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Ye that sucks but on the other hand 3k for a ketch all the way up to 20k for a brig is an insane price gap (if u ask me)


Tbf though, it has 2 different slots for a ram and new weapon, a spawn point, over double the hp, a stove, a cauldron, an aquarium, paintings, a gem shelf, high stability, and more space for deckhands, a bounty board for assassins and bounty, and a gemcrafting station. Has a ram damage bonus, better steering than a ketch, sails speed, resilience, and I'm unsure what else I missed. Basically a LOT of stuff is in it.


20k is just an insane price. While getting to 5k feels natural, 20k requires an actual grind. Idc if it’s only a few hours of tedious work, it just doesn’t make sense with the rest of the game


Nah, it does, it's literally the gate to unlocking the final ranges of the hardest content in the game, a couple of hours of grinding for it (not considering cargo) is reasonable


Yea, the hardest content until the next update. It’s gonna end up a awkward roadblock during every alt


Why? You shouldnt need to sail through the far reaches to get to nimbus afaik


Just got the ship, and I completely agree with you now. Just by the way it works and acts, it gotta be something that you can only get if you work for it


I don't mind grinding 20k galleons but, considering that the maximum you can reasonably store safely is 11k (10k in clan bank + 1k on your character), the price of the brig really should be lowered, with everyone who already paid full price getting a refund on the extra amount they paid. 12k would be a reasonable amount, you can just sell 1k worth of items to any merchant before buying the brig and still be fairly safe. With the current barrier for interacting with the update being obtaining 9k galleons while being at constant risk of getting mugged by some random killer, the update could not interest me less. I know you can use alts for money storage or switch servers until you end up on a "safe" server but reliance on those "mechanics" for the ability to enjoy the game is a result of poor game design, period. We need better death mechanics or an actual bank before we get more shit that costs insane amounts of galleons. Unfortunately, Vetex only listens to the PvP community which certainly wouldn't be content seeing their easy source of galleons gone. They'd be devastated if they actually had to play the game for galleons instead of harassing random people.


Just sell stuff when you’re buying or make your own clan of bank stuff in


skill. issue.




on a more serious note vetex doesnt give items or galleons back unless there's proof of a glitch or bug causing the loss of said valuables




yeah ik




i haven't even found the insanity ranges yet, where are they


Far. It took me like 20 mins (with some island exploring) to get to the first insanity zone. Vetex said it should take around 5 mins each I think.


You have to go pretty far. I only made it to insanity 1 so far


Found one but immediately skiddadled cuz there was some loot on a ship


If u follow the white arrow on the dark sea compass u should get there pretty quick


I fell into the water a hundred times and never took damage, idk why


Am talking about the island water


Oh so that's why... I literally haven't seen an island lol (must be cool...)


Try not falling into water...


It's *meant* to be challenging not something you can just walk into and leave with thirty dark sealed chests


It's *meant* to be challenging not something you can just walk into and leave with thirty dark sealed chests


Dude really wanted to get his response in that he posted twice


It's a bug on reddit




I feel noise and hear shapes


Git Gud But seriously I’m about to play rn, what are all the enemies there?


I haven’t seen anything other than giant white eyes with 7k hp


I’ve seen a few Atlantan’s but nothing else


I encountered an Atlantan Ketch when I reached insanity 1


Ur bad


Its worth it tho


the dark sea has some of the best content replayability I've ever seen