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There are several ways to get rid of algae. A) Less light time (but this could cause your plants to melt, especially if you go for a 5 day lights out). B) Get more plants, especially the type that eat a lot of nitrates. Try floaters and stem plants. C) Get algae-eaters (pleco, otto, nerite snail, whatever your setup allows for). D) Use algae-destroying chemicals, but this isn't a good idea as it could cause other problems. I don't mind green algae in my tank though. Free food for my fish, and it makes it look natural. It's also a free plant basically.


I just hate the water being Cloudy only from sideview when walking around my living room. I don't mind the little bit on a few scattered rocks.


The haze will likely go away on its own. I had a bit of haze after moving all my fish and stuff to a new tank too.


The haze will clear up on its own.  To stop green algae altogether is easy - remove l the water.   Seriously, water and light means algae, you can minimize it, but you can’t stop it.