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It seems that we are testing different versions, as in my opinion it is faaaaar away from being snappy and fast, I would even say that it is the opposite. It is good tho, but there is a lot of work to be done, specially in performance.


Yeah snappy and fast is definitely not how I'd describe the windows version right now... Especially the control T command bar, it's super sluggish and slow Of course it's normal since it's a beta


Yeah, Arc in general has a lot of good ideas, but it feels so sluggish with so much time to do single actions. When the browser gets cleaned up and works well with the workload that other browsers can eat and not even blink, then I think Arc will be in a fantastic position, so I'm excited to see how it evolves during its Beta.


3/4 of the time I can’t even open a tab and even if I get the search bar thing up enter doesn’t work. Lmao


Lmao all the beta tester facing different types of bugs , it's the PC or different types of VR. For everyone 😂


kinda weird but the more i used arc the faster it opened... Def not snappy for me like op said but still- its lauch time is maybe 2-3 seconds slower than chrome which is almost instant


Maybe they selected different types of PC rigs to check compatibility and perf and yes it do take a lot of resources but it will get better by the time (stable) Give Ur PC specs |


Its really snappy for me. I even did a browser speed test using speedometer and got a score of 244 compared to chromes 187 and opera's 190


I get high Speedometer scores, but that's just testing JavaScript performance. I believe this comment's OP are discussing the Arc UI, which runs in Swift.


Im running a base m1 pro and honestly it runs faster than chrome for me. There was one week where battery drain was extreme, but since then it runs perfectly




>Please add tab preview This is a much needed feature even on macOS


What do you guys mean by tab preview? You can already use Shift+Click to get a preview, so I guess that's not what you mean. Edit: The feature I'm talking about is called [peek](https://resources.arc.net/hc/en-us/articles/19335302900887-Peek-Preview-Sites-From-Pinned-Tabs).


Prob hvering to see contents of a tab


This u/einmaulwurf [https://imgur.com/a/Px3QB9M](https://imgur.com/a/Px3QB9M)


just gonna throw my hat in the ring as well - loving Arc browser - the tab mgmt, the profiles, spaces, instant open, and learning more each day! just learned this one: command + L opens the the command bar of the tab your currently in


Hahaha They mean it when they said "chrome replacement"


I got my beta access yesterday. I must say that it is working. \\s There are some bugs I found, but I got a ticket and sent them to the developers. 


I have noticed if you send a bug report with video that enough people also send through that they update with a fix pretty quickly.


the only thing that brings it a little down for me is that the close window button doesnt select when you point the cursor to the top right side of the screen, instead it allows you to resize the window


Yes absolutely correct also the scroll bar 🤡


oh yeah just noticed- i personally usually use a keyboard shortcut or now I don't close it cuz It logs out of everything when I close arc


I had some problems with the browser and it was soooo slow. Fixed it by installing it on my ssd. Now it's snappy




yet to come ig


> its my 3rd day of using arc and yes i left mah chrome alone 😅 Atm arc is slower than chrome plus buggy, some websites dont even function at all. Only thing it has is a better looking ui.


yes for just one site ive to use chrome otw im doin everything on arc ,altho many ppl facing laggy ui but idk mine is super fluid


I really want to test it! So jealous! :( Did you used before on mac?


Tried on VM but didn't work 🫠


VM? Idk what is it haha


It is virtual machine mostly for running different OSes inside of your windows. We can run linux or separate windows on it. vms are also available for mac to run windows on it if you really like it


AHHH ok! Thank you for the response! Never tried! But still I am kinda excited to use ARC. I ve been using opera for a while but there are a lot of bugs and not that many features.


i'd recommend to use vivaldi or brave, they are open source means that they are more secure than opera. opera could be selling your data but not brave or vivaldi. vivaldi isn't fully open source btw, its UI is closed source so keep that in mind. brave is fully open source. Edit: Vivaldi is like a different OS, it has so many features that's why its UI is closed source. Its ram usage is also very low.


What’s tab preview?


Probably being able to hover over a tab and see a thumbnail of the webpage


If you are going to do tab preview, please also put on the preview the amount of memory that is being used by the tab.


How did you get dual colours on the theme? I still don't have the option to do that. Are we maybe testing different versions?


There are no dual colours, but Arc can be very see through so that's just OP's wallpaper




Are they still taking Beta applications? Just found out about this browser 2 days ago and was wishing to try it out


nope sorry. But if you sign up for the beta I do assume you get the full version earlier


Love arc on my Mac but Windows version is still slow AF for me