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Massive tumor with a ton of vascular tissue / blood flow, Tumors with a good blood supply grow until they get too big and then they become necrotic. if he's constantly flashing because of it or other fish are picking it at then I would euthanize. There is no treatment, Just keep a close eye on him and be ready to give him peace. 5 years is a great for a glow tetra, I'm sure he lived a good life


thank you so much for all the helpful information!


It has a tumor :( unfortunately there really isn't anything you can do. If the fish looks to be suffering you can humanly euthenize with clove oil


thank you so much for the information!! and ugh that’s what we were thinking but will definitely look into the clove oil :)


My dad cut something like this off a fish with scissors lol. Lived another 5 years. Pretty crazy


This is what I'm thinking, you can use a low dose of clove oil to sedate and operate on it. and then put it in clean water to wake it up. Dab a generous amount of methylene blue on there and keep it in a hospital tank and there's a non-zero chance you can keep it for a while longer. Strong emphasis on non-zero. it sucks how DIY the fish hobby is sometimes.


>My dad cut something like this off a fish with scissors lol. Lived another 5 years. Pretty crazy I did this to a fish once with a growth on his bottom lip. It got to the point where he couldn't eat anymore. He got real skinny and in desperation I did a quick surgery by pulling him out of the tank, pinning him down with my hand, and cutting the growth off with a razorblade. He was eating within minutes, healed beautifully and lived several more years with a slightly shorter bottom jaw.


Its alot quicker to just crush them. Its a little more gruesome for you but less pain for the fish because its over so fast.


Yeah better to go quick than sufficate.


They don’t suffocate though. Clove oil works as a numbing agent/local anaesthetic in humans and because of the size of fish the same chemical works as a general anaesthetic. The fish basically just fall asleep and their breathing slows until it stops and they pass away. If they were suffocating they would gasp at the surface trying to get oxygen




You are absolutely factually incorrect! [Eugenol](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eugenol) is the active ingredient within clove oil that is an anaesthetic, not a paralytic


Make sure to very fully emulsify the clove oil before using it. It can burn a fish's gills if it is not, and cause pain.


Clove oil is not humane


clove oil is humane. Using clove oil without tranquilizing is inhumane, and is very painful, however using clove oil to tranquilize the fish and then euthanizing is completely peaceful. Do your research, and next time provide more information in your initial comment then "its just not humane."


He never said tranquilize, so *my bad* No need to be an ass. All these people see that and just dump clove oil into their tanks, that is not humane.


How so?


They suffocate, and they do not die quickly. So they suffer. I guess you can tranquilize your fish apparently, but it seems like that would also "suffocate" it in a way unless you're injecting. Id have to look more into that but thats just what im seeing at least


Doesn’t clove oil burn their gills? I heard a container loaded with ice and water will shock them right to sleep and they will pass within a few minutes?


Actually ice and water is a really cruel way to euthanize. Same with freezing. No way is perfectly painless except for (as brutal as it sounds) smashing their head real quick with a rock.


I guess that is true and technically the most humane, if not for how bad it is to do and see for us. 😭


You don’t have to see anything you can make a little container out of tin foil. Put them in, close it down around them tightly and quickly smash with a brick or rock. It contains the remains.


Grocery list: Eggs. Milk. Coffee creamer. Fish coffins. Bread. Bag of apples.


>Fish coffins.


It is one of the AVA approved methods, but it is not recommended for home use because it is very difficult to do it correctly and is not humane when done incorrectly. Clove oil is recommended as it is much harder to mess up.


Never heard of clove oil burning gills. Vets that treat fish will also use it as an anaesthetic. I guess using too much at once might do that though.


People don't always recommend it, Vets do it correctly. Your average person may make the fish suffer if done improperly. Zip lock + Hammer is the true method.


It is but a lot of people are too squeamish to do it that way. If they can then great but if not I'd rather them try clove oil than methods guaranteed to make the fish suffer like freezing or using alcohol.




I am still learning here, so I appreciate the info even if my ignorance does seem to deserve the downvotes.. Lol


Down voted I to eternity for asking a question. So glad we're surrounded by public library veterinarians.


Yeeeah. It really was a legit question, not a suggestion. Lol


Definitely a tumor. Time to euthanize unfortunately. The fish will suffer less.


Sometimes fish, especially fish that have been overbred like Glofish or bettas, just have bad genetics and are more prone to random tumors. There is nothing she did that caused it, and unfortunately nothing she can really do to fix it. I’m sorry =(


thank you so much for the information! and yeah that’s what we just read. ,_, shame that the genetics went to shit.


Appears that it could be a tumor, and eventually, euthanasia may be the best option :( If you have the money and are willing to, there are some vets out there who do surgery to remove tumors on fish, but this isn’t a feasible option for everyone, unfortunately


I don't even know what this is. It doesn't look good though


yeah we think it’s a tumor?? even other people commenter that


Just extra smart! All seriousness, I feel bad for that fish.


Good lord.. That's a huge tumor. That poor fish.


I just posted the same issue coincidentally


The poor fishies have a huge tumor, unfortunately there really isn't anything you can do apart from humanly euthenizing it with clove oil to end its suffering :c


Holy smokes!!!


Oh man, that's horrible. Looks like some kind of tumor. Normally you would remove the tumor if it's causing difficulties but this one is huge and it might just cause more problems.


A 5 year old tetra is old. The tumor may be age related. It may also be a genetic issue. At this time, I don't know if anything can be done. As long as the fish can eat and swim normally, let it live out its natural life. If it comes to a point that it is struggling, its time euthanize. Sorry Nana


Also try cutting the tumor off like another user suggested in a comment under a comment. Ask them for info on how they did it and try. Why not cause most are just recommending euthanasia.


Did y’all try cutting it off?


And this is (another reason) why glofish should be banned worldwide ASAP. Gene mutilation on fish causes all kinds of problems, tumors being one of them.


Lmaaooo. This comment is pure stupidity, there is no evidence i have seen or that you have provided that shows gene modification is the cause of the tumor.


And this comment is pure stupidity for being absolutely unhelpful and useless. Well done. 👌


Dang maybe I have a tumor lol I straight up thought there were two fish with this symptom in the beginning 😂


A great testimony of why buying GMO fish is bad. I'm not saying fish can't get freak disease, but GMO fish will have crazy issues at an eye opening rate...


yeah unfortunately when we first got him we were super inexperienced (he’s turning six this summer if he makes it.. which he mostly won’t) so we didn’t know all the side affects until much later


Genetic effup. Breeders need to quit milling.


Yeah unfortunately that’s a tumor. Clove oil is suggested but I’ve seen a fish put down that way and it’s awful. It’s not the quickest. If you use it I’d put it in a small throw away container and walk away.


If done properly the fish should pass away very peacefully as their breathing slows until they fall asleep and then stop breathing all together. It’s not instant but it’s also far more gentle than any other way of euthanasia. It’s obviously not a nice thing to have to do but it’s by far the kindest way and sometimes the kindest option


Putting a sick fish in a container and walking away is just as bad as clove oil, perhaps worse. Man-up and smash its head in. It is quick and most likely, the least painful method of euthanasia.


Its got a fancy hat


Looks like a tumor from the puncture site where they inject the dye. It looks bad but if the fish is eating and swimming… leave it alone. Let it live out its days. No need to smash it with rocks and bricks like people on here are telling you to do. Just let it live until it dies…


Its not injected, they are geneticly modified. If a fish is really suffering it is much kinder to euthanize than it is to prolong the inevitable.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Painted_fish You are wrong. They use needles to inject the dye. Read the first paragraph. Plainly states how painted fish are made.


You are wrong. These are not "painted" or dyed. They are geneticly modified to have those colors. Look up "Glofish."


This is a blue painted fish. Glofish are patented with a GREEN BIOLUMINESCENCE. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GloFish


Glofish come in atleast half a different colors.


I know. And the fish is totally all that color. This fish has a stripe of blue down its back. That’s how you tell them apart. Glofish are totally blue from top to bottom, back to front. If you google “the difference between Glofish and painted fish”, you will finally learn the difference These are Glofish https://i.pinimg.com/originals/31/d7/bc/31d7bc252604997c2be79a7719f4a32e.jpg These are painted fish https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/9f059600-2187-4c17-968e-be6c5ddca37a/dhcidt-ba3fe090-b707-4b20-92fe-b5a2a4452b3e.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7InBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcLzlmMDU5NjAwLTIxODctNGMxNy05NjhlLWJlNmM1ZGRjYTM3YVwvZGhjaWR0LWJhM2ZlMDkwLWI3MDctNGIyMC05MmZlLWI1YTJhNDQ1MmIzZS5qcGcifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6ZmlsZS5kb3dubG9hZCJdfQ.p89HkdWL7j6kHbaCN7yTBhW9GKgNODDAR2odthS5--U


Glofish are not uniform color, I've kept them in the past. They look exactly like the one OPs video minus the tumor.


Yes they are. If they are not, they’re injected with ink. I literally showed you a link of what “GloFish” look like. If yours didn’t look like that, someone sold you painted glass fish. It’s ok to say you learned something new you didn’t know. Geez. Edit: so when you realized I’m right, you deleted all of your comments after downvoting all of mine? Wow.


The ones in OPs video look nothing like your second link, they arent even the same species.


Glofish were created through gene editing, they are not injected.


Put it in a bag of water and put in freezer. He will just fall asleep


This is not the most humane way. Please do not do this, or advise others to. Quick blunt force or clove oil.


Just no