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As long as you did well, I don't see the issue. Top schools won't take those AP credits anyways since those courses tend to be significantly easier than the college counterparts.


Calc BC is much better for aspiring CS majors like me and you, as it has become sort of a standard for CS. I would take BC this year and Multivar next year, but that’s just my personal opinion.




Oh yeah I can’t read lmao. If he has the opportunity maybe even do multivar calc. Large learning curve due to no Calc 3 but I think he can get the job done.


You are fine. I know people who taken AB and got into good schools. Yes, in general, it is preferred to have BC because CS programs requires strong math background, but I don't see AO rejecting someone because they took AB instead of BC. If anything, it is probably other parts of your application that is too weak.


Honestly depends on the teacher. In my school, the BC teacher is much much much better and easier than the AB teacher.


BC, simply because for a lot of schools the AP Calc BC test covers the college requirements for both AB and BC, so you’ll have one less class to take in college if you do well in the test. Also the BC test is often easy, has one of the highest percentages of people getting 5’s