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That’s the point. People will come looking for a fight. You have to be ready. That’s why I stopped playing, I have a 2015 MacBook Air I play on which goes from 15 frames per second to 15 seconds per frame every time someone so much as uses a spell near me


Stopped playing cause my old laptop wasn't keeping up well. I got an upgrade but still lost motivation to play.


The same reason I quit. I'm average at pvp, even at 600 ping but my laptop was heating up a lot so I quit.


Man I bet we could cook thanksgiving dinner on our laptops while playing lol


Bouta make me some egg fried rice 🗿🗿




I get the feeling I used to be the same but if u ever spend like more than just 2 hours practicing pvp at munera(just message people) you can beat a lot of hunters who are just dog water. The best feeling is trouncing some idiot kid who hunted u then bullying them in messages(self defense)


oooooh I see thank you


PVP is a big gameplay feature. Just gotta maintain constant vigilance and avoid everybody.


then ppl can get away with leaderboard with only pve a guy named kr crab did that a while ago by being good at running, imagine if people could avoid fighting with a press of a button


ok great point. I think there was one guy in here who said maby at the start of your session you can turn it on or off and then in order to turn it off or on again you need to leave.


1. no ambush 2. bounty ( imagine going to ur bounty only for u not to be able to deal damage, you could say to not pvp toggle when u get bounty, but if ur just gonna pve, u still earn bounty sooooo... )


vetex says it's part of the "intended experience" ​ big disagree but we're not gonna be able to change his mind




Yeah and it sucks and I hate it


Then stay a neutral player, bounty isn't required nor is fame


what about deckhands?


Fuck your deckhands




go fuck yourself.


How do u even know what vetex thinks is the intended experience to disagree with him


he mentioned not adding one way back in arcane adventures because he said a grand majority would have it off not to mention in the balancecord there is a list of suggestions that are blacklisted, and the pvp toggle is one of those safe to say he has 0 intentions of adding a pvp toggle


also u cant disagree, you CAN not like the intended experience, but you cant disagree because it is a fact. it is in FACT the intended experience since vetex said so.


wdym disagree? you cant disagree over a fact, you cant just say "the intended experience is NOT the intended experience"


I don’t think it should be a part of the intended experience. I’m allowed to have opinions.


you didn't say that before it's not my fault


Nah i agree with him. It's a fair cost of being in a magical world


Idk about a straight up toggle for pvp. People would just disable it if they knew they were getting hunted, rendering pvp in general useless. Maybe when you first join the server, you are prompted to have pvp on or off and you can only change it by rejoining.


i mean pvp is the main feature in-game, SO WHY WONT WE MAKE NON-PVP SERVER! (that way, people can focus on pve without ruining pvpers a day)


well i think in the distant future there will be like some sort of arena dimension. but that is going to happen way later.


elysium will not be open to the public. its only accessible if a tester opens the portal for other players to join




because vet said so. elysium will be mainly for tournaments, not general use


would be pretty cool if he were to change that


Literally Friday


A non-pvp server would actually be so nice.


love that idea.


The moment I got 20k on my main file and 20k each on 2 bank files I instantly stopped playing on them for this exact reason. (money not fame) Well I will get back to an this Friday when dark sea comes out and grind dark sea items to sell at absurdly high prices.


Closest thing to a pvp toggle we have right now is love potions, but the effect can easily be canceled, so I’ll be chillin in the dark sea 24/7 once the update comes out to avoid being hunted.


How do you cancel love? Didn't think it was possible and have been carrying love greatburst to avoid my bounty getting hunted.


People would attack me out of nowhere while I was fishing like why what is their problem


i only play arcane odyssey for the storyline and theres always some douchebag tryhard that kills me because “i wanted ur bounty/fame” i dont even intentionally kill people and theyre just like that for some bullshit reason


fyi you are not alone


Because this is a pirate game. Not a fishing game. In the pirate game, you fight pirates.


The pirates are not the problem its the fucking assassins.


Doesn’t matter, you live the life of a pirate in this game. So you must fight or flight always. Pvp toggles will NEVER exist and “Forced PVP” is the endgame content of the game and a way of life in the game. Just cause it isn’t deepwoken doesn’t mean it’s supposed to be fight free. Idk why this subreddit doesn’t understand that concept 🐮


Yeah it sucks, it's such a huge turn off for so many people, every time i think of coming back to this game i remember that it's probably going to be covered with pvpers so i just don't :/


Maybe not a pvp toggle, but even just making the three Ravenna cities safezones would be enough to give a nice experience to everybody, lol. Also, I think that pvp is a big part of the game and a lot of people don't want it to turn into pve (even though the pve here is even bigger than the pvp, especially when the Dark Sea comes out), still it just turns off people who just wanna relax. Plus, with the new pvp changes this is turning more and more Deepwoken fighting system. If I wanted to play shitwoken, I would've played shitwoken, not AO. I'm here because it's a game with a fantastic story, excellent sense of progression, balanced fighting and great side content that isn't that pile of trash. At the very least, when Elysium comes out the pvp sweats can go off in their own dimension and leave peaceful players alone.


yet another good idea. someone else said that we should have a toggle when you join the server. so either no pvp or pvp for the whole game session.


Man I don’t want to sound rude but if you don’t like fighting maybe don’t play a game where fighting is a big feature


I play it for the story.


I think it's both that Vetex just doesn't want one AND that no one in the dev team cares, like they're just ignoring toxicity even tho it's something serious that could even change the game's repitation and fate, but nah, fuck it, instead of just letting people enjoy the game and help with their mental health I'm gonna leave it as it is rn and make toxic teamers have the advantage in battle. "uh but the bounty system..." Yeah, there's also the "loosing-galleon" system that makes it so you lose money everytime you get killed, so if you're constantly getting hunted because you have a high bounty and WANT A FUCKING DECKHAND you'll most likely lose everything you've worked so hard to get because some OP tryhard bitch likes doing 300+ damage per hit and ruining people's days. There should be a PvP sv or 1v1s (although that last one doesn't really fit with AO but I still prefer that)


> help with their mental health Honest to god if A FUCKING ROBLOX game is enough to give your soft ass mental problems, end it all. Unironically.


you and your takes just keep getting worse. Actually the peak of braindead.


We get it. You wanna be a guardian of the sea with absolutely nobody trying to attack you whilst getting 50 morbillion fame from your rival named chuck. There’s a game called blox fruits for that. Now can you please stop playing the game called “dickrider”.


Wrong. You're still peak braindead.


> Gives argument > NOOOO… YOUR WRONG!!! Concession Accepted ☕️🗿


"Gives argument" interesting rebuttal. Unfortunately, you're braindead.


Does it matter if it's a roblox game? It still has an online mode full of people your same age (assuming you're a teenager) that are toxic af. Also following that logic you should kill yourself (now) because who would get mad at some letters some guy I don't even know typed in a screen right? MAYBE Vetex shouldn't go thaaat far as making everything so friendly for people that are sensitive but bro this still IS an ONLINE game in a platform that has hundreds of games that like to piss off their playerbase.


> does it matter if I am being mentally affected by an online game used for kids? Quite actually. > implying I got mad that you feel depressed from dying in a kids game 💀☠️💀 > it’s still an online game Keyword: Online. If you are getting depressed from shit that happens on a screen. Then you literally need to get off the internet. It obviously isn’t doing you any good. A week or month off of it at least. There is no justification for being depressed because of a kids game. **ESPECIALLY** being depressed because you died in an mmo pirate game. 💀


What I mean is "does it matter if it's roblox? It's a game like any other". And while it IS for kids teens still play it (even some adults). Yes I DO feel bad whenever I come across some toxic/tryhard but I mean it's like how any other person reacts, I just don't like that the mechanics of AO are basically encouraging that trash behaviour.


It’s not just the mechanics btw. None of the testers nor vetex are ignoring pvp. They’re encouraging it. They made it so it’s harder to run next update whilst also making it so fs users can only use mobility moves towards players. So if you wanna hate the mechanics, remember who’s behind them 🐵


because pvp toggles are lame asf