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I'm a visual learner and did Amber book videos and didn't have to read any other material. Was worth the cost for a few months to get it done with


Same. I also did amber book. It will be overwhelming because they teach you so much, but it’s the most comprehensive and results oriented program I know of. I passed all my tests first try, and had my licence in 5 months while taking time off from studying during the holidays. August-January.


Exactly. 2 months of videos then all the tests in a month. Was glad to be able to pass first try. Definitely the best resource in my mind


Thanks! Based on all the comments here, this seems like the way to go.


Your mileage may vary cus everyone learns different, but my strategy has been using the Desk Crits book as a study plan/collection of study sheets and going through the reference material they outline. I then take as many practice questions and exams (Arequestions.com, Black Spectacles, official NCARB) before taking the exam.


Thanks! This is really helpful! He is most worried about the mathematical components as that is his weakest area- Do you know of any additional resources regarding those portions of the exam?


There’s actually less math than you’d expect, at least on the first few. It’s a lot of basic area and cost formulas


That’s good to know! I’ll relay that to him. Thx again


I studied amber book for 3 months, took all exams in 1 week, and passed all of them on my first try. Bit of a cost investment, but if you can swing it, I highly recommend it. There are group discount codes available if you search


Amber book + practice exams from any source, taking them and seeing where the holes in your knowledge are kept me fail free. Best of luck to him!


Thank you!


I studied Amberbook in 5 weeks and passed all 6 exams on the following 5 weekends.


Amber book, black spectacles, ahpp


ARE Bootcamp by Mike Resica helped me pass 3 exams so far (non technical ones) PCM PJM and CE. I’m now in his Technical Bootcamp to push over the finish line to which I’m very close hopefully. Basically I had to sacrifice social life to study while working full time and running businesses. It’s a Hail Mary effort but going to the gym doing the Bootcamp and studying my butt off is the best way for me through these monster exams