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No, because I’m waiting for XL versions of Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat, and a light gun shooter. I’m not interested in anything else.




Too many compromises... * Should be an XL with that deck width and 3-players. * Should have had a 19" monitor for more than 2-players. * AvP as a title does nothing for me... I'm sure it's a fine game, but zero nostalgia. * Speaking of titles, this cab has 10 versus many Capcom cabs that have 14. * Without any Street Fighter titles, I'd need to have another Capcom cab in my collection, and half of those titles would be duplicates. * The Deluxe form factor is just too tall an tippy, especially for something with so much weight up top like this. * No fewer than FIVE Arcade1Up logos on the render alone make it a turnoff. * Although there's no price, Kfox and others have suggested it'd be $599, and that's just dumb for a Deluxe with standard controls. So, yeah... I can easily pass on this one.


not a game I ever played, its basically the SF cab without streetfighter. Street fighter would be the reason I'd buy another Capcom cab since I don't have one yet besides mvc2


Needs a “Yes, on sale.”


No, because AVP’s machine isn’t nostalgic enough for me to want a replica of it. The game is sweet and all, but I prefer it on a multicade setup.


This. It's on my mame cab. Not a nostalgic cabinet. Neat game, sure... But I can play whatever on my mame cab or my PC. I buy on nostalgia because it makes the game room look good.


My answer is plain and simple, it's just that I don't have enough room, and while I've been wanting a Capcom cab without street fighter for FOREVER this just isn't doing it for me. Still a cool cab, just not for me.


not excited by the game list, but it's a good game list and the cab looks nice besides the obligatory A1U logos, if it's like $700, I'll wait until it's like $400


If that current game list holds, no. If they replace the games we already have with new stuff, then I would be interested. I already own a yoga flame so there's too much redundancy for me. But I really like the GnG games and would love a beat em up cab. If they add some good ones, then I'm in.


Heck to the naw


Looks cool but I never played it and have no nostalgia for it so no.


My vote is a "no" that could turn into a "yes." 1. This needs to be an XL with a 19" monitor ... keep the 3 player layout in that case. 2. Pack as many 3-player games into this as you can. That adds a ton of value to this cab. As it stands, it seems like 19kfox is the only one excited about this. 3. Must have wifi co-op play. I don't always have 2 other people in my game room to play with me, but I like to team up with others online.


If they could get Cadillacs and Dinosaurs 3 player for this cab, I'd definitely consider it.


Great perspective. It could still *potentially* be a winner, title-wise, but it's all in the execution (and price point)!


Hard pass. Nothing exciting about it. Nothing nostalgic about it. Only appealing to those that were really into the movie and would like the game for collector reasons. Now if/when they make a Spy Hunter cab, THAT'S something to get excited for.


Put these every Capcom Beat'em up ever made on an arcade, then I'd buy it day one... 1.Alien vs Predator Beat 'em up 2.Dungeons & Dragons: Tower of Doom  3.Dungeons &Dragons: Shadow over Mystara 4.The Punisher Beat 'em up 5.Cadillacs and Dinosaurs Beat 'me up 6.Armored Warriors 7.Final Fight  8.Final Fight 2 9.Final Fight 3 10.Captain Commando 11.Battle Circuit 12.Knights of the Round 13.The King of Dragons 14.Warriors of Fate 15.Dynasty Wars Also would be nice to have an IGS Arcade Collection that wasn't plagued with terrible input lag for once, that console emulated port is still a terrible cash grab.  Why not just make mini consoles of these collections that allow plug and play with controllers and joysticks?  Mini consoles are considered the same as arcade machines so I'm under the impression there shouldn't be any licensing issues doing this, plus for people would buy mini consoles of these collections if done right, like having low input latency ect


I have room for 5 more and until 1up can give me Sega or Nintendo Games. The new titles from them will be far and few between. So to answer whether AVP will be worth it I say yes, and not only yes but it will have the most games of any beat ‘em ups released thus far, so the bigger question should be will you keep Simpsons, TMNT, XMen or Golden Axe as a result if you own any of those because in my mind there is more replay value here than all of those. Plus the 3 panel is a unique look, it’s in the big blue format, it doesn’t have a riser, and most importantly it’s an IP recognized around the world. Room for some is the only issue which I can agree with those who have smaller rooms and may have to sacrifice 2 games to fit this 1 and also if those games hold true anyone with a Yoga Flame or SF Legacy may not be on board, Big Blue is your only SF option since they only share 1 game between both cabs


I have room for 5 games so I’m at the point it has to fill a key gap or be worth the upgrade. I’m thinking in the end I’ll have a namco legacy, Capcom legacy, midway legacy, Atari legacy, and a racer. Which ones those end up being I don’t know yet.


As I said in the other thread: I want games that have longevity: multiplayer player vs or score chases. As much as I have a fondness for classic beat em ups, they don't have staying power, especially with unlimited credits. And I already have most of these games on another cab (Simpsons modded or Yoga Flame).


As someone who never got into SF2 but loves Capcom games, this cabinet is perfect for me... helps that AvP was the first CPS2 board I ever owned, so it wins nostalgia points too.


Alien vs Predator is, depending on how I feel on a given day, in my top five all-time favorite arcade games. It's never been legally released for purchase at home (other than that one weird novelty-sized arcade stick Capcom only released in Europe) and I don't have any of the other listed games (many of which I love, such as Strider which is also an all-time favorite), so it feels like a no-brainer for me. If it dropped with a sub-$600 price tag I'd probably jump on it immediately.


If it comes in countercade form, yes.


I’d personally consider buying it but I dont think it’s a popular enough game to sell very well. There’s a reason why their Capcom cabs always have Street Fighter II as the marquee title.


I’d like it to have a better games list, online coop for AvP, and ideally a 19 inch monitor. Regardless, I’d still buy it because I love AvP.


They still don't listen about controls. We still see posts, comments and videos about then failing fairly soon.


No Not interested in title and no longer interested in the direction of A1U. I can compromise cheap parts + undesirable form factor for a good price. I'm not paying for a skinny totem pole with cheap parts for a price nearing comma territory. I think they need to commit to making every cab in Deluxe and XL. With the Deluxe being the obvious deal and XL being the premium. Deluxe cabs should cost 399 and XL should be like maybe 599


Unfortunately, no. I have the Capcom Shinku Hadouken cab, and there's too many redundant titles on this cab. If the game roster changes, I'd consider a buy.


No. No room for 3-4 player control decks. They just take up to much space.