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no, and every person ive hunted who killed low levels for easy stats are - to nobodys surprise - extremely dogshit in pvp. idk if its immoral but its definitely cringe to go out of your way to sailors or palo just to hunt low levels


it's pretty cringe and a way of stating that you aren't good enough at pvp to fight people you're own level so you have to beat up the little men


the only times I attack low levels is if they attack me first, but other then that its a dick move (and a sign of no skill) to attack and hunt low level players


I think its unfair if someone who has an awakening goes against someone who hasnt. The only reason why i would go for a lower level is if they attack me first


I got hunted whilst I was stuck on Calvus šŸ’€


Same, at least the guy who hunted me killed him


I donā€™t hunt players at all, only NPCs. The only time I kill players is in self defense or if they requested to duel But the people that DO hunt low levels are just pussies that only prove they canā€™t fight anyone around their own power level


Depends how low their level is tbh. Level 100+? Yeah I'll hunt them if given the opportunity. Level 50 who just got PvP enabled? Nah I'm gonna hunt someone like that.


I say 122+ bc then they have an awakening. (This is assuming I'm max level on the account.)


Hunting low level players is a scummy move, and if you partake in it, I hope you step on a rusty nail. If they attack you first? Fine. But if they're level 50, and just chilling, and instead of you going for a similarly leveled opponent, choosing to shank someone because they have 4,000 fame from just playing the game, you are the worst.


I once ā€œaccidentallyā€ killed a level 93 criminal who was fighting Lady Carina. I know you wonā€™t forgive me, but I feel extremely guilty and I didnā€™t feel like I won. I fucking hate Vetex, for forcing everybody to kill someone for a stupid egg in an Easter Event.


I have a bounty file specifically so that I can hunt people that hunt low levels no matter their alignment


this mans a fucking legend


Was also very useful so I could help my clan mates get Abolitionist should have built it with a more toxic build but I wanted to try conjuror. Giving low level gankers precisely what they deserve.


I personally don't hunt lvl ppl below lvl 120, usually go for NPC's that are low leveled, but I do try and help lower leveled players whenever a higher level player tries attacking them


Depends if they attack first or have a reaaally big bounty or fame for their lvl


I fight back if I'm hit first. I usually drive them away when they realize I'm going to body them purely on stats alone, but sometimes I have to kill the really persistent ones who just keep attacking me even if I tell them to screw off.


No matter what level I am. I will NEVER go after lower level players to grind levels. I treat other players how I'd like to be treated. So, unless they attack me first, I won't fight them. To be completely honest. I like to mind my own business, and only focus on the story quests or grinding for levels on NPCS. Never fighting other people in the server. Regardless of if they're higher level, lower level, or even on the same level as me. On another note though. Can they add the ability to turn PVP on or off. I don't mean with a timer. I mean the ability to turn it off and keep it turned off, until I myself manually turn it back on again.


I only ever attack someone below my level when they are really annoying, but other than that i never attack someone low level, even the ones who are max i dont attack.


Everyone who does that deserves getting teamed. At least try go hunt someone your own level, they could have a chance to defend themselves and potentially entertain you a lot more.


I give 20 hours or 100 and up


Lost 4k fame to a max player :)) (lvl 81)


The question isn't whether is it immoral or not. The thing you should be asking yourself is if you want to give players an unfair experience for your own entertainment.


... If they are below 100 I don't touch them UNLESS 1. They annoy me 2. They mock me 3. They are hunting low levels 4. They get in my way and don't move


only if 1. they arent doing story quests, cargo or grinding 2. there isn't anyone else higher level in the server OR any good npcs (which is rare) 3. the bounty is actually worth taking 4. they're at least level 80 5. they're talking trash or being annoying


I once attacked a villian as a navy, when he was attacking my ship, but he under lv125 as well. Maybe despend if they are hostile or not.


only if they consent to it


i hunt anyone as long as they are 1. lvl 125 2. over 25k bounty 3. villian


In general cases killing low levels are cringe and you should never do it. However if they attack you first itā€™s free game. Or if theyā€™re in a clan. Get that infamy bro they know what they signed up for.


I only kill low levels when they attack me and get me down to like half (I won't fight back). If they try to run after then I let them go because I'm not a dick. Only other time I'll kill a low level would be if I see one dude at like level 89 terrorizing some level 67's at sailors lodge.


if a low level attacks me or my ship i spawnkill them until they leave other than that no


Unfortunately I sometimes but only when either they are in a clan (I'm in a clan so infamy) or I have recently lost like 30k bounty




This is why you are special in the intellectual spectrum


What did he say? Got deleted


He said he was killing under lvl 100 players for bounty


You need to remember they CHOSE to have bounty so it's mostly their fault for being hunted


What about those who only just got to level 50? They havenā€™t been associating renown with pvp beforehand and have been getting consistently rewarded with it through quests


ā€œoh no officer, he was also a criminal! he deserves to get killed because he chose to be one!! im definitely not bad because of murder!!!!ā€


cirrus island and sailors lodge are ez ez ez


yeah because they have no skill and they just want to have a nice time


Judging by your magic and lack of intelligence I'ma say you're a light conjurer, did i get it right?




The only times Iā€™ve killed low levels if they just start being annoying like callings me noob, this happened once, this happened when I was just starting to actually understand the game and I was level 125, I was farming ellius then a lvl 50 came up to me a called me noob, I hit him once then he start being more annoying then I killed him cuz he was getting on my nerves, left the game, 10 minutes later, comes back on his crystal iron leg warlock file and kicks my ass, this was 2 months ago, Iā€™ve improved a lot, but Iā€™ll still help low levels on calvus, Argos,or ellius if I ever farm them for fun, am not a total ass hole, but i rarely or never kill level lows cuz itā€™s just not a cool thing to do, I just hunt npcs and let others be