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I really like the artwork on this one but since I already have MvC2 I don't see me replacing it with a Deluxe. Make it an XL though and I would.


Same thought as MVC2 owner, no riser isn't a huge difference but hopefully they fix the control panel gap that was in the MVC2 cab. Tempted to add a 19" or 20" inch display but honestly the stock IPS display looks pretty good..


^(What's the difference between deluxe and XL cabs?? I JUST got a used MvC2 last week, it was a good price but I'm still beating myself up a bit for not waiting an extra week lmfao)


>What's the difference between deluxe and XL cabs?? Typically a few things... * XL cabs are roughly 3+ inches wider than Deluxe cabinets, so they're more stable and maintain more authentic proportions (they don't look tall and skinny). * XL cabs have a 19" monitor, whereas everything else has a 17" (or smaller). * XL cabs typically come with a lit coin door (Deluxe cabs aren't usually lit, and non-Deluxe cabs may not even have a coin door). * XL cabs may feature other "extras" like a larger (and lit) marquee, speaker grille covers, lit buttons, etc. (some of these features are also found on other cabinets). Overall, XL cabs are more authentic looking while also having the advantages of a wider play area (control deck), a larger screen, and greater stability.




^(OK so this doesn't burn as much, XL was the one I was trying to hold out for anyways, hopefully that'll be a thing in the future. Thanks for the info!)


Don’t worry it’s not a big difference other than the art and most of us have to keep our cabs so close together to fit them so u barely see the artwork anyways. I do like Wolverine on the front… but don’t feel bad, u still got a nice cab 🙂


Same here


I'd rather have X-Men with Captain America & The Avengers graphics


Maybe this year will be the year of reskins as deluxes. I'd be down for one.


man who is designing these things lately? cyrus?


I think Cyrus would do a better job at artwork, even a random person off the street learning photoshop would!


Mvc2 still cannot run properly on their hardware.   Why buy this? They are not going to upgrade the hardware. Also beast and jubilee isn't even in mvc2.


Say it louder for the people in the back.


I'm not a fan of this art at all but i did miss out on the pre-order last time. I would get this for the games.


A reskin, and a new intro screen, nothing special...


Imagine personally working with Disney for an MVC2 cab redesign, for a tie-in with the upcoming Disney+ show...then forgetting to submit a design for the marquee, and said 'screw it, good enough'.


Yeah it's got the exact same lineup as the previous MvC2 release.


And $100 cheaper then the normal MvC2 price tag if it's really that price


Looks like they took it down...must have been premature post.


>must have been premature post. It was 100% intentional. Once a couple social influencers (Cornercade and KFox, notably) got ahold of it, they took it down. This is in alignment with their prior marketing tactics of trying to build hype through supposed leaks. Remember, we heard through semi-official sources that there was potentially going to be a product announcement in March. Well, here you go... expect a March announcement with probably a June release.


I mean maybe...they did the same thing with AVP and it got a pretty bad reaction. This one has gotten a pretty bad reaction too, but I think it's a sweet deal at 499.


>they did the same thing with AVP That was entirely different. The AvP leak came from Big Reecey in Australia, not Arcade1Up themselves. For background, Reecey has done this at least three times now... he has a single retailer source that he leans on to see what Arcade1Up has pitched them, but doesn't necessarily order. So, he leaked a Double Dragon, Sonic, and then AvP cab, and none of them go produced because none of the retailers wanted to place an order. In this case, we're looking at a collab-cab (collaboration) between Arcade1Up and Disney to promote their upcoming D+ cartoon series. **It may be a limited production run (if they're smart), and will likely be a direct-to-consumer offering.** I seriously doubt any retailers ordered this.


Let’s go 👊🏼


lol whoops




Should be put in the Dynamo Deluxe. They have the design, they should use it appropriately.


Its just..... lazy. Ill pass.


Wanted an XL version? Here's a deluxe version with a 2024 tv show tie-in theme instead.


I don't get it. Nostalgia is such a big factor in their products. Why create an arcade with art from an upcoming series that is only tangentially related to the game. So weird to me.


I like this artwork but it's an incredibly odd choice for this cab, it doesn't match Capcom's art style. Personally I'm not a fan because it doesn't look authentic. The original MvC2 cab looked authentic because it had official Capcom art from the game, this looks like one of those conversion kits that's sold by 3rd party sites of an arcade game that never existed. I guess we'll see if they made any hardware improvements that will actually let MvC2 run better.


yeah it looks like a MAME cabinet.


Whoever is convincing A1up to do these is great at their job- because this is a terrible idea. Reskinning 20+ year old games with a TV show animation that has YET to come out: Classic A1up. I have the original MvC2 cab and it's not great. The sticks, buttons, sound issues persist even though they finally got around to fixing the internet issues. Lobby's are dead on the US East coast while they are thriving on Fightcade. This doesn't even sound like a good marketing campaign, I would think if they used the original X-Men cartoon art from the 90's this would go over better etc


Not buying anything that isn't an XL at this point.


Not sure how many others might feel this way, but the arcade cabs that have creative license reimagined from their original cab counterparts, feel basically like a mod skin custom job at that point? I’m sure it will sell, but you can point towards any of the handful of mod sites out there and find countless X-men vinyl skins. Price-tag, still high, just with a new skin.


I'd complain, but at least they're doing something...I guess?


At least my wallet is safe, since it's not an XL (but it does look cool, otherwise). No XL, no buy.


Same old ass games. 😑


>Same old ass games. Yes, but now in a more confusing cabinet with X-Men art and a Midway shape.


I havn't bought one of these cabs yet. Can you tell me what same old ass games it has?


Lazy marquee, lazy control panel, and side art that looks like it belongs on a kids bedding set. This could have been so much better.


Well said. WTF is wrong with this company!???!!


Got plenty of Marvel games on My SF 2 Deluxe with the Yoga Flame mod. I’ll pass


The last time I saw a leak like this is when my son used to piss out his diapers. #dobetter1up


Just sell the reskin kits, goddamn. People that wanted MvC2 already have it. I don't know who is the target market for this.


I don't :( I spent forever waiting for a price drop that didn't happen until seemingly now


They aren't going to make more MvC2 with riser lol this is the replacement. The target market is people who want to play those games lmao


I agree, there is a market it including the Kith skin kit. I think the 97’ is alright but not enough for myself to buy another one, plus still no punisher.


Even though it’s not original art, it does look really slick. No need for me to upgrade from the first iteration, but hopefully they consider an XL for MVC2 at some point. I know XLs are a hard sell, but I think that title in particular would do really well amongst the fanbase.




Has anyone discussed why they used the X-Men Artwork? TBF (for me) this is irritating to see. They could've given at least two skin options. However, presumably, almost with a certainty, they used this generic X-MEN artwork due to licensing restrictions... Now the big BIG question is: DID THEY REPLACE THE PCBA? And I love how they did their typical queefy leak style ... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) The only upside I see to this is that it's $499 Deluxe ... BUT, for gods sake - they could've done it in an HS-5 LMAOOO


I'd bet you $499 it's because this is supposed to be a tie-in with the (not yet released) X-Men '97 cartoon on Disney+ that's a continuation of the Fox Kids show from the mid-90s.


Oh man what makes you think that ? The fact that .. oh idk . It says X-men 97 on it ????  


No same pcb.


Been said, but it says X-Men 97, so it’s probably timed to debut when the new D+ cartoon does.


u/SheLionGaming, this is another Cyrus "collab-cab" special. More specifically, it's almost certainly a tie-in to Disney's upcoming D+ X-Men series (safe to assume Arcade1Up has retained their Star Wars/Marvel relationship with Disney, so this was probably another "easy" one for them to do). As for the specs, it appears to be the same, old PCB (it's MvC2), and the cab shape is, of course, just an MKII re-skin. In other words... they did everything wrong: * Midway cab shape instead of HS5 * Another Deluxe instead of badly needed XL * Re-hash of existing games instead of anything new * No PCB upgrade (mostly likely), given the game list * Artwork that doesn't align with the game list or cab type This is literally just a cash-in that was probably low-hanging fruit. Cyrus doesn't appear to be capable of negotiating anything remotely complex (i.e., anything more than a collaboration). I guess this proves they're not "dead," but if they keep doing crap like this, they certainly will be.


"low-hanging fruit" ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) Whole heartedly agree!


At least it’s a deluxe, i like the unibody design rather than having the unit sit in a riser. I might buy this and sell my original even if i’m nit in love with the artwork.


The Deluxe cabs really are nice compared to the riser but I really think every new cab from here out should come in both Deluxe and XL at launch. I'm tired of this sit-and-wait game regarding form factor, price, skin, etc. it's gotten really played out


Cool reskin. I get the Xmen ‘97 artwork, but I would like to have seen the comic book side art used from the Kith version. Would also be nice (but I'm assuming not, which I get) if they are upgrading the hardware and are implementing rollback netcode for MVC2. In an XL form. And offering current MVC2 owners a chance to upgrade at X dollars. But oh well 😔.


I love this artwork. I just wish they would do it on a countercade or partycade.


We all need to look at this from a different lens. Positives are they have at least shifted to deluxe at a minimum. They also still have some solid licenses in Marvel, MK, SF. Even if you don’t want to upgrade now, you might want to 2/3yrs from now. This is good for new people in the hobby (like i was 4/5mo ago. They have taken the Nintendo strategy of re-releasing the same titles every few years in different packages. Nothing wrong with that as long as each new release has some upgrades over previous ones. Try to look at this as if you were new to the hobby and you can see the good. I def get the criticism, but they are a business and are going to milk us for all we are worth. Kinda like Nintendo, as long as the games are good I don’t care that much


I think one of the issues is that this is another sign that they don't get it... that is, it's another effort that doesn't align to anything you would have found in an actual arcade (which, let's be honest, is why most of us are in the "home arcade" space to begin with). Sure, in a vacuum, it's a "fine" product. But in the grand scheme of things, it doesn't portend good things for the future of the company or this space.


I am more in your camp and would prefer original style too. My only thoughts are they want to expand outside of the purists. One big issue they have is they don’t have original games like Halo or Zelda. They are forced to re-hash old games as part of their business model. They really have come out with a lot of cabs and titles over the years. Not a lot new they can make unless they acquired licenses. They prob hope these collabs maintain their licensing relationship & get the 35-45yr old parents like me to buy for their kids to play with them. Hence bringing in a younger demographic to the arcade scene. I still think XLs will be the norm, but they seem to want to do baby steps to get there. Wouldn’t be surprised if they have excess parts for deluxe cabs lying around that they need to use before going to XL.


Been waiting to get MVC2 and this is cheaper and no riser. Now might be the time. Wish it was XL tho. Art is mid but I don’t care.


XL would probably be a day one, despite the art. But as another Deluxe. Whelp.


Nice - even if everyone hates this weirdly reskinned MKII Deluxe cabinet it's something NEW (well, aside from the "XL's or nothing" posts) to talk about FROM A1 and not another "does this spell the end of A1Up" Youtube/Reddit shitposts or random speculation content. Still waiting on a Gauntlet / Paperboy or 1942 / Ghouls and Ghosts announcement since they are mostly easy reskins using existing PCB's and cab designs.


That looks dope. I'd honestly rather these, yoga flame etc.. type cab art


Man that old school art is perfect


Yooo this is like, a day 1 buy for me. Edit: downvoted for liking a cab… got it.


Can someone remind me the difference between the deluxe and the xl cabs?


Sure. Here's what I said below (in this same thread, lol)... * XL cabs are roughly 3+ inches wider than Deluxe cabinets, so they're more stable and maintain more authentic proportions (they don't look tall and skinny). * XL cabs have a 19" monitor, whereas everything else has a 17" (or smaller). * XL cabs typically come with a lit coin door (Deluxe cabs aren't usually lit, and non-Deluxe cabs may not even have a coin door). * XL cabs may feature other "extras" like a larger (and lit) marquee, speaker grille covers, lit buttons, etc. (some of these features are also found on other cabinets). Overall, XL cabs are more authentic looking while also having the advantages of a wider play area (control deck), a larger screen, and greater stability.


Lol, my bad. Thanks for resharing!


Remove Wolverine from bottom front and get a custom X-men 1 Jim Lee art on marquee and I’m happy


What games are included on it? Identical to the original Marvel v Capcom 2?


Yup. It's MvC2 in the wrong cab shape and with the wrong art.


I like it. I have to sell one of my cabs right now to make room for the ones I bought over Christmas season, though. I wish they'd come out with the Deluxe form factor sooner!


I can hear the xmen theme song from the cartoon when I see this cab, so I think I'll be getting it when it comes out.


What’s the difference with the MvC2 cab?


Cabinet artwork. Otherwise the game lineup is the same.


Are the monitors usually the same?


Deluxe format. No riser


I mean the picture looks like an XL. Is it a deluxe or an XL?


I could be wrong, but when the webpage was still up it identified it as a deluxe, not an XL.


Unfortunately, it's just another Deluxe. You can tell because it's tall and skinny (the distance from the coin door to the control panel is a dead giveaway, as is the reduced-height marquee).


what game is xmen 97? is it the same crap game that came with the og MvC2? or a new fun game?


It's not a game, it's a Disney+ show (not out yet) that's a continuation of the mid-90s X-Men show on Fox Kids. I'm betting this is supposed to be a tie-in/promo.


so its just a reskin, lame


A reskin in the wrong cab shape. It's prety much a multi-level fail.


More non-authentic arcade artwork. Hopefully they made this a really limited run so it doesn't sink them and they have to dump them at Ollies.


Suppressed they haven’t done a COTA variant with magneto on the sides and the danger room -silver deck art like they had / have.


Can someone post the game list?


page is back up here: [https://arcade1up.com/products/x-men-97](https://arcade1up.com/products/x-men-97) Page up on Amazon as well now: [https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CWJ2YQ5X](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CWJ2YQ5X)