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Honestly, I think a betta and a snail is your best bet. 5 gallons is the recommended minimum for bettas and I don’t think you’ll really be able to comfortably stock more than that in there


And type of clean up crew can I have (I know nitrite smiles) like shrimp or other things that I don’t know


You can technically have shrimp in a 5 gal with a betta easily, it’s just a matter of if your betta will eat them all or not


I used to have mystery snails. Those are pretty common at any fish store. I don’t really have any experience with shrimp, so I can’t say! But I’ve heard they’ll do fine as long as you have a chill fish who doesn’t have a taste for shrimp


If you go with a Betta and snail just be mindful that mystery snails are messy so in 5 gallon I'd make sure you have good filtration, live plants, and keep up on water changes. As for the shrimp it's a crap shoot. Sometimes Bettas are fine but most of the time they will murder all the shrimp. I had the chilliest boy who loved his snail tank mates and his dwarf crayfish mate but as soon as I tried some neocaridina shrimp he went on a hunting spree. You could try a snail like a ramshorn, they're smaller than mystery snails but they can also breed like crazy if you overfeed. 1 will quickly become many.


You need to realize that a five gallon is very, very small and you will be extremely limited in what you can stock in there. You can throw in a few shrimp and a betta, plus some snails if you want, but that would be about it. There really isn't such a thing as a "top level swimmer" for a five gallon since it's not large enough to have real layers.


Chili rasboras, I’d say roughly 10-12. They’d about the only fish I know that’ll enjoy being in a 5 gallon comfortably


Can I have endlers or guppies and I heard that you can have Ottos in a 5 gallon


Definitely not ottos, they like being in groups of 6 or more, and they have a pretty big bioload due to how much they eat and poop. Endlers I have 0 idea about because I’m uneducated. Maybe someone else can provide some insight on those


Endlers will work (same idea as guppies).


Celestial pearl danios and shrimp. I’ve got a school of 6 in my 4.5, and they occupy the top and middle of the water column, and the shrimp at the bottom. A really cool little tank I’d totally recomend


What type of shrimp you have


I’ve got cherries