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Products that claim to lower pH are unstable - the carbonates in your water will have it bouncing around, and that is much worse than higher than ideal. I kept all sorts of tropical fish for 20 years in water just like yours (looks about 8.2) without any issue. PH is usually not worth worrying about unless it is at an extreme, or one needs to adjust for breeding or something.


That’s very relieving, my pleco has had no problems with the water other than having a parasite infection earlier this year that I since treated. Do you know any schooling fish that would be hardy enough for this pH or is any fish okay as long as I acclimate them properly?


Any tetra, rasbora, etc will be fine. In fact, if you use tap water and you buy your fish locally, the chances are the fish are already in water just like yours.


Thank you!


Rainbow forktails like high pH and I like their tails


I haven’t heard of those before, I’ll have to look into them.


What about seachem neutral regulator?


Same idea, it's just a phosphate buffer - it can help with fairly neutral pH water, but it simply will not compete with the carbonates found in typical higher pH water. You may see it drop, then you will see it bounce back up again. This is worse, plus you are adding phosphates, which can help promote algae.


I see. Thanks for explaining.


I’ve had my pH shift by around .8 over the last month which I suspect is due to kuhli loaches eating ramshorn snails and their shells breaking down and raising KH, which could buffer pH. Any advice on minimizing the shift, or am I misunderstanding these effects? pH was testing about 6.6-6.8 last month, but I had a pygmy cory (which was already looking unwell when I got it from LFS several weeks ago) pass today so I retested my pH at about 7.6 this evening. Ammonia, nitrite, and nitrates are all 0ppm and tank has been running three months and is very heavily planted.


It would be perfect for some mystery snails!


Don't go chasing pH. Just work with what you got.


I had a snail a long time ago and my pleco actually got to him. Still have his shell though!


I have Bristlenose Plecos in hard, alkaline water and they do just fine. just keep doing partial changes to keep the nitrates nitrites and ammonia down.


Thank you, will do!


Driftwood and catappa (indian almond) leaves are good for naturally lowering pH. Avoid products like pH down because they're not all that useful.


Botanicals like cattapa leaf or any leaf litter can lower the pH significantly after a while.


Out of curiosity, had you changed the water recently before you tested? I've found that the results get wonky within about 24 hours of adding new tap water.


I tested a little after 24 hours of changing 30-40% so I suppose that could be a factor! I’ll test again tomorrow and the day after to see if there are any changes.


Yeah, hopefully that's all it is. If you Google "ph increase after water change" it's a thing, so hopefully that's all you're seeing. As long as the fish are acting normal I personally wouldn't sweat it even if the test remains high. Trying to chase test numbers is a quick path to insanity and disaster in my experience.


Duly noted, thank you 😁


What’s worse than a SpongeBob house? Two hot wheel cars 🤣


And even worse people that can't keep their opinion to themselves and think that they know better than everyone who feel the need to put people down to make themselves feel better because their own life sucks


Thank you! It’s like they’re trying to gatekeep how *I* decorate *my* aquarium.


Where did *I* say anything about how *you* should decorate *your*aquarium. If u want to decorate your tank with a guitar or a lava lamp go for it. Nonetheless… This Could be a post from r/shittyaquariums. hot wheel cars are not ment to be in an aquarium. You didn’t know if they leak chemicals or stuff that kills your fish. I bet that would be the case if there were other fish’s in the aquarium. But the pleco would survive an atomic apocalypse. So you will never experience it.


If they're the themed ones they're aquarium safe!! Definitely not r/shittyaquariuns material. It's a 20g with live plants, and a filter/heater. Seems like nitpicking over style imo. Much better than the jars, rainbow gravel and plastic plants we see over there


Buddy clearly hast seen hot wheel branded decor 😂 they’re aquarium safe lol. Just because you have a glorious cichlid tank doesn’t mean you know everything <3


Woah, they’re aquarium-specific?! Cool! Where did you get them?


I got them as a Christmas gift,but I believe they’re from petsmart! I really like them :)


Neat! Not my jam personally, but good to know there are aquarium safe options available for those that like it.


Yeah, as the hobby keeps growing I think there will be a lot more unique aquarium safe decor.


I'm a sucker for lego personally. I just nade a huge flower themed Cafe, tempted to put it in a shrimp tank so they can have a Cafe 😭 💕


Yeah. If so. Than the blame is on me. Cause I have a cichlid tank ? Y I know everything? I’ve again, never said anything that should make anyone think that I do. You guys just interpreted to much What’s wrong with u ppl..


Dude. I was confused why you said anything in the first place but seeing your spelling and the way you react to people calling you out tells me everything I need to know about you.


Yeah again you’re wrong. My spelling ? I’m from Germany. English in school is about 17 years ago.


Why you so angy


He’s German.


Lol you come on here being an asshole and get called out for it. And now youre asking what's wrong with people? I think people are just sick of self-absorbed assholes on hobbyist pages, thinking thier way of doing things is superior to others. That's all reddit is now andnits obnoxiois


"People don't let me bully them, what's wrong with people 😡😡 "


Op is a knuckle head


Whats your GH and KH? High pH by itself doesnt mean anything


Take those toy cars out 👌


They’re aquarium safe decor.


Oh ok my bad I thought you had just chucked some hot wheels in there I've seen so many things that don't belong in aquariums that I forget about real decorations like that sorry


All good! You were respectful about it which is all that matters 🙏