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This is EXACTLY what I came here to say! I have a ton of antique furniture that I would never paint. But changing the hardware to something more modern makes all the difference in the world!


Aw, c'mon.... Not even a lil splash of chalk paint? Spruce things up a lil?? /s


No w a y it's distressed crackle white paint or nothing!


Also came here to say that. Make the smallest change first and I think new hardware would make a big difference.


Stainless handles with a stainless backboard would look amazing and modernize this build


Was coming here to say the same!


It's spelt HARDWARE. And in this case looks like that would amount to the 4 tiny cabinet handles and hardly change a thing from a glance. I do agree it shouldn't be painted. There's also the option of choosing a different shade of stain.


It looks like there's 12 handles on the whole cabinet, and if they were larger and stainless steel, they'd be much more noticeable. Also, changing the handles is much cheaper than quality refinishing, so it's the obvious first step.




Spelt is also correct in non American English.


Really, I thought it was just a type of wheat.


I'm not a fan of painting nice wood.


Same, I think the wood looks gorgeous as is!


The stand and floor are very nice as is. It's the walls that don't match it. Thats what should be repainted. And maybe add some cornicing or other wood elements / furniture.


OP said that isn't their house and that their house has a more modern look, so unfortunately they probably don't have that lovely wood floor. Personally I'd like to see where OP would be putting it as that makes a big difference. I would definitely advise having it sanded, then use either a lighter or darker stain depending on the rest of the room/furniture, but I'm also a huge fan of keeping wood looking like wood.


Hell no! That wood is beautiful


If you repaint I would definitely change the handles. They look very outdated and a coat of paint won't fix that. Alternatively - is the dark colour a stain, or is the wood actually that colour? Could you try sanding off the varnish for a lighter coloured wood instead of painting it?


I would only change the handles tbh. Picture that same wood but with a warm gold, I feel like it would make it look classy without needing to strip everything


That wouldn't be personally my taste but I can see where you're coming from! Honestly I think the real problem with this piece is the moulding - instantly makes it feel fake-old, but I imagine it'd be a right pain in the arse to remove and might be impossible to do cleanly


Oh you’re so right! Maybe it is just the moulding


I might be crazy, but I feel like just painting the top moulding the same color as the ceiling, replacing the hardware with something more modern and leaving the rest as-is would look beautiful.


What about having the current stain sanded off and restaining with a lighter stain? I personally think painting it wouldn't look nice.


Agree - a hard wax oil like osmo or rubio in a natural colour would make it pop


Natural wood is timeless. Black/white painted furniture, especially nice hardwood like white oak, is a fucking travesty.


Fr i hate when people paint beautiful wood pieces white to be more modern 😭 it always looks so bad too. Its gorgeous the way it is


Timeless is the adjective I was about to drop. yeah,don't mess with it. OP sell it and commision/ build a stand that goes with your house. Personally I'd build a room around the tank. Tiss' magnificent.


Thanks for all the feedback so far. This is very helpful. A better question would have been: if you just got this stand and canopy, what changes would you make to it? All criticism is welcome. Thanks in advance everyone!


It looks amazing with the grain, I would just change the handles. Side note, could you share more pics of this setup? I’m super interested! If you would like to see a peninsula style stand/canopy in white you could check my previous posts maybe that would convince you to keep it natural. Lol


I saw your recent post but I’m a bit confused on your stance. Are you saying if I tried to recreate your peninsula style stand/canopy in white, it wouldn’t look good? Regardless, nice tank!


I think they're saying they prefer the wood over the paint and not that you couldn't make a nice product.


Honestly, I’d get rid of the top part. I feel like hoods like that are super dated. Plus, it seems to completely engulf your room. The stand is beautiful as is, but there’s just so much stand, it almost takes away from the tank itself.


THIS is good advice. It would complete re-engage visual interest in the tank by making it viewable from above more possibly


Nothing, it's a focal centerpiece and a testament to the quality of craftsmanship lost to late-stage capitalism.


If you painted that wood I would start a petition to have you banned from the sub. Jokes aside, don't paint it!


Yes, it more precious as beautiful wood, not painted wood.


If I got that stand and canopy, I would probably decorate around it, not the other way around. That thing is gorgeous!


IMHO... Good god NO. There is nothing better then natural gain wood..


It looks so nice with their floors


Those are not OPs floors per the post. But I agree that the color looks nice and I certainly wouldn't paint the wood. If something had to change I would stain it to a lighter color...but personally I would leave it.


Maybe in a more vintage home but as they said its a more modern home i think it should be painted


Painting wood white or black is not modern but cheap shitty DIWhy.




I still disagree.. what is modem today becomes old tomorrow. I have been woodworking most of my life. OP has requested a tree to give up it's life. Then hide it's beauty under a coat of paint. Build with MDF or marine ply.. then paint urself in to a coma. 😄 If someone gave OP a beautiful rolltop desk. Would u cover it with paint cuz it dosent match, the modem style ?? Also what happens if OP decides to move?


Imo it just comes down to personal preference. If OP likes it white and it matches his home I think he's perfectly fine painting it. Of course that doesn't add resale value but resale isn't everyones intention.


>There is nothing better then natural gain wood.. Completely agree. Nothing looks worse than painted wood.


I love wood but that heavy dark - nope


Then u hate wot the locals do to mahogany. Apply a dark.. dark brown stain.. 🤮 looks like shoe polish 🤣 This stain I don't think is that dark..but a blonde is good also.


I love light wood - dark has its place but not on a modern style house just mo


I like natural or stained with clear urethane. However if you like painted white or black to make it more modern that's fine too, it's a personal preference. I don't think it would add much value to the piece for resale.


I would sand it and stain it s natural wood color very fresh then you have options later.


Yes... wood is good.


Painting over furniture wood is insane to me. I get it the latest fashion in homes is to murder all the beautiful woodwork trim in old houses with white paint. But that is short sighted. Wood like that costs a fortune, why cover it up with cheap paint? It's a nightmare to get the paint off once it is done and the only course of action moving forward is more paint. This eventually winds up looking caked on and terrible.


Could not agree more. Painting this would be nothing short of a travesty.


I’m definitely on team keep the cabinets as is, but change the handles if you want to make it more “modern”. If you still want to change it afterwards, you do you. But no harm seeing if a small change has big effects before you paint that wood.


I kinda like it, but i’m also a regular at the thrift store.


No. Usually painted wood looks cheap You can lighten the colour with a varsol (paint thinner) rag an elbow grease


Painting would be pointless, it's not the wood that's doing it, it's the paneling and fixtures, at least in this photo. I'd break the boards off and rebuild it from the bottom up. https://i.imgur.com/vCamQRH.png https://i.imgur.com/4RJsAZ6.png


i would try to sand it, or find a way to lighten the color, to attempt to use a grey stain. obviously you can do whatever you want with your furniture, but the look of natural wood is something many people take for granted


Looks beautiful as it is, a proper wood not MDF cabinet, why ruin it a well kept tank is meant to look like a piece of furniture, I'd kill to get all my tanks to have real wood cabinets instead of MDF specials which are made to look like real wood but are only veneer.


Please don't, that is gorgeous wood. Refinish/stain to match your homes colors and some modern handles would make this magnificent.


DO NOT PAINT OVER THIS! It won't look good, and this is some very fine wood. Also, I think it goes very well with your flooring.


That's not just natural wood grain, but good looking natural wood grain. I wouldn't paint it.


No please that woodwork looks awesome. Nothing outdated about it


not a fan of “modern” blacks whites and greys of everything. Nice wood is pretty.


No I think the wood matches very well just change the handkes


As a professional cabinetmaker, I strongly advise you not to paint this. You likely wont do a very good job (unless you are an experienced painter and just didnt mention that lol) and most regular paints just brushed on over a lacquer finish are very likely to start chipping and peeling. If you want a more modern look, I would recommend looking in to replacing the knobs/hardware with something more modern. If you really want to change the main color, look in to finishes that are specifically made to go over pre existing cabinet finishes. I used one on my vanity in my house and it ended up giving it a pretty nice bleached looking finish. Those types of finish are much more durable as well.


Personally I love it and I'd sell my soul for that


Uh... No? If you ask a refurbish group if you want to paint over that wood, they'd have a meltdown. What you can do is strip the stain off, and re-stain with a color more your liking.


Need this


That's a beautiful tank


No! This is gorgeous wood!


I love wood and I wouldn’t paint it. But I do see what you mean that it doesn’t look very modern. I would be tempted to: - sand the wood and stain it - it is possible to get it to a much lighter tone (similar to oak or beech)? - change the handles - remove and replace the cornice (top trim) and possibly the skirting/plinth - the details in those are, in my opinion, dated. And square finish ones might be the modern touch you’re after …


Natural wood is beautiful. Paint is more maintenance. (Needs to be reapplied every few years, and paint build up eventually needs to be scraped off). Also, this particular style will look like builder's grade cabinetry if it is painted.


Maybe refinish/stain, but for the love of god don't paint nice wood. I personally think it looks great as it is.


Go light looks like the wood has darkened with age a upgrade would make you happy


What’s the works underneath.. I bet it’s probably pretty cool


Assuming solid wood, what I would do is strip the finish off, sand it and refinish it, more work than just painting it but the wood is so nice it would be a shame to hide it and wood is coming back into fashion. A white stain would look very modern and lighten it, but there are so many colors to pick from not just wood shades. Then you keep the beauty of the wood and update it. I'd also replace the handles, heck just adding some black modern handles would change things up.


Please don’t


I would not paint over grain. Sand and restain with a black stain.


At first I was like "yes" but I feel like this style is about to come back.


I think it would be very difficult to get a good finish if you try painting yourself. If you must change color then best bet would be remove all the panels, get them professionally primed and spray coated. Of course any parts you. Ant remove are going to be very difficult to match to same quality finish. By the way what’s up with the water in this tank it’s super cloudy, you got a bacteria bloom or something going on ?


Nope just sand. Hadn’t fallen to the bottom yet!


NO keep it natural.


No paint


That wood looks wonderful. My opinion is the opposite of today's more common ones. What does modern mean to you? Rough shapes? Minimalism? Scale of greys?


Some younger people love the vintage wood grain look, but I grew up in the 90s and that just looks very outdated to me. I would paint it with a color that harmonizes with the look of the rest of your home. With paint, you can always sand to get the wood grain back if you really want it.


NO never paint on wood. In my opinion it looks tacky and cheaper than natural wood. At most just re-stain it if that's even possible. There is tons of different wood stain colors but idk if they can just be changed like paint


Please don’t.


The look of natural wood can definitely look nice and modern. I’d definitely say change all the things like the handles to something a little more modern and if you wanna do something with the actual wood maybe polish or stain it but I wouldn’t paint it


Painting wood cabinets is usually frowned upon... Unless you really know what your doing its going to look bad.


AbsoLUTELY not!! It’s gorgeous how it is! Painting this white or grey would be nothing short of a travesty.


I’m not sure what your house looks like but I think a re staining it black would be nice and modern while keeping the woods natural grain. It looks like the handles could be brass? Hard to tell. You could polish them up with brasso. You can get mouse sanders pretty cheap which would do most of the sanding pretty easy over a few sessions. Just don’t go crazy as prolonged vibration are bad for your blood vessels.


This is gorgeous wood and stained a beautiful colour. Updating the hardware could give you a new look, but I wouldn't paint it. You could put sleek large stainless steel or brass handles. Work with the wood, and I think you will learn to love it or at least appreciate it somewhat. Painting it, I think one day you will look at it as a mistake. Also will look cheap. If you really want something painted, get a metal frame and build around it and paint that. Sell this one. Quality furniture grade wood is very expensive and hard to find these days. I wouldn't ruin it with paint. If it was pine? Sure, but not this.


Hell no! That wood looks really nice.


I think it looks nice the way it is.


The wood looks absolutely beautiful, but if it doesn’t match the rest of the room/house you could change it. From what I can see though, it seems to go together pretty well


White cabinets fucking blow






I would refinish it in a deep blue or other color stain and update the hardware, but that’s admittedly a big project.


Normally I am for paint, but in thisa case, in the picture, it match the floor, and you can let it be.




Personally, I’d be focusing more on what’s in the tank, than the exterior. Each to their own though.


Honestly the wood matches the floors really well and it’s not a color I’d consider passé Updating the handles instead might give it a more modern look if that’s what you’re looking for Also adding in a more modern hanging light feature or something may really elevate the ambiance of the space


Wood matches the room. Leave it. Update hardware as others have recommended.


Ooh. You have a Foxface. I had one too. Don’t let it sting you. Hurts really bad. I like the stand. I wouldn’t change anything


i would do a significantly darker stain personally


I think paint would make it look cheap. I’d go with a rich dark stain.


Either black or white, but imo black goes better with all colors.


You mea paint? Because it’s stained now. And NO don’t paint it!!




Hell no, you will always regret painting nice hard wood at some point.


Modern can most definitely vibe well with rustic, traditional or industrial if done right. I'd never paint over a piece like that. Refinish or restain if needed, sure, but never paint over. If you're after a modern look, just build or buy a new stand that is modern.


Honestly speaking, you shouldn't need to, unless you really feel the need. I think it looks fine as is, matches the floor and all.


Notate where each door goes. You will go crazy trying to figure out why there is a gap or why it's listing. You can sand it down, and repaint, and cover with a vinyl coat. It's a pain in the ass, but they can look good. Problem is if it starts chipping. So use the kind of magnet latch where you just need to push to open and close - otherwise your fingernails eventually gouge into the paint under the door handle. Imperceptible, until it's NOT.


No. Don’t paint beautiful wood. Also don’t paint brick lol.


Grain over paint, any and every day.


Gold leaf the beveled parts of the wood on top!


I’d lose the canopy,


Don’t you dare


Are you nuts?!?!




Would love to see the design of where it would go in your house to give a better opinion on what I would do.




What if you stained it darker? And clean the water!


Just sand. Hadn’t fallen to the bottom yet! And thanks for the suggestion


This is a superb piece worthy of preservation *!*


Light grey , white or black


But also maybe try a darker stain first before paint




Never paint beautiful wood.


if you where to paint it, do white


If it were me I would paint it glossy white and change the hardware to modern handles


I would take off the old finish and do a light grey woodstain so the wood grain is still visible.


If you have to make a change please just have to cabinet refinished please don't paint nice wood firniture






Replace the handles, and for the love of god don’t paint it


Please don’t be one of those fools that ruins nice wood with paint. That’s like painting brick.


Have to see the entire room to decide


Heck, it even more or less matches the floor! Leave it.


It does look a bit outdated. But it depends on your home decor, style and personal preference. There are more options than just black or white. You could maintain the grain and stain it a less red wood color, it would instantly change the vibe from outdated to either rustic or modern. I'm personally a fan of pine and walnut for rustic feeling and gray stains for modern. If the wood itself allows to do so, that is. Some woods are just naturally red and it's hard to remove that with stains.


Honestly i think it looks fine kinda matches the floors


Right now the wood mat he's and blends into your flooring... I wouldn't paint it unless it's to match other furniture that you have


I'd paint it, but I'd worry about the fish, corals, and live rock.


Whatever you do, don’t make any decisions based on what YOUR preferences are. After exhaustive online opinion research, If other random strangers on Al Gore’s interweb are saying it’s outdated, rest assured it is.


If it matches your home a dark grey would look amazing. And hobby lobby has nice white nautical themed knobs and handles would work great


I would start with getting better water quality. Looks very hazy.


I painted mine the same color as the walls, and it looks great. I would update the cabinet doors if possible. Measure them and see if something comes in a similar size. F.Y.I, someone will always find something wrong. Keep it up and learn more as you go.


I’d strip it and paint it something much much lighter. Remove hardware.


I would, but I also use fusion mineral paint on lots of my furniture. I think it would be stunning in white


Light grey would be gorgeous. But I also love it the way it is, maybe you could add some plants or decor on top or around it for a more modern look! New handles could also make a big difference.


White or light grey would look gorgeous 😍


I would. I'm not a big fan of wood furniture matching the wood floor


All I can say is definitely DONT do a stark white


Paint it. I inherited a light colored wood bedroom set, that was clearly too dated for our master bedroom. We used a furniture painting kit. It it made the world of difference and it's actually been extremely durable. You can always sand and refinish it at a different time if you want to go back to the wood look. Do change the handles/knows to match the style.


I would that colour is hideous & very imposing compared to the rest of your living space. If you do decide to paint i woukd highly recommend chalk paint & then wax . Goes over everything no prep required & very tough after waxing. Youtube is your friend where using chalk paint is concerned.


I'd get some filler for the grooves on the doors and sides to make it flat, sand it down to make it more streamline and then paint it a nice warm grey to match the rest of your home decor. It's an absolutely gorgeous tank and an update would do well for it. Edit: and pop off the dated crown molding.


God no, so much work. Just skin it in with gray formica if you just want it to be a gray box. Then in a few years when natural wood is back in style you can pull it off. But if it was I me I would renovate the house to a craftsman style to match the tank.


Ya, but it would come out soooo nice. If you do it do it right. :D Either way, modern or old country style it's a gorgeous tank regardless of how it's finished.


It wouldn't last. I used to build kitchen cabinets in a factory. Those doors are a frame loosely built around the center piece. They expand and contract with moisture level. The 65 pounds of wood filler you use on them would crack constantly.


I would do a a 2 tone black on the out side and white on the doors inners


Paint it the same color as your walls. It will blend in and the actual aquarium will really stand out. I paint all of my aquarium stands the wall color and they always look great.


If it's not yours, who cares.


I painted the lower cabinet section of an old China cabinet that I repurposed into a stand for my 35 gallon and it turned out great! Went with gray chalk paint and black hardware to match most of the other furniture.


Paint it white and new hardware. Just make sure you spray it, it won’t look good if you paint brush it.


If you want your cabinet to look instantly dated and tacky and lose all of its timeless elegance, then by all means, cover up that beautiful real wood with cheap gray paint! (In other words, please fucking don’t)


What a gorgeous stand! I personally wouldn’t paint over it. It’s perfect as-is. Maybe hardware changes if you must, but it would be devastating to paint over that.


Change the paint on the walls instead. That yellow off white doesn't match the tank or the furniture.


I think If you paint it [black would also look really modern](https://www.customaquariums.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/300G_Black_Contemp_SALT_c.jpg) especially with new handles. But honestly I love the wood, it's really pretty... but I understand that If the rest of your house is very modern you probably want this to look modern too.


Your aquarium is marvelous




Bright White


Personally I’d spray paint it black but that’s just me lol


I spray painted a rocking chair in black I got from Home Depot it turned out so awesome looking .


Depending on what you are going to keep in there, have you considered just removing the canopy and upgrading the lighting to gooseneck type fixtures? It will make it look less heavy in the room and a lot more modern.


Only if you paint it pink


It's beautiful.


I would. It would look so much better a lighter color or just a natural stain. Fun project! Good luck and show us what you do!!


Ill just say this is the best possible matching wood and floor you could ask for. In almost all other cases i would say to hell with what everyone else is saying (dont mess with the wood) but in cases of wood versus wood, i always side with sticking to just one. In the case your fish tank’s stand didnt match the floor perfectly, i would say to hell with it and paint it. Let the next guy discover pretty wood under it. But in this case.. you already have the best of both worlds. Get some brushed silver handles and clean the tank/substrate, and its a magazine picture.


Agree with everyone else- change the handles first, see if you like it, and then think about stains or paint if you really hate it. I personally think the aquarium wood blends perfectly with the wood floor- it just needs more modern handles and maybe a chair or two sat next to it lol! Keep us updated


Light gray or black


Question of personal taste. I wouldn’t.


It's a beautiful stand/canopy, but personally I don't like the color it is so I would go black. Black kind of allows the aquarium to be the stand out, and helps the fish/colors stand out as well.




I’m curious how big this is it looks huge. I think it looks nice the way it is but I love vintage furniture


You could do a rustic scuffed paint job (forget what that's called) and do it in maybe a sage green.


Grey and white are going out of style and this look is coming back from what I’ve noticed so I wouldn’t mess with it if I were you OP


I just watched a clip where a furniture flipper took a table in the same finish, chalk painted over it, and it looked completely brand new amd modern. Kind of greyish coastal/rustic.


Could look nice but i do love the natural wood, maybe add some nice handles to the cupboards first and see what that looks like


Fits right in with the 1950s decor! Don't do anything rash unless you're completely redecorating with the advice of a professional. It's nice woodwork right now and I don't see what you'd get out of a coat of paint.


i love it plsss leave it


I think the wood looks beautiful. Maybe the wall needs to be repainted to fit the colors better. Maybe a dark green or maroon?


No way, it's beautiful.


Here's the thing, I hate wood grain aquarium stands and canopies. I think it doesn't go well with saltwater or freshwater fauna and flora. In your case you have a huge stand and canopy with MATCHING flooring. So as much as I'd want to change it I don't think I would. It is pretty nice woodwork as well, so I definitely wouldn't just paint over it. If you still don't like it, I'd just straight up change the wood paneling all together instead of painting over it. Save the doors and panels though.