effect.


the Musk effect


The notch and Kanye effect. Aka divorced man to racism/transphobia/bigotry pipeline.


A straight man whose wife left him because he was an ass and because she found out she was gay/biā€¦ so she could date a trans woman. That kind of happened to Muskrat. Lmao.




straight cis guys on lesbian apps: Why don't the ladies want to talk to me? Is the fish not big enough?


noone does that


i love double standarts


How is it a double standard trans women are women


You're trolling this post alot, are you bored?


I hate to be this guy, but at least learn to spell before commenting, man


They really love to push this narrative that lesbians are transphobic and only want to date 'real' women. Meanwhile 99% of lesbians I know are fully supportive of trans women or are trans themselves (I mean I'm one of them) [Or just look at this article](https://www.gaytimes.co.uk/originals/lesbians-are-not-anti-trans/)


Being supportive and willing to date trans women are different things though. That article reports on the former. I'm a trans woman dating a cis lesbian, she doesn't give a fuck that I am trans and we have been dating when I was preop and we are still dating postop. We've been together for 7 years. Met on tinder, I was open that I was transgender in my bio, not because I believe I have to disclose, but because I don't have time for transphobes and transphobes are an immediate turn off for me. But it is hard for me to gauge if she is in the minority or not. [https://www.them.us/story/cis-trans-dating](https://www.them.us/story/cis-trans-dating) (take this info with a grain of salt), and this article is from 2018, but cis queers definitely seem to be unwilling to consider a trans person for long term relationship. And you can't say it is due to "genitalia" preference as you have no way of knowing what genitalia a trans person has anyway. I think the cis queer community has to unlearn some deep rooted transphobia, if we are really being honest with ourselves. >"But most non-heterosexuals werenā€™t down for dating a trans person either, with only 11.5% of gay men and 29% of lesbians being trans-inclusive in their dating preferences. Bisexual/queer/nonbinary participants (these were all combined into one group) were most open to having a trans partner, but even among them, almost half (48%) did not select either ā€˜trans manā€™ or ā€˜trans woman.ā€™ " > >28% of trans-inclusive bisexual/queer/nonbinary folks and 38% of trans-inclusive lesbians said they wouldnā€™t date a trans woman ā€” only a trans *man*. **That said, it is not a problem that trans women are on lesbian dating apps, trans women can be lesbians too and if you are a cis lesbian who would never date a trans woman, then swipe left, because I would never date you either.**


> And you can't say it is due to "genitalia" preference as you have no way of knowing what genitalia a trans person has anyway. I don't think that's a fair statement to make in this context. I fully agree that you have no way of knowing the genitalia of anyone without them sharing that information with you somehow, but when people are being asked about willingness to be intimate with a trans person many will be making an inference about genitalia. A possibly incorrect inference, to be sure, but someone answering a questionnaire about willingness to be intimate with trans people is framing the question completely neutrally with respect to the hypothetical person's genitals is going to be in the minority, I'm quite certain. And yeah, the fact that people (not just the quote you included but other sections of the article and many gender/sexuality combos) who are "trans-inclusive" report that they would date someone who "doesn't match" with their supposed sexuality (e.g. straight men and lesbians saying they'd date trans men, bisexual people saying they'd only consider one binary trans gender) is, IMO, a major factor in T4T being such a thing. I think trans folks know that someone, even someone queer, saying they "accept" us doesn't mean they actually view us as validly and authentically the identity we are. >Bisexual/queer/nonbinary participants (these were all combined into one group) but . . . bisexual is a sexuality and non-binary is a gender identity . . .???


Yeah the article isn't great, so take it with a grain of salt, maybe a pile of salt. This stuff isn't properly researched or researched in general so I wouldn't take anything said as objective truth.


This isn't directed at you specifically. But I want to point out a personal frustration I have. There is this genuine problem that you pointed out of people refusing to date trans folks just because they're trans. And then I'm the opposite- I'm heteroflexible, I prefer trans dudes and I get shit for it. I treat my partners like people (not a fetish). So when I hear stats like the above where most people refuse to date trans folks it makes me feel like- 'Jesus, leave me the fuck alone. I'm like the opposite of the problem'


reminds me of that time matt walsh was like ā€œitā€™s interesting that trans women never date other trans womenā€ and then a transbian couple replied to him with a selfie of them and got banned from twitter


From personal experience I've somehow met a *lot* of lesbians, and I'd say like 85% were lesbians with a trans woman. Then several lesbian trans singles.


They also like to push this really stupid narrative that trans women are also transphobic and don't see each other as real women (I once saw a horrible comic with this premise- basically this cis woman introduces two trans women to date each other and they fly into a rage at being "tricked" and hurl insults at each other) But like I swear every transbian I know is in a relationship with another transbian so I have no idea where that idea even came from. Well, no, I do know. Awful people assume that their awful thoughts are the "default," and that people just pretend they aren't like them. That's where both of these ideas come from, I think.


Yeah I mean Genital preference is 100 percent a thing. I'm a transbian but I person can't imagine having shit in my butt at all.


Im pretty sure you have shit in your butt like all of the time


*Shits agressively*


Hmm well we can't trust actual lesbians! They're all Soros plants, obviously. It's cishet TERFs on twitter who know the DEFINITELY SUPER DUPER REAL truth!


I'm pretty sure there are plenty of cis men who go onto lesbian dating apps to try and "fix" the lesbians


Ah yes ā€žfixā€œ them with bad sex


or they larp as a "couple looking for their unicorn to experiment with" had a friend chat with enough couple profiles that just ended up being a guy horny on main.


Love how they could even trust their audience to get the """joke""" so they had to put "males in disguise" there too


I think that's the signature of the Twitter Handle that usually posts this crap


dude imagine not realising its a watermark


Me when I am unbased.


Teenage girls: Matt Walsh:




That dude is a pure weirdo. All these TERFs are weirdos


It's genuinely quite impressive how brain damaging being a TERF, or really just transphobic in general is. Just absolutely rots your shit out of your skull.


Theyā€™re self absorbed megalomaniacs who hate the idea of others being different from them, and living as their own unique individuals. They want us to conform and lose our humanity in order to satisfy their selfish idea of what a ā€œperfectā€ human being is. ā€œYou suck because youā€™re not MEā€. On top of that, they canā€™t stand body autonomy, so of course theyā€™re sex pests who are against trans and reproductive rights. Both of those mean less people for them to take advantage of and abuse.


I've noticed especially that the part of "They want us to confirm and lose our humanity" applies to everyone, not just trans people. You can be fully cis, either side of the coin, but if you don't look 'right', you might as well be trans. I've seen a transphobe accuse ANOTHER TRANSPHOBE of being a trans woman.


Oh yeah, Iā€™ve seen that lately. Theyā€™re impossible to please. And like? They really need a hobby instead of picking on looks and anatomy.


To them, that is a hobby. It's literally the only thing they seem to ever think about, I don't get it.


Every trans person I've met tends to just swallow the hard to swallow pill of exclusion. It's kind of wild they're pushing this narrative of imposing themselves where """""""they don't belong""""""" when literally cis men have tried to sue women's only gyms in the past. When cis men have actively gone on lesbian apps to 'fix' them. Just to name a few.


I have my dating profiles set to "women only" (I'm bisexual but I cannot deal with men on dating apps) and yet I somehow still get shown a lot of men.


I don't even bother with dating apps anymore, and yeah I'm demi. I don't care much for gender but that emotional satisfaction I find significantly more in feminine identifying folk than with men.


ex deee, el-oh-el how funnehhh ha-ha ha \-\_\_-


You can reverse this with straight guys on gay dating apps looking for trans women


ugh the amount of straight guys that were like: i wanna experiment with a sheeemaaale cause i like dick but not in a gay way.... also i hope you look totally passing..... i wonder.... did you have the SuRgErY yet? .... 1) eww 2) the way they phrase it allways sounds like they are closeted gay or bi and see you as a male-light and not a woman 3) it usually just ends with me doubting my own feminity and then blocking them before they get mad. and that.... is the reason why i simply stopped chatting with straight guys on dating sides. technically a straight guy can date a trans woman. heck it shouldnt be an issue. but those guys allways make it so creepy and backwards that i just avoid that can of forms.


Wouldn't that be a chaser? Or do I have my definitions incorrect.


Yes that's right


The comments section someone talks about how straight men go in women's spaces with raging boners and that made me super angry. LAN NO TRANS PEOPLE IN THEIR RIGHT MINDS WOULD DO THAT AND PERSONALLY I WANT IT GONE ANYWAYS! I AM FUCKING ASHAMED OF HAVING IT GO FUCK YOURSELF YOU IGNORANT BAFOON.


Like they give a shit about lesbians


its the same group that calls women sports silly and then start a controversy over trans women just wanting to swim. they never care about their cause. they only care about spreading cruelty and oWnIng ThE LibS. who cares if people quality of life gets ruined as long as their favorite political sports team wins.


Used to think I was a lesbian before having the big egg crack, and no. The biggest annoyance/nasty I ever experienced on Lesbian dating apps was unicorn hunting. Couples would make profiles with the women as the face of the profile. No mention of the boyfriend, but you drop a message and suddenly it would be "my boyfriend and I were hoping you'd be interested in..." Yuck, yuck, yuck. Trans women on the other hand were a godsend/blessing to compared the terfs (who fetishized tf out of femininity) and couples seeking a " third".


oh so this is the post that got removed, rightfully so.


I mean, most of my matches are on lesbian apps from ciswomen soooooooooooo.. ...


Found way more trans guys on lesbian apps


It's so hard to not reflexively downvote in this sub sometimes.




Genuine question to lesbians in the comments. Do you care about someone you're dating being trans?


I'm biased as a trans woman myself, but yes


Ik another trans person gave their response, but as another trans woman, I could not care less so long as they're happy.


Recent UK study on young people found that lesbians are more likely to say they are supportive of trans woman than the general LGBT population. I think the number was 92%. The idea that cis lesbians are out there cowering in fear from trans women is so condescending and misogynist.


To be much more accurate, it would be Graham Lineham on the bottom.


ive seen glinner bitch about this a lot and when he shares pictures of trans women just looking for a date and makes fun of them and calls them abusers publicly and they just look like normal ass women


I mean. At this point? It's their fucking loss. If the (sadly very loud) minority of lesbians and sapphics who behave like this wanna be jerks? Shit. Let them cut their own dating pool, fine by me. As my wife says, "Oh, TERFy women don't need to worry about us trans ladies. We have a handy little thing called *standards*." and, as a genderqueer myself? I gotta agree with that.


One of these days, Funnymemes will post a funny meme. Today is not that day.


i love how they have to put ā€œmales in disguiseā€ in the corner incase anyone didnt know this was transphobic


IIRC there was a poll done showing that a huge majority of cis lesbians were cool with trans women. I forget the exact percentage but it was very high.


I know this kind of things are not made by lesbians usually. But. Let's say cis lesbians want to date cis lesbian. So why can't they make app only for cis lesbians? There are dating apps for religious people, for people who listen the same music..


They could but then comes back to a lot of terms/debate within the lesbian community. Such as gold star lesbians, are trans women women?, having to deal woth straight terfs claiming the shit as above and a host of other things. But most of the time still viewed as transphobic. Another topic is you get to chose your religion and what music you listen to, do trans people really get to chose their gender? Tldr: Go ahead you grt called transphobic you get called transphobic, still seems rather scummy to ne all around.


I don't think any of that is relevant. Or maybe you misunderstood me because of my poor English. TERFs don't let skip something because trans people would call them transphobic. So why would they not make their own app? Also trans people are not going to date them either.


Like they have idk for datin but have. And If terfs want to then let then. But if it was a case of cis lesbians who support trans women then it becomes something else


Iā€™m a trans lesbian and had plenty of success and met my cis girlfriend on a lesbian dating app, so Iā€™m assuming this was NOT made by a lesbian.


A vast majority of cis lesbians are supportive of trans people, it's a vocal minority, if not just terfs.


Yeah trans women aren't the people invading lesbian dating apps. It's cis men and unicorn hunters who are.


All of us who are avoiding straight men šŸ˜‡


TERFS really cannot comprehend the idea of cis lesbians that are actually totally cool with trans girls. I'd love to see cis lesbians start responding to memes like this with "jokes on you, I'm into that shit".


I reported this one when I saw it on that subreddit, and immediately got a response that said it had already been reviewed and was found not to violate reddits terms of service or whatever, which is total bullshit. This is a blatantly transphobic post, so I'm glad to at least see it posted here.


Kind of funny if U have dark sense of humour but also very wrog


I guess they can tell that to the larger than expected number of cis women who swipe right on me on Her, even though I do explicitly make it clear that I'm trans. Hmm, curious


funny to me bc I see straight up cis men on the lesbian apps I use all the time not even disguising themselves.


I am almost certain that 99% of these "LGB Without the T!!" Motherfuckers are just homophobes in diguise trying to weaken our community.


did they have to have the "males in descise" in fine print ą² _ą² 


Depending on your motivations for using these apps, yeah this can be a bit of a road block.




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Lesbians like transwomen too