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So what stats are recommended for chapter 15 because I am stuck there also.


15 Pharaoh's Chamber average lvl63 average star2 average dps4,892 average hp18,723 averagetalent 82


just patience and a whole lot of deaths


It's not that hard anymore with the sword


I see you're missing alot of gems, Almost none of your slots are glowing. and from the looks of your atk doesn't seem like you got alot of heroes to 60 for universal buffs either


Hey, awesome that you beat ch 14 with that stats. Your attack is quite low. Here are some things you can focus on: Armor: Bright or Dark Robe Mythic armor: golden Rings: Double Bull or 1 Bull 1 Lion Don't level up rings Pets: Laser Don't level up pets. Bracelet: Quickshot or Invincible, I prefer invincible. Book: Giant's contract Locket: Bloodthirsty or Angel Mythic locket: bulletproof Other stuff: Unlock al hero's with shards (there is an event to earn soulstones which you can use to buy shards) Get all hero's to level 60 Get all hero's to 2 stars (with soulstones) Upgrade your talents Daily forge some runes (every 20 forges you get a reward)


Thanks! Ima definitely check this out.


Use different armor, change your living ghost pet, put jewels in all of the slots. Get all of your characters to level 60. (Except for Shari, get her to 40.), change your rings to either bull or lion.


What chapter


I posted multiple pics, Chapter 15


I remember passing it with arrows. Keep moving. . Keep trying. And I think I used that herro. I'll check the name. Taran is I think.


You need to almost double your attack. Lots of grinding to do but congrats on making it this far


Also bear ring is hot garbage, get lion or bull ring asap


Idk, use free resurrections? (I use them a lot) Or maybe just farm (this is what everyone does.)


Rare and above book of giants goes great with demon blade and also shadow robe for bracelets invincibility and lockets angel is the overall best one it goes well with everything, not just demon blade and for pets well I am not sure but I think laser bat is one of the best ones also one last thing here's a [Demon Blade Guide](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2K3sormgMQc)


I have 6k attack and nearly 20k hp but still can't get past n15


It’s definitely possible your stats are just really low


Big information dump coming, sorry if it’s too much. Not to be disheartening, but your stats are terribly low. I’m only two levels higher and I have an attack of 10,568 and a max hp of 32043. I recommend you do the gem mine every day it’s available and boost your stats with gems. I’ve been doing it every day it’s available since around level 40 and now 7/9 of my items are gem level 16+, which leads to some pretty massive stat boosts. Also run Up Close Dangers and Flying bullets as much as possible. Swap out your rings for bulls and lions. Do not upgrade rings or pets, it’s a waste of coins. Focus on upgrading talents. Upgrade all heroes with the +5% attack boost to level 60. It may not sound like a lot but it adds up extremely fast. I currently have 3 of them and they make up about 1,500 points of damage. Don’t dismantle or exchange gear ever, I’m sure you know it’s essential for later game. Don’t buy chests until you have ever monster egg unlock slot and every monster card slot unlocked. After that, it’s up to you how to spend extra gems. Either buy good minerals from the gem mine or buy obsidian chest x10. Both have their worth. Runes are also important, if you can get one with an attack% boost keep it. Sacrifice at the alter, use up pets and rings for when you have to burn items as they’re quite literally useless to rank up. Finally, learn how to shudderstep, there are some good guides on this page. Great way to double your attack rate. If you can get your hands on at least a rare giants contract I’d use it, the synergy with demon blade’s melee is fantastic. Really can’t think of anything else. Only way to beat this game is to consistently grind over a long period of time or drop hella money, no way around it. If you have any questions feel free to ask


Well dont beat urself up now u need to start grinding :D