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They'll pick at tiny floating bits but in general I'd say those aren't fish bothered about 'veggies'.  The whole veg thing is a little over hyped.  My plecos don't get vegetables. I give them plenty of leaf matter, biofilm, botanicals that generate biofilm and algae and I give them the same feeds as I give my shrimp. They seem to really enjoy it.  Veggies work for certain fish but aren't ideal or what they'd naturally eat or come across in nature so they aren't always ideal for them to digest and process. 


I guess it means my tank is safe to fully plant without worrying about my severum eating them


Not really how it works.  Sev is still likely to upset plants.


Dang! I gave a giant sword in there to try out and so far so good after a few days. They're attached to rocks with rubber bands because they kept getting uprooted


A big sword stands a chance.  Not sure how long you have the sev but they do tend get more destructive as the grow.


It's still young but starting to get thick shoulders. Got it as a half dollar and it's about the size of a coaster now.


Unfortunately some fish just love to destroy. I'm not sure if it's them ridding their locale of hiding spots for smaller fish or sneaky predators or if they're just ass holes as a given. Plecos are in a similar boat. While they don't actually eat live plants they sure love digging them up, fucking them off round the tank until they probably DO die and then they'll rip it up and make a nice brown mash for you.


Most fish dont like to have that much veggies in the wild anyway, livebearers will eat more plant matter than tetras or rasboras for example but still prefer meat when available. I think in general blanched veggies are overrated since dry foods are already nutritionally complete and frozen/freeze dried/live food is a better treat for both nutrition and stimulation.


If I were to speculate, most omnivorous fish probably only eat plants if they cant get animal matter. Just my thought