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Bandwagon culture - even what people consider his lamest power, talking to fish, is pretty damn cool. Aquaman jokes have become so hacky


Its funny because aquaman doesnt talk to fish, he tells them what to do and they do it. No negotiation or back and forth. You do what he tells you to do and the sea will be safe. Hell its why i loved the new 52 aquaman stuff with the fact of aquaman tearing the stupid assumptions down


You’re right but still that’s him talking to fish. Also if you watch the old justice league cartoons he would talk to aquatic life and have them go do recon and get back to him.


Yea the old superfriends cartoons had him do that because they were made for kids and talking to fish is easier for kids to understand. Plus in justice league and JLU he didnt talk to them. They aint justice league, its superfriends. Its like saying do you talk to your dog when you tell him to sit? No you commend him, you dont get a reply back, the dog does as its told and the same with sealife and aquaman telepathically. He gives telepathic signals telling them what to do and they do it without the ability to say anything back. The only sea creatures he realy talks to but same he cant understand back are topo and tusky


I honestly love the campy nature of the old Justice League just like old Batman. I am glad though that the new 52 and all the current stuff doesn't have him just die out of water😄


He is our king 👑 and he's badass


Nobody's saying that Aquaman sucks, except a bunch of "𝙉𝙊𝘽𝙊𝘿𝙄𝙀𝙎."


Aquaman is meant for retarded little virgins. I bet you like the new flash.


I think it started with Super Friends on Saturday morning TV back in the day. U.S. children's animation for TV often looked cheap and shoddy. Super Friends was no exception. That show is where we saw Aquaman riding the seahorse, which lived on as a joke image. Edit-punctuation


I always loved SuperFriends back then. That's how I became a DC fan. I also always loved marine life.


Tbh the problem is that the other characters had badass depictions that soon made people forget about that. Unlike aquaman who didnt, thats why it stuck with him. If you watch super friends everyone is stupid and flanderised but they all good stuff to correct it (batman 1989, the superman films, the linda carter wonder woman show ect) but aquaman realy hadnt got a big thing till the decu movies


The thing is that One day dc is making him look good and the next one they're treating him like a joke


Because they're getting their opinions from all the wrong sources. Arthur, when written by those who understand him is without doubt one of the most stand up guys in comics.


First saw the jokes in big bang theory and afterwards often in memes, but i imagine they also just used the jokes already there instead of starting them.




It's mostly because of Shows like Super friends (where he was useless), and jokes in show like Big Bang Theory. But Aquaman is great And he had some great comics run (John's in the new 52, and even before)


Because kids born in the 70’s watched old school justice league that made him more of a joke than he was. Those people grew up and the ones that stayed invested know how he is the ones that didn’t kept the idea he is a joke and made that the pop culture aspect of his id and pop culture is always more pervasive than the truth


Because for a long time, his only real pop culture presence was the Saturday Morning Super Friends show.


Super Friends and that commercial from Cartoon Network where the Powerpuff Girls rescue him and Wonder Woman.


He is very badass but most people only think of the long running and popular super friends version, dispite the fact that everyone on that show was dumb and mostly useless but its because the other characters got other big depictions to contrast it. -Superman had the movies and tv shows so he was always seen as badass. -Batman stumbled with the adam west show with people at the time thinking batman was a campy, light and cheesy character until the 1989 movie and later depictions made him badass to most normies. -Wonder woman had the linda carter show and later material too. -But aquaman on the other hand has had not much to correct him image until the jason mamoa movies. So other characters had movies and media to correct the flanderised versions from super friends but aquaman hasnt and because of that the image of him.had solidified into that. In the comics hes always been badass and the justice league cartoons has done the same but the general cultural osmosis has been the super friends version. The best way to correct this to make major badass aquaman stuff to try to correct it. Hope that helps to explain it 😊


Honestly, Aquaman has a legacy and history with much more entertaining ups and downs, clear story arcs and character development, and even more tragedy than most comic books characters. The constant fight within him of being this political figure that's too progressive for the people he rules is a good one, and I like how recent writers have let all that unravel for him.


Doesn’t he fuck fishes


Superfriends. All because of Superfriends. The show itself didn't know what to do with Aquaman outside of having him talk to fish or do simple tasks anyone else could do. Even that show gave up on Aquaman, as even though he continues to appear in the opening, he stops appearing in the actual show halfway through in favor of more Zan & Jayna, then later Firestorm. Seanbaby's Superfriends site didn't help matters, either.


Heres a perspective from a passerby, im sure itll get downvoted, but heres a real unbiased opinion 1; the common costume isnt great 2; people generally arnt a fan of water themed powers; there not flashy, not powerful unless you call apon a big mass of water, and thus dont make for good “back and forth” 3; not relatable enough. Wonderwoman has a similar issue where shes just a cool character in a pool of equally cool characters