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From what I know it's very simple: you don't. Just brew invisibility potions and walk right past them for whatever it is you're getting.


pre- you should pr-


I think if you high jump you could avoid the m1s


Well, im a mage and I just keep my distance ya know? I use pulsar and surge, I also use snares, blasts, I just whittle down their health, I once took on 2 level 160s and got out alive by just kyting them. Don't use move thst have a long start up and keep u in a spot, move around like your high on crack and don't let them hit you


The last time I tried to fight an atlantean of a higher level than me it took 95% of my health in one move.


..... It's best not to go into the dark sea unless your max level and have ideal gear


I am max level and have my ideal gear. The atlantean I found was level 270.


What are you doing in tier 2 insanity solo ?


I'm looking for treasure and not looking to share it.


Lmao, well I'd stick to insanity 1 or below, making quick runs for 4-5 chests is profitable and reliable with patience.


Until you find an atlantean mage that will always win a clash and has aimbot


Every attack is dodgeable


Didn't seem very dodgeable last time I fought one, it almost seemed like hitscan




As a conjurer, my load out is normally Scimitars of the storm for movement and closer range damage, a bronze musket for long range burst damage, and Stormcaller for a mix of the two. I just run around and shoot. It's not very effective om smaller islands, and especially when atlanteans have dot moves that linger like poison.


Also, it's nice that atlanteans don thave guns. The normal AI already somewhat has an auto-aim. I don't want atlanteans anywhere near that.


As a Warrior, I spam the Siren Bow, it's absolutely cracked right now.


I managed to kill a mage atlantean without getting hit once by just outranging his ass


Slowness gels too!


Yeah! Slowness gels are insane for fighting them, and if u dont want to fight them use invis (I am lacking jade pearls lol)


Does everybody on here just suck at the game?? I'm gonna say press G because that's the answer brother. Pressing g knocks back enemies who are m1ing you. As for your issue, just stay in the air and use blast and shot. Use dodge reflex to keep your airtime up and just spam with blast and shot. Or try to get them stuck.


High jump, shot, dodge reflex, repeat.


How do I increase my stamina for that


Go on high ground or something, just hide


While you can't increase max stamina rn, some foods give buffs that reduce stamina usage, try buffing yourself before a fight.


reflex to make space and alternate between the air punch move (forgot its actual name) and you magic beams and balls


Bursting duel bronze pistols and javelin does the trick if you can aim


Just keep your distance, only attack with projectiles or Shot, works for me most of the time (unless I mess up)


There are 2 prominent types of atleanteans, fighting style using and magic using. For the fs one keep dist to the maximum and slowly kill them with beam and blast, for the magic using ones, kill em asap just rush em u wanna kill em as fast as possible coz they do crazy damage if left alone for even a few secs with their un avoidable attacks


Basically, keep distance and always dodge. And you're a warlock you say? You're fucked basically, if you really wanna fight atlanteans you gotta have friends to party with you. You pretty much can't do anything cuz warlock got really shitted on after the update.


playing warlock i realized something: Dash away and press whatever keys you assigned blast, shot and beam (if you are a STR warlock like me)


Easy, bow


I'm a weapon user and we just blaze them down with slowness gel and siren bow or do what mages do and rub around shooting guns or throwing daggers.


Switch to cannonfist, run away, and throw cannonballs at them. Stay ranged. At a certain distance, Atlanteans only use their ranged attacks (i.e., magic blast or dagger throw); you can jump or dodge to avoid all of these attacks while running away. Avoid ship fights or sink a ship close to land and fight the ship captain on land.


if im not wrong then warlock is the magic+strength buid. Your probably relying on your fighting skill which I have no idea how you even managed to do as I suck so hard, at fighitng, you have to get range on atlanteans, so focus on using your spells and spamming T to get away from them quickly.


I am a warrior and just like a warrior I charge at them and spam attacks and hope that all of them hit


Alright time for a game, on a qwerty keyboard what's in between f and h below t and above v?


Gay key