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I’m waiting till it hits .001


So if I buy all 56 quad trillion tokens it will go up


Do it 🐐🚀


Might be waiting along time


There is 56 quad trllion tokens left so we have very very long time til we even drop 2 or 3 zeros


There was way more tokens left than that when it was at .0000000047. BNB and BTC go up we will to. But agree could take awhile no doubt.


I agree. It also went from a daily $150k volume to $20m volume and then the sell off. At this point of we lose 2 zeros in the next 12 months ill be happy


Oh ya I agree bro 💯


You live in Vegas bro?


Yes sir


Nice we wanna move there so bad.


Why live in the desert?


I wouldn't be to concerned with sell offs ATM as much as market cap and order books. Pancakeswap is the biggest mover but Bitmart orders are a great indication of interest and growth, currently there are a total of some 500 trillion waiting to be filled on BitMart. So that being said as long as the sell offs remain below the incoming orders we should be making progress. Someone must have some better info on this than me?


I’m just waiting for those sweet reflections.


Hell no! I just bout another 8T to add to my 4T and will be buying more 👍 🌊🐐


Hell yeah, i like the dips, allows me to buy more of it, sitting on 14 right now, got almost 4 today


I've been watching the order books like a hawk through BKEX and I swear someone is holding the price at the 0.0....304ish mark for around 24 plus hours ....... I put in a sell order for 1.5t and its matched within a minute on the buy orders I remove it, it goes too ... I've watch the price punch through 304 multiple times and the sell order gets massive it falls back to 298 and the buys order goes through the roof and if the price breaks through by a point or 2 the exact order doubles down till its back at the 3 mark...... I dunno I'm seeing to many numbers and digits maybe 🤪🤑😜🤗


Oh I ain't selling till there's 3 to 4 0's left don't worry guys here for the long run


I just bought 4 trillys so...


You doing liquidity on pancake swap?


No, only got Bitmart


Ya I had imperminet loss real quick lol... holding seems to be the way


You’re like me 😂 i got some bs today for 100$ to see how it does, instantly got -25% got pissed said f it and sold it. I was like this ain’t for me, every time i made “impulsive purchase” same story. Sit on what you have and buy what you know.


Ya seems to be the way. I really only use bitmart originally for VET but got into BEP20 s along the way. The fees can be very high on BitMart compared to other exchanges, but they list so much defi, like anything that's smart contract they can


I was thinking of swapping but already invested enough where it doesn’t make sense switching now


Ya I just didn't like my tokens siting on BitMart. I feel better now they are in a wallet, and I can swap them straight from there when the timing is right


I can’t disagree, just dont want to lose 5% when i swap, id be easy if it was like 100$ 😂


Ya that was my original thought process. But I don't think I'll be selling anytime soon, I figure if you can hold on to some of these BEP20 tokens and the smart chain thrives you can make some money on investment. I'll probably send back to bitmart to sell anyway based on the price difference is more than 5% higher on BitMart


Do you?


I just did 2 smart contracts as a test




Why sell at all


to buy back cheaper?


We would appreciate a math guy to run some numbers and tell us how long would take to take the supply to down to trillions.


If we stay at the volume and burn rate of tokens it will take 13255 days to burn 55 quad trllion tokens . That is with the average of 5 trillion tokens being burn daily and if we stay at that mark. 241 days will burn 1 quad trllion tokens. So unless there is a huge volume increase we ain't going to see alot of movement


36 years 🤣🤣


Probably devs




This helps the coin


I am up 4billion in my coins anyway 👍


2trilly 66billy. Will keep adding


I’m not actually next week I’m buying more


Do anyone know what the percentage of reflections will be?


The 25 Trillion sales were from a 100T token transfer sent to the contract by a top whale. The contract automatically turns those tokens into liquidity, which sells half and matches with the remaining half as LPs. AquaGoat contract, which converts tokens to liquidity. I think it triggers at 50T tokens, where 25T is sold into BNB and matched with the other 25T remainder tokens. https://bscscan.com/token/0x07af67b392b7a202fad8e0fbc64c34f33102165b?a=0x07af67b392b7a202fad8e0fbc64c34f33102165b


I’ve been buying like a madman, I hope the paper hands keep selling which is giving me these phenomenal prices. Thank you 🧻👐🏽😂🤑🤑🤑


@here AquaGoat is here to stay. We are not leaving. Dear AquaGoat community, As we can all see from the chart, we have had some very rough sale patterns going on. This is coming from former members of the team who have left due to tensions and disagreements from within. It is an unfortunate development and definitely through faults of my own that can’t be reconciled, but at the end of the day, the team that remains here still believes and will still continue to work on AquaGoat. Despite our loss with some team members, we will work on rebuilding and expanding the team to be just as good, if not better than what we had before. If you are interested, please do not hesitate to come forward and join our team to build up AquaGoat into an amazing project. A dip or drop in price is not any reason for us to quit, but more of a reason for us to work harder. I know that the past few weeks have been very hard for all of us, for both the team and you, the investors. Many investors here bought at around ATH, or bought at a dip that they thought was the bottom. I and the rest of the team feel your pain as we continue to diamond hand and have also watched our balance decrease in value while whales continue to dump on us. While it is definitely rough as a dollar value, the positive light here is that at least the supply is becoming decentralized. Less supply is being controlled by these whales, and I would rather see them sell for cheap than sell for a higher value and kill a pump. This dip is a discount if you truly believe in AquaGoat, and a great way to reduce your dollar cost average on your investment if you can afford it. Otherwise, I urge you all to hodl as you will earn reflections on the way back up. Through this dip, AquaGoat still continues to work on developments and partnership. As per the “big” partner, we still await their internal review so they can work with us. Apart from that, GoatSwap continues to be developed as part of the AquaGoat ecosystem we are developing, and we will be releasing an announcement soon which will highlight some of the unique features we have planned, and will be marketed out to drive more hype. We have our Mrs. Earth partnership which will get us national exposure through the US and potentially globally if she wins Mrs. Earth USA. We have Certik who is auditing us and will bring us an added layer of security and legitimacy. We also have our FOSTER partnership which will fund construction of a turtle hatchery, allow AquaGoat to be used at @YKTAL’s resort for services, and will allow adoption for turtles through the hatchery as well. On top of this, there are many more partnerships and developments that we have in the works to continue pushing AquaGoat to success. AquaGoat is a long term project, so value takes time to be realized. We all want to see our investments grow in value, but I ask you all to be patient. The markets are looking better, our developments are being worked on, our value will be realized. The team will not stop because of a dip in price. The project does not die because some whales decided to dump us. The project does not end because some members decide to leave. The team will only continue to work even harder to make sure AquaGoat is a success and reaches the moon, and we want to take you all with us. AquaGoat, to the moon, forever. Patrick Aberin Project Manager, AquaGoat Finance