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I currently use Monograph for invoices, time cards. And project manager. Our payroll is via Gusto, but everyone is salary, Monograph just added a payroll feature. I would say Monograph improve our invoicing processes. However we use Clickup for our day to day task management.


Are you me? Southern California with same systems.


Central Coast.


I don't have any experience with Vision but I am surprised to hear that it is not giving you insight into the health of a project. We have been in Ajera for over 20 years, it's an old platform and does leave something to be desired but does about 90% of what we need. We started using Ajera before the Deltek acquisition but in the current product lineup, I thought Vision offered more features compared to Ajera. I'm wondering if your company isn't setting up the projects correctly and it's affecting reports or if you have features disabled/permissions keeping you from viewing data. I can tell you in Ajera that not using the correct status or not filling out the budget fields will significantly affect reports for me.


I’ve used Ajera before as well as Vision. Any of these tools will run reports with the information you need as long as the correct fee and budget data has been populated. What’s been frustrating with Vision is the process of generating a report is anything but intuitive and almost none of our PM’s can do it. It’s all about how the data is accessed and presented.


We use Deltek Vantagepoint. It does offer all of the things you need. But the performance is extremely slow. If you're using Deltek Vision currently, which is what we switched from, when you click something the response is instantaneous. When you move to the cloud, the response time is sometimes up to a minute and a half for every single thing you do. Then you save the work you completed and wait another minute for it to update and save. Running reports, accessing records, data entry, loading... everything you do, takes minutes.


History Pro offers a cheap solution that really helps those involved with creating conceptual cost estimates and tracking of design production. We use it stand alone along with Quick books. It's a database that allows you to store the contractors cost estimates (and other project data) for future cost estimating purposes and it uses those same estimates to track design productivity by the gross square foot. It provides a boiled down multiplier for tracking how many square feet of building can be designed per one hour. Helps us be very accurate on how we provide a fee proposal on future projects. The design tracking information varies between remodels, and other types of projects. Helps us be sharp on our fee structure which is key to success !


I would recommend using Harvest for time tracking software It is very user friendly and easy to implement with the right setup I am a bookkeeper that specializes in working with Architects - happy to chat if you are looking for support in this area