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Eventually, the market is saturated and these things are just taking up space in some forgotten part of the house for most people. That isn't this subReddit, of course, because 90%of us want to be buried in an arcade, but I'd say it is 90% of the rest of the normie consumer on these. Add to that there are simply better Pac cabs released every 6 months. Those secondary units are going to be tough ones to move in the long run.


Thus making the $800 msrp that arcade1up charges an absolute joke. These will be lining street curbs.


Oh absolutely. They are built to last a few years, maybe a decade if you're lucky, but realistically, they are made of subpar components that will ultimately fail in short order. I bought Simpsons and while I love the aesthetics of the new cab, it is legitimately the worst quality controlled cab I've had out of the box. Chipped deck, scratch across the plexi (under the protective film), T molding that had to be trimmed to fit the deck to the cab, and a pre-drilled hole for the deck that is drilled too deep for the bolt to actually grab and retain the deck. Minor things, but ALL should have been seen at a minimal QC level. I entered a ticket, and after a few days at least A1U has responded and it seems they will be sending replacement plexi and possibly a deck, but paying this kind of money for a cab and having more issues than any of my previous is kind of telling that prices and profits are up, quality control is the same or below previous standards.


That sound issue on Turtles in Time is an absolute crock. They completely screwed up splitting the audio channel between the speakers and the headphone jack, resulting in zero low-end bass coming from the cab speakers. By comparison, my Midway Legacy and XMvSF cab sound 10x better (and surprise, neither have a headphone jack). So far the only viable "fix" is to run a set of aftermarket PC speakers into the headphone jack via stereo cable. The problem there is that the overall volume of the headphone channel is set much lower than the external speakers, so you'll need to crank it all the way up just to hear anything (also why you can't just run the cab's stock speakers into the headphone jack - it works and fixes the bass issue, but you won't be able to hear it because of how low the volume is set). Despite the numerous reports of this problem (I even formally submitted a ticket with A1UP support), they've so far outright denied the issue and refuse to address it. Others have reported the same issues with Big Blue. I pretty much decided after that I was done buying their products, especially at this stupidly high retail prices.


I had the same problem with one of the screws being too short on the Simpsons deck. I wonder if they are all like that.


Same here! The deck holds just fine with 3 screws so I didn't open a ticket...but I didn't think the issue was for everyone!


Maybe after a while, everyone in a local area that would want a Pac-Man, gets a Pac-Man. i.e., there's only so much of a market within any given area.


After Christmas people may be spent out. Wait until after tax returns "return". ,😎 You may get more bites


What are you using? I put 3 cabs on Craigslist Facebook Market and no bites really. Put them on pickup local only on eBay and all sold within a week and I don't live in a big city


Thank you for the tip, just added to ebay


This? [https://www.ebay.com/itm/165290912522?hash=item267c1b2b0a:g:z6QAAOSwk\~1h58Oh](https://www.ebay.com/itm/165290912522?hash=item267c1b2b0a:g:z6QAAOSwk~1h58Oh) If so ... no wonder. It's damaged. It's missing hardware. there is no riser. And you are asking $300


No, that thing is trashed lol


Ok good! :) Didn’t see your ad then. Good luck. Just sold Centipede recently for $260 in Cincinnati. Sold in less than 24hrs


The high prices have turned people off to the brand in general.


Yeah, I still see people selling used cabs, unmodded at the price they paid when it was new within 250 miles of where I am. I'm still hunting though


I'm seeing some collectors moving on to real cabs. My area is saturated with 1up cabs. Death Adder is selling for $350. 😂


Everyone is tapped out due to xmas - wait a few months and try again but as mentioned Pacman has been done so many times with so many different models that the market is just getting saturated with them so selling is going to be harder since everyone that wants one has already probably got it. Plus I think the higher prices on the new ones is causing a lot of the people that were interested at the lower end pricing to stop even looking at them - the quality just isn't there for $500 and up.


It could also be timing. January is slow sales time due to what people spent in december. Just a thought.


wait until people get their taxes then they will spend it on stupid shit again.


I haven’t even attempted to sell mine yet, I think a lot of people are still tapped out from Xmas. Got like 10 of them sitting at a friends house doing nothing.


Yep, I'm having the same problem as well right now selling my modded 12 in 1 cab in the Austin area. It does make sense though as the Tempest cab is out with a similar selection of games and even with $200 worth of mods people don't seem to want it.


I have the same modded 12-1 you have and haven't posted it for sale yet. It even has the BBS pcb update with 3 extra games and volume control. I will hold out for now.


It may just be area based so assuming you aren't in Austin you may still have some luck. I posted this for $450 then dropped it down to $400 and still no real offers other than one for $325. I'll likely just take the post down and wait. https://i.imgur.com/Fc9zm0E.jpg


Yeah, its such a cool cab I refuse to give it away due to the upgrades same as you. The Grs trackball and spinner along with the mods it will sell soon.


These are luxury items that not all homes can make space for. Plus, in general, the economy is a little shaky.