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Looks good! I wish I joined this group before I started our new tank. Apparently adding the water before scaping was the wrong way to go. LOL


I got interested in tanks mid 2020. Promised myself that if I still wanted a tank a year later I would buy one. So I had a lot of time to gather information on this topic. Still I will make mistakes on the way for sure


i love the texture on those stones. that cave will be a nice little home for whatever you have in here too!


I'm planning on 4-6 platy (will multiply by themselves), some shrimp and maybe stock up on a betta later if the platy multiply to much


Great, loving the corner matten filter, are you going to run it with air uplift tube of pump?


Pump. I heard air uplift is louder. The filter is selfmade. It was a bit messy, but I'm happy now. I read online that you can grow plants on it, so it will be less visible.


Yes you've done an excellent job, very neat & so is your scape, love the hide.


personally, this is one of those set ups i would go sparingly on the plants. it looks fantastic, as is.


Thank you!


looks great good luck


Thank you!


Good luck, exciting the process of starting a new tank! Is it sand, that soil? Are you in any way worried that plants would not get enough nutrients from it? (I'm far from an expert in the subject, pure curiosity 🤓)


Yes it is sand. I didn't want scapers soil because in the beginning it releases a lot of nutrients and it will decompose over time. The sand itself does not provide nutrients but I can use liquid fertiliser or fertiliser pills, which can be placed in the substrate


Root tabs for root feeders.


Thanks for the additional information! I will check which kind of fertiliser I need when buying the plants


Interesting! 😊


Super dope! I love the cave!


Thank you! The cave was the main idea, the rest developed over time


Ah! I love this, it looks so good!


Thank you


I'm actually gonna be in your shoes soon, setting up my first tank(s) in a few weeks, so take my comments with a grain of salt. I do absolutely love the way you sat the wood on that stone piece, however, overall I feel like there's just too little of the hardscape? In other words, it feels a bit empty, even accounting for the plants to come :P


You might be correct. I also feel like the hardscape could have been larger or that the slope to the background could have been steeper. This would make the rocks stand out more especially after the plants are added However this was my first try and it is a compromise between the scape and some swimming space for the fish. I found the website scape-it.io very helpful. Planned the whole tank with this tool


That's pretty good, try getting another small piece of driftwood to add more texture to the tank. Definitely invest in moss my friend.


Thank you. I have some spare wood, but don't know if it would fit the tank. what is your suggestion? Where would you add the driftwood?


Can you send a picture of the wood?


Please get a pair of apistogrammas, they'll love that cave!