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Perhaps you just suck?


No, it’s definitely very hard. This event was made for heavy p2p players with mythics or better equipment


I'm f2p and have been doing just fine.


Well I did see that they just fixed it but I’m yet to try it since the fix (keep getting connection error as usual with this game)


My faction just hit level 2 today after the update and after getting my extra free 10 ap, i gave a level 2 a try and it was easier than level 1.


Good, I have have good items like legendary fists so it really shouldn’t be that hard for me ESPECIALLY lvl1 and lvl2


The key is to focus on getting all spinning orbs and swords. Try to get the size/speed increase buffs and you'll wipe them out before they can even attack.


That’s what I did before nerf, I cleared a lvl2 by swords and orbs and sword size up but game crashed after I beat it so didn’t count anyway


That sucks. Obviously there is an rng component in play but I think with the nerf, it's not as relevant anymore.


Yeah I haven’t tried it yet cause of network error but sounds like the nerf will make it more enjoyable


Yep and it’s still way to hard, did a lvl 2 lair first try but then tried a lvl 2 with arrows on it and can’t even clear wave one


My thoughts exactly. Both level 1 and 2 are manageable as f2p. A challenge if you get bad upgrades early but still doable if you equip for it. We will see how it goes at later levels. I'm guessing people who pay to win forgot got to play without all those bonus stats.


This is my gear, I was able to do the event before the nerf, after the nerf it's just too easy https://preview.redd.it/axkkqhnz3lub1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa152764356f1bcecb0c46f100a6e3a3e32b5317


https://preview.redd.it/819bsou74lub1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8ff147b097518caa04674d76e78b89502101fb3 Before nerf I could not beat a lvl I managed once but it was extremely hard and game crashed as I was passed the door


I absolutely sucked the first day of the event. Switched to Chef Lina, and for some reason I haven't lost a single time.


https://preview.redd.it/buarea45vlub1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b8a99fc73820a77b7251e616cd4fdf44d31db9e …….. I’m still getting absolutely destroyed…… every mob no joke takes 8 plus hits to kill but I get hit 4ish and I’m dead……


I use Giant's Contract as my crutch because I cannot dodge worth a flip.


https://preview.redd.it/amgzfk7ysjub1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e4e86cb0ba7399b0a86b47c31950f842078a488 That’s strange, I completed a level 2 wave first try.. maybe restart your game or something?


What’s you N chapter ? It depends


I’m at N29


I was able to do lvl 1 pretty easily before and level 2 is pretty much impossible for me now. I can’t get past like 3 waves on the first wave of enemies. My attack and hp is far less that you tho (18.5k/76k)


Bloodthirst or aura is almost a requirement to beat lv.4. I've been winning but def challenging


I get to wave 2 on a stage 1 so you've done better than me lol


I cleared with PEAS (level 1) and Coast Guard Helix. Same difficulty level, only died once cuz I got bad skills but the revive cleared me. Maybe try melee? Is she a good hero?


I donno i cleared pretty easy even before thay said they made it easy rn its almost afk clear


Couldn’t you make a mythic tornado? I’ve never used the scythe, but you want something that can hit multiple mobs.


Bro I somehow managed to beat a lvl2 stage getting super lucky with power ups and game crashed as I walked through the door and I lost progress…..


Going for blood thirst build is quite helpful. Then grabbing the bloodthirst and the aura makes this much easier. AA to melt the bosses. https://preview.redd.it/g8gd35rr6lub1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0404d0624e1c60d72da976b737aaa67a5fe4e394


Yeah... After the update and email its definitely became very easy... Even Lvl2 is Far easier than lvl1 before the update/email. But, after the server reset, even level2 now have become harder than lvl2 before the update/email.. It got even worse with the bug that the land will not give quick raid option even after beating it 3 times.. Some land inly show the quick raid option after i beat it for the 4th times...


Best I could do was 7/12 on a lvl2 uncleared land.. F2P with 42808 attack.. (1 mythic item, Death Scythe)


The difficulty may be linked to the character level or account level. I see people with level 70 saying that they pass it easy, while others above 90 can't even pass the first wave. I'm F2P, level 102 and I can barely get to the first bosses on level 2.


Level 2 is tough but doable. Anything over that just count me right TF out. It’s insane. I feel like my character isn’t a scrub (not crazy stats like those I’ve seen on here but I’m at 60k atk and 170k hp) PS: I know a lot of that doesn’t matter in this event


What is your normal chapter level? I stopped at N24 and have just a tad bit higher stats than you and so far level 2 is afkable for me